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Not Going Back


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Today is the last day of the fall semester.  Registration for the spring semester has already begun, but I've decided I'm not going back this semester.  I'm not going to register for classes in the spring, probably not going back this summer either.  I don't know about the fall of '10 yet.


My parents aren't too happy with me. :D

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Kind of.  Still have my parents to deal with. :D


But in general, not having to worry about scheduling and homework and all that is a huge load off my chest, yeah. ;D Plus I'm going to work full-time now so maybe I can move out faster too. ;)  Living with my parents/family has been nothing but tense since I turned 18.  It's only getting worse, too.


So are you planning on never going back?  Taking a break is fine, sometimes you need it.  I've actually been away from my college for almost a whole year now because I got depressed during my junior year and my grades started suffering tremendously.  College isn't for everyone but you seem smart and would probably benefit greatly from it imo.


A lot of people who take a break from college never end up going back, so be careful if that is what you're planning.


Meesh how long have you been going, was this your first semester? Also where were you going?


Well enjoy the break, hopefully you achieve what you're looking for.


I think that is a very brave decision to make. Whilst I can see where some are coming from, going to school is not the be all and end all. Some jobs you get you may find they train you in more practical ways that means you can get on just as well. I have done well for myself and I left school at 18. (it's a slightly different system as you can leave at 16 here). However I have done various bits of training that I would have have done at college and I feel more confident because of that in my work life.


Saying that I'm hoping to do a Business mandagement Diploma next September if I can get the job to approve most of the spending. So it can happen at anytime, when you feel you want to do more.


At the end of the day, your health is more important. Always keep your options open, but be true to yourself, which I have no doubt that you will do.


*big hugs Meesh*



You don't need school! I dropped out years ago and never regretted it once! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I can drink more beer than any of the guys down at the factory!


But on a serious note - breaks can be good and sometimes they are just what you need. But don't forget that going back just gets harder as you get older. Once you move out, its all about bills, bills, bills, and that leaves little time for school. Take a break, but commit to when you are going to go back to make sure that it happens. You're too smart to put yourself at a disadvantage like that in the workplace.


All of the guys have given you very good advice, just to throw in my two cents, think very carefully about it, you don't want to do something you regret. At the risk of sounding cliched, its a decision that may literally affect your whole life ahead of you. Make sure you play your cards right  ;)


Wow...thanks so much for all your input and advice, guys!  You've given me a lot to think about...


@Wombat--I don't really know what my plan is, right now.  I don't think that realistically I should give up on school completely, but I don't know where I'm going to be by next fall either.  So, for now, I'm calling it a break, with plans to go back at some point.


@Al Jenn--This was my first semester of college.  I was taking classes at the local community college.  Well, 2 classes at the center and 2 Anytime/Anywhere classes online, anyway.  I've found that I do better with classes in-person, so I'm going to remember that for the future, but I had a terrible semester in all my classes.  Mostly because I got stressed out and overwhelmed and depressed and I just kept feeling bad about myself. Started falling behind in my classes, and couldn't get caught up.  If I were to go back next semester, I'd change from full-time to part-time, but just thinking about taking classes again freaks me out right now.

I did average through high school, except my senior year.  Senior year, I had mono, and I think that scarred me.  I didn't know I had mono until after I'd graduated, so the whole year I just thought that I didn't care about school anymore.  It's scary to be so apathetic without knowing why.  I was late for school every single day, I stopped trying in my classes, and I barely passed some of them.  The first and only term I've EVER gotten below a 3.0 GPA was during my senior year.  I took a year-long break after I graduated, because I was sick of school.

  I was planning on transferring to a 4-year college for next year, originally.  Then I decided to get my associates degree at Kirkwood and THEN go to a 4-year college.  Now I just don't know what the heck I'm doing. :D


@Talya--You do bring up good points.  You actually reminded me of another option; I could skip getting a full degree and go to a vocational school or get certified for something...  Basically doing school but entirely job-oriented and a lot quicker to get through than getting a bachelor's degree.  Heh, that's just something I was reminded of.  But yes, I do know there are other options for jobs and stuff without getting a degree.  It takes work, but it's possible, so I'm not going to be ruling anything out.


@DPR--First of all...I think I'm going to be surprised every time I see you post here! :D  Secondly, I appreciate your advice.  It makes sense that making a commitment now and figuring out when I'm going back (assuming that's my plan) will help me when it comes to actually going back.  I hadn't thought about it like that before, so I do really appreciate it.


@Rey--*nods* You don't really sound cliched, and even if you did, my stance on cliches hasn't changed at all since I was in high school (CLICHES ROCK! :D).  You have a good point, though.  This isn't fun and games, this is real life, and my future.  DPR's advice about committing to when I'm going back, and your comment about this possibly affecting my whole life, made me realize that since I'm going through with this, I need to be organized about it, and actually think and plan what I want for myself.


I just wish I didn't hate being responsible so much, you guys. *hugs*




yes, im back lol. and pale......i don;t like this "philisophical" part of you. Bury it. Bury it deep and dont let it back out.

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