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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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and you are rather reluctant to comment on wombat. maybe its not mcm and wombat, but you and wombat............?!>!!>!>!




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I think LZM is just trying to save his neck.


I think Pale is the godfather.


I don't know who trust between meercatman and wombat. My suspicions lean towards wombat a bit, but then again meercatman has been lurking...


That is all.


Zep, what would gloating have to do with not commenting on Meercat's claim?  Absolutely nothing.  Also, your first reason...doesn't make sense. "In the case that I would need to claim my role to disabuse mcm's statement."  That is exactly what the case was.  You had the perfect opportunity to step forward and claim miller to prove that Meercat was lying, but you didn't take it.  Instead, you claimed miller later when you had a couple votes on you.  Miller is so easy to claim, because then if someone views you you have a convenient excuse.


I don't believe you and your reasons-that-aren't-really-reasons-and-don't-make-sense.  If you are town, you are acting way anti-town at a time when we can't afford it.  You claim to care about the game, and I believe you now.  You just don't care about the town.


I can't hammer you because Pale unvoted, but you're back at L-1.




**edit new**

Holy cow, Pale and Zep look like a team working together if I've ever seen one.


Zep, Rey is a confirmed innocent.  You're getting desperate.


nope, just getting mad.


how the hell would claiming miller have done any good in the mcm case? huh. none whatsoever. my reasons make perfect sense, you just don't understand them cuz you blinded. i was gloating, something i don't often get to do, and second, miller role is a shitty ass role where no good can come from it. your logic makes absolutely no sense.


I don't understand your logic either.


Meercat says you targeted Lily for a night action.  Millers can't do that unless they have a second role.  If you had said "I'm a miller and couldn't have targeted Lily for a night action," right away, that would've helped us decide whether or not MCM was lying.  I fail to see what's so hard to understand about that, honestly.  And I'm not the only one who understands my logic, so maybe you're the one that makes no sense.


Maybe your reasons made sense but I couldn't understand what you were trying to say.  Try rephrasing your reasons.  Gloating does not make sense.  Why in the hell would gloating be acceptable when it does nothing for the Town, hm?  If it interferes with your pro-town participation, then any good Townie would just cut it out.  Town comes first, Zep.  Not self.


yeah, and if i had said, hey, im a miller and mcm is lying, then the logical thing for the town to do was to lynch me. Which at this point of the game would cause a loss for the town. claiming miller = automatic lynch.

I think Pale is the godfather.

Well Lily can view me tonight then and confirm my innocence, but that won't happen if we choose the wrong person.

Holy cow, Pale and Zep look like a team working together if I've ever seen one.

Any proof of this? I have no problem being the hammer vote, after i hear what meercatman says.


Then why didn't you claim Miller earlier? Knowing the precarious situation we were in and still are in, maybe less confusion earlier on would have helped? Maybe your reveal would have created a WIFOM for the mafia - who should they nk, the miller, the confirmed innocent (me), the healer, the finder, etc?


You left it too late. And I don't trust you.



No comment Pale?


You and LZM planning what to say before appearing on thread?

I don't type fast. you trrying to catch clouds?




Dont give me that rubbish.


Rey, its been Lylo since i jumped in for wolfie. why would i do that if the stakes were so high for the town? That is just stupid


Rey, its been Lylo since i jumped in for wolfie. why would i do that if the stakes were so high for the town? That is just stupid


If you don't get it, I'll explain again.


If you had revealed earlier on that you were the miller, then you'd have a) looked less suspicious and b) made life harder for the mafia with regards to who they should nk.


And no, we haven't been "lylo since I jumped in for Wolfie". It was a lot less complicated then, without all the reveals.


Yeah, cuz you know that's what the town would've done. ::)


Zep, that makes no sense.  I wouldn't have seen it as logical to lynch you if you claimed miller and said MCM is lying, not this late in the game.  I doubt most other people would've, either.  You're grasping at straws.


**edit new**

Exactly what Rey said--you left it too late.  The lynching block at LyLo isn't the place to claim miller.  Especially if you claim that claiming miller is an automatic lynch for you.  You wouldn't have claimed at all, by that logic.


Pale, no I don't have proof.  "You look like you're working together" isn't the sort of thing that needs proof--it's an opinion. ::)


And what can Meercat say, Pale, honestly?  "Oh, I'm lying?" No, he's said all he really can, Pale.


Okay, Zep, that makes more sense, but you ended up claiming miller anyway.  Again, that contradicts your own logic.


Okay, I hope my damn computer will go faster this time so I can actually post something.

No, I don't know that, Pale.


@rey, ask meesh, she knows i dont type fast.


You posted:

Reply #783 on: Today at 10:59:07 PM

Then I did, then you again at:

Reply #785 on: Today at 11:00:44 PM


A pretty fast post.


oh wow lol, did it not occur to your smaller brain pans that i might have come to the understanding that im not getting out of this lynch? That this is a last ditch effort to win this for the town? do the freakin math. you lynch me, you lose the game. that is then your faults, your loss.


I know if it was me meesh, if someone claimed miller, that person was getting my vote. So i left it too late for self preservation reasons, you should be able to understand that, unless its too incomprehensible for you guys.


And like i said, since i hopped in this game, the attitude was that it was LyLo. Which claiming my role would have done absolutely no good for the town. The reasoning behind that i don't think i need to explain again.


Pale, Rey, arguing over typing speed is pointless.


Zep, I just don't get why A) you have to insult our intelligence just because we don't agree with you and B) WHY you'd vote someone who claimed miller.  In some cases that makes sense, but it should all depend on the circumstances.  If that person has done nothing but help the town and sounds sincere and has a reason to reveal (like with MCM's claim), you shouldn't have to lynch that person.  If it just came out of the blue with no provocation and the person could be scum or innocent really, then I can understand maybe wanting to lynch them.


And like i said, since i hopped in this game, the attitude was that it was LyLo. Which claiming my role would have done absolutely no good for the town. The reasoning behind that i don't think i need to explain again.


My italics.


Claiming your role WOULD have done good for the town. For the 3rd time: if you had claimed earlier, then a WIFOM would have been created for the mafia's NK. What that means is you would have made life DIFFICULT for them, if your claim was true or not.




I hope you're right on this, since you and meesh were so sure that meercat was scum at the beginning of the day.


So do I, so do I.


Meercatman gave a reasonable defence of himself.


no, it would have done absolutely no good rey, you might be wililng to let a self proclaimed miller living, but most people would not.


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