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Whoever made your site is most evil...


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Being a good new member that I am I decided to read up on the org from your site.  Yet you can't just roll over a topic and then move your mouse down to a subtopic... noooooo it disappears....  Everytime I clicked Information About the Org and then tried to see something under it the menu would close!  I found the way to do it was trick the site.... I would pretend I was off doing something else... like singing the praises of FDM (pretending yo) and then I would rush back to the Information About the Site and quickly hit a sub section before the site could laugh at me (btw the laugh sounds like a manly Canuki). 

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Go to the SG page that has all the points.


Go to information about...


Roll over it and try to hit one of the sub categories.. like Org or Factions...


Unless you have bunny like reflexes... move down with the mouse REAL fast it wont let you roll over any of the sub categories...


Now maybe that is because I am using IE... but I am at work and that is all I can use. 


Anyway, it is evil.

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