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Couldn't Resist


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I understand all that you are saying Meesh. I am not a member of a JCCLDS my self, but there is one in my town.

Should really be CJCLDS. :P ;)


Oh, and guys, my "crying" was totally fake and sarcastic. ;)  I wasn't even mildly upset. :D  When people say things that aren't true about my religion, it doesn't bug me as long as they'll listen if I explain what the truth of the matter is.  I only get upset when people refuse to listen or say they're more right about my own religion than I am.  Or if they're really contemptuous about the whole thing.


I've never had a pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ.

And I used to like pumpkin pie but I've hated it for years now.


Like this one guy

I heard him telling a "Mormon" that he was an idiot for thinking that if he was good enough when he hide that he would become God of his own planet. I'm pretty sure that is not one of their beliefs.


I suppose in the world's view I am religious, but I don't really like that word.  I just prefer to call myself a Christian: a follower of Christ and the Bible.


On a side note, one time my brother and I went to DQ and he wanted to get the most weird thing on the menu so we got what they called (if I remember correctly) a cherry cheesequake.  We spent the next half hour making jokes about it. :D


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