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Heads up! Holidays are fast approaching!


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Fail to plan, Plan to fail!


That's a good rule to keep in mind as the holidays approach us!  :)That's not to say that spontinaity isn't great!  LOL  Sometimes the best things are spontaneous!


We(Council) have been talking about the Holidays coming up.  We seem to always get really busy, have lots going on, and kind of do things, not at the last minute, but right up to the minute!  So we thought we would through this out the all of the Kin to discuss.


Adopt a Kinster

We started the  Adopt a Kinster program last year in our December plans.  It was a disorganized, really developed as we went along and for all that, turned out pretty well!  A Kin Paypal account was set up as an ongoing account, that anyone could contribute to at anytime.  Now I have no idea what our balance is as of today, however, I doubt it is very high.  The idea of setting up to exist year around, was so money could be donated year around, instead of asking for contributions in the money crunch of the holidays!  Part of the problem is that I havn't been reminding all of you on a regular basis..and for that I apologize!


We still have time!  :)  If as many of us that can, would deposit even $5.00 dollars a month until December, we would have a really good fund to draw from.  Possibly even enough to help a couple people!  I know with our economy money is tight for everyone!  I think of it this way...five dollars would be like skipping Starbucks for a coffee, or having a fast food meal instead of bothering to cook a meal!  That could be a toy for a kid instead of satisfying my gluttony!  Not a bad trade off!


I will have Lor post a reminder here of how our paypal account works.  And your donation is annonomous..except to Lor.  She is the accountant of the Kin!  So five dollars, twenty dollars...whatever you can give can help one of our Kin family members!



We usually have an exchange in September, October and December.  In September, originally, we had disaster relief, brought about by Katrina.  Since then, we really haven't done that.  This year with Twinnie Sock Day..we had thought of having a Sock exchange.  Perhaps, we could focus on Adopt a Kinster, and/or have a sock exchange?

In October we celebrate Halloween and the Fall!  We also have our traditional Trick or Treat exchange.  November We normally do not have an exchange, because of the approaching holidays and the NANO event.  Last year we did send out care packages to the members of the Kin participating in NANO!  Finally, we come to December.  We have our Secret Santa exchange and a Christmas Card exchange.  Most of us also have exchanges...cookies, ornaments, cards in most of the other Orgs we belong too!  It can be overwhelming!


As far as September and November, those are pretty well staying the same!  Last year, only five people participated in the Trick or Treat Exchange. 


The question is:  Would it help to get the names for the Halloween and the Christmas exchanges earlier?


We could sign up and get our exchange buddies for Halloween in September, lord knows that the Halloween/Fall stuff is already in the stores!  LOL!  If that would be a help, we can do that, or we can leave it at signing up at the beginning of October.


The bigger concern is Christmas.  We really hate when our Kin family can't participate for whatever reason! Usually the biggest being money and time! With the economy today, we figure budgets will be much tighter this year.  IF we would draw our names now, like September, that would give folks time to make something, time to keep your eye open for sales for a gift, and time to budget!  This also gives people the TIME to be involved and get things mailed!  ;)


Also..would you like a general theme for the exchange?  Sometimes we have had one and other times not!  How about a price limit?


I don't know that the card exchange would be a big deal...usually we exchange with two or three other people. 


We would really like to hear what you guys have to say and think about this!  We WANT to hear what you feel and have to say! 


So...what do you say?  Hmmm?

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I think starting this early is a good idea, at least give people time to both save up and find something nice.


One thing I am always struggling with though, is figuring out what to get for somemone. And I admit, I'm a bit too lazy to go reading the whole threads on who's who and what they're hobbies are and such more. I keep planning to, but I keep forgetting or when I remember then im not in the mood to read a lot or it's always something.  :-\


I'm going to be rather tight on budget myself too, so I'm not sure how extravagant I can get on this. I have been donating to the Kin Fund over the year, though. Not on a monthly basis, but still. And I will again beginning next month. But I have major bills coming up in September too, so I need to be carefull what I promise or commit to.

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Well I can't forsee us being able to put anything into fund, but I do know that I should be able to in March, which of course is after the holidays. *G* I don't know about the exchanges yet, but I hope to save enough to do at least the Halloween one, which is my favorite holiday. *crosses fingers*

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*nods listening*


well mystikins...do you have a suggestion of how to know what to get anyone?  I mean we could do a wish list..but then you'd have to read it..or have everyone submit one to me and i could pm it to you....still have to read it..but not scroll through a thread...? Or maybe a specific theme or topic?


and Jade...contributing anytime to the Fund is good!  Starting next month, part of our monthly activities will be a reminder to contribute as you can..and Lor will be posting a reminder of  how to!


And one of the reasons we brought this up is because most everyone is having to watch thier finance's closely!  Hopefully with planning ahead this will help!  Would a spending limit be helpful? 

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I don't think we need a spending limit. We all know that money is tight and not to go overboard.  :) Exchanges have usually been small tokens or gifts that can be picked up fairly cheaply, so it's not like we all spend a ton on them other than maybe at Christmas.


I'd love to have the extra time. It's so much easier to get a couple of things one month and something else the next and still have time to make the mailing deadlines.


I'll definitely do the Christmas ones and I'll be happy to throw something into the Kin Fund but that will be all unless it's a card exchange. I'd much rather do one than try to do them all.  :)

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Twintwin, I know I'm a pain in the ass sometimes love, so nevermind me. There are a couple of ways, but that would include someone keeping tabs on things and updating lists and whatnot and that would be way too much work and the Light knows you do more than your fare share around here already. So forget what I said, the wishlists that we have are good enough and I should get my lazy bum to reading them. *nods firmly to self in mirror*



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holds up a mirror behind mysty and nods at mysty nodding at mysty noticing manny looking at mysty nodding at mysty nodding at mysty and nods to himself in satisfaction while looking at mysty nodding at mysty nodding at mysty noticing manny.

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*twaps manny and laughs*


Mystie you are not a pain in anything!  and I do pay attention to you because you have great ideas and insights!  I'd love to hear your ideas!  It could be someone might want to to that for us!  *grins*  and everyone does what they need to be doing around here..lol!  I'm just more vocal!


And as to the spending limit I agree with Tay...although some people are more comfortable having a boundry to use as a guide!  *smiles*  But she is right, we all knot ww that money is tight and our gifting is expressions of love and friendship!


and as always the exchanges are the ones you want to be in!  The only one I really want to "push"  so to speak is the Kin fund.  I got to thinking about it, there are about 35 members in the Kin..if only 20 of us gave $5.oo a month..that would be $100.00!  That would be amazing!  In the four months till Chirstmas, we could raise $400.00!  and ultimatly only twenty dollars a person..that you prolly wouldn't notice the absence of at five a month!  *grins we could do alot with that amount!  Please keep that in mind!


Ok I'm hearing yes...lets get a jumpstart on the holidays then!  We could have the sighn ups for the Halloween and Christmas exchanges for the month of September..and maybe the card signups in November? 

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Well I guess we have pretty much answered this about the holidays...*grins*  But now a new question?


In the August checkin thread..we are listing things we'd like to study, which inspired me to think that having a Workshop on some of those topics would be really cool...lead by any of you!!


Anyone think this would work and be kind of a cool, fun, groovy, far out and funky thing we could do?

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kind of..


I think we would actually have  a sign up for a workshop the month before it was held, like say the first two weeks of the month. That way whoever was giving it would know if there was anyone interested and if the folks involved needed any supplies they would have time to get them.


Of course when the workshop was being posted and going on, anyone can lurk and join in and post..as long as it isn't Spam or distracting from the topic.


I've already had some PM's about how to do a workshop..so hows about I post a general "How To" the first couple weeks of September..then if anyone wants to they can offer a workshop for october?

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