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The KOD 'Deathgate/Up Axes' Scene The Coolest/Best Battle Scene in WOT Ever!

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That is my opinion. I didn't post this though because its my opinion; I posted it because after all the years of reading and following and enjoying this community, I have always and continuously been shocked by the lack of mention here about this scene being the greatest extended fight in the entire series. I don't believe its my opinion just because its the most recent either. Im rereading and have gone back to earlier books and I still feel this way - by far, though other battle scenes certainly are worthy contenders...such as:


1 Well, take your pick from FOH...it has a bad rap for bing boring, but from a military aspect it is fascinating. Mat's first battles with what would become the Band and Rand stalking through the palace after Rahvin...


2 The fight scenes in the Two Rivers in SR come to mind as do the scenes with the Seanchan at the end of POD, as well as the 'Falme' scenes in TGH.


But, for me, nothing beats the pure awesomness of 'Blossoms of Fire', 'Deathgates' and of course, "Up Axes!" - which gave me chills.


Thanks for discussion.





Deepak...wow, yeah, bust have been brain-freezing badly when i posted my examples...The Wells, at the end of LOC, is only possibly my most reread and favorite part of the whole series (arguably).


And, yes, for the sake of length, I would rate it Number 1 in the eleven books so far. The Deathgate Battle is KOD is a very brief few pages...maybe I should say that among the more brief battles in the series, nothing compares to this imo.


I liked the Battle of Emonds Field with Perrin in TSR. I love how it was exactly like when Manetheren fell, the exact spot and everything, but it was like a change of ending like what would have happened if Manetheren's allies came to help them.


My favorite fight scene has to be Dumais Wells as well, no two ways about it; it really shows you just how little a chance a non-channeler army has against trained channelers.


The Cleansing I like more for other reasons.


This and Dumai's Well's were definitely the 2 best battles in the whole series.  This for the single reason that tens of thousands of trollocs and myrdraal were slaughtered in a few pages by Rand, Logain, a few Asha'man and a few Aes Sedai.  Dumai's Wells for the obvious reasons.  "Asha'man, KILL!!"



I love the deathgate / up axes scene, too. Not only because the ogier get into it, but because I really think Rand and Lews Therin need to learn to work together if they are going to defeat the dark one, and we get a good taste of what is to come, in this scene.  LOVE when Lews Therin shows Rand new weaves, and all the ashamen think Rand has been holding out on them, "When were you going to show us this?"


Padraic...Optimus Prime...Thanatos...Cherise...


Padraic, i was still a very young man when I first read the Emond's Field scenes in TSR and i was totally captivated...they were, by far - to that point - the deepest moments in the series.


OP, Yep, Dumai's Wells will always be classic, and I loved the Cleansins too, though, like you, for different reasons...for some reasons The Cleansing scenes are where i finally had to admit to myself that i did indeed like Nynaeve...and it was touching how clear Rand was about the fact that Nyn was one of the few people left in the world who Rand still trusted.


Thanatos...Yes, these two scenes the best n my opinion...i just don't compare them into each other because of the massive difference in length...The Deathgates Battle is SO AWESOME and INTENSE, in part, because of how quickly its all over, imo.


Cherise, yeah, its just the coolest, i agree. The Ogier running through the halls with their axes, so chilling...Seeing what LTT/Rand did with the Blossoms of Fire and the Deathgates were maybe the most pure 'Bada$$' moments in the series, imo...it was also where i had the scary thought that, from a sanity standpoint, that the Channelers working for the Light may be better off if Logain was in charge and not Rand...

- Fish.







I think this scene proves that LTT really IS inside Rand's head. I think the forsaken are lying to Rand when they tell Rand this means Rand is insane. The forsaken don't want Rand to let LTT teach Rand any more cool weaves.


I wish Rand would just accept LTT's help and teaching and quit worrying about if hearing LTT's voice means Rand is insane.


Min did see a glorious halo over Logain, so Logain will yet have a part to play. It will be fun to see what that is.


Cherise, im with you...i do not and never have thought LTT to be a product of any insanity on Rand's part.


Do i think Rand is the most stable fellow around? Of course not. I think hes far along the edge, but i don't think he is 'insane' in terms of hearing voices. LTT is real. I have never understood the debate. I mean, the reader was already made privy to the fact that LTT is real long beforehand anyway.


As for Logain...id like to see him get a chance...hes the posterboy for 'overshadowed' ...(rand, taim etc...)


Not very original of me, but I too think Dumais Wells is my favorite battle scene.  It is the just in time entrance of Perrin's forces, the jaw dropping Ashaman, the breaking out of Rand.  It really is incredible, and masterfully written.


I do really like the TSR Two Rivers battle scenes though.  They are completely different than Dumais Wells though.  The Wells is a battle which makes you go "Wow!" where Two Rivers is a battle that makes you empathize with the Two Rivers folk, and you can imagine yourself being in their position, there fighting with them protecting your family, friends, and neighbors.


Both really incredible battle scenes, for completely different reasons.


LTT is real. That being said, he is still a voice in Rand's head. We can assume that left to his own devices with no channeling, Rand would not have heard LTT in his head. He is insane. For more info go to "Moiranes Role in the new books", we having a big talk about it in there.


Thanks Padraic - ive seen some of the famous debates on this subject going on here for years...ive just never believed in it being an 'either-or' deal...and MANY on BOTH sides of the debate here have fallen into the 'either-or' category...almost like, regardless of which side they believed, they were willfully drinking the kool-aid Semirahge was handing out and just twisting it for their side.


I don't think she was lying, but ive never liked how Semirhage presented her analysis in KOD.


I think they can be very separate from each other and don't HAVE to be interlinked or mean one thing or the other.


LTT is real. Rand hears the voice of LTT. - These facts don't have to be a part of Rand's insanity - or effects of the taint for that mattter.


Rands not the most stable guy around and i highly doubt that just removing LTT's voice from his head is going to make Rand the posterboy for Mental Health...


To sum up what has always been my position on this:


1 Yes, there exist such things as effects from the Taint.


2 Yes, Rand hears the voice of LTT in his head.


3 Yes, LTT is real.


4 Yes, Rand is insane.


...No, none of these 4 facts necessarily have to have anything at all to do with each other or any of the other 4 things listed...


Yes, each of the 4 facts i listed CAN and DO work independantly of the other 3...


My view.












I'd have to say my favourite battle was the Cleansing, the way it was done with lots of little skirmishes, showing the torment that Rand and Nynaeve went through, and ultimately because its the single biggest strike that Rand has made at the shadow thusfar. Far more damaging than even killing Forsaken who stay dead I think.


While I totally love all of the scenes mentioned, another one of my favorite battle scenes has to be the Seanchan War, or as I call it "The 100 Page War," in PoD. I find that battle to be so big, and have so many different PoVs all over and from every possible perspective, that it always makes me immediately remember that Jordan was a Vietnam vet. He does such a good job of making you feel like a grunt during that battle as though you're on the ground with the troops. He does a great job of showing the miscommunication among ranks, the insanity of Rand, and the desolation after the war is over. That battle, I think, is our best window into what I imagine much of TG will look like. You all may disagree but I love PoD and that War was amazing to me.


Oh your right, I do like that battle too. I seem to have forgotten it because of the much shinier battles like with The Band, Dumai's Wells, and Perrins "Two Rivers Campaign".

(P.S. Did anyone else smile when they read that young officer from Mayene talking to Perrin about his "Two Rivers Campaign" haha)


Rand is not insane.  Rand is just overstressed.  Why is that when he has a major problem with killing women and keeping the list, he is presumed to be insane?  He is just very stubborn about accepting the inevitable fact that you are gonna have to let go of the dead and move on.  Remember at the end of the New Springs when Lan told Moirraine to "say a prayer for the dead and move on."?


As for the coolest battle scene, I would say the swordfight between Tumak and Rand at the end of The Great Hunt.  However the coolest war scene would be the Battle of the Two Rivers.  It was a damn close thing and the vivid description made me feel I was there.


ya i have to agree "up axes" is my fave also  ;D

i would put the cleansing up there also  ;)

and i definately have to put the trolloc attack on Edmond's Field up there too  8)

I think this scene proves that LTT really IS inside Rand's head.
We knew that already. Rand is still mad, though.

If I were to rank my favourites strictly based on the description of the battle, I would probably go


1. Cairhien. Especially Mats part.

2. The Cleansing.

3. The campaign against Seanchan in POD. By far the most realistic battle in the books. 


The trolloc attack in KOD...Cool to see LTT spring into action with some awesome new weaves, but it was so obvious from the start how the actual battle would end. The big worry there was that LTT might do something crazy.


Dumais Wells...I like it much more because of the chills I got when Taim uttered his infamous 'Asha'man kill!'. That was a true 'I have a bad feeling about this' moment.


This is a pretty kewl question.  I have to agree that the KOD's / 100K trolloc battle was probably my favorite.  Primarily given the #'s & size of the battle and because Rand and his power were key to the scene. 


I think my 2nd favorite battle scene would have to be the battle at Shadar Logoth.  Granted, it mainly involved the One Power, but what a show down.  The detail / descriptions elicited a huge scale... every channeler on the map knew something BIG was going down.


I would then rank TFoH battle for Cairhien and then Dumai's wells. 


NOTE:  The scenes that involved rand have always been my favorite.  Two of my favorite were when he unleashed the lighning construct that swept through the Stone and took out all the Trollocs that were standing was awesome.  I also got chills when he grabbed Callondor in the Hills of Ebou Dar and unleashed all kinds of hell on the Seanchan and even his own people. 


Get's your pulse racing just thinking about these things. 


Rand is not insane.  Rand is just overstressed.  Why is that when he has a major problem with killing women and keeping the list, he is presumed to be insane?  He is just very stubborn about accepting the inevitable fact that you are gonna have to let go of the dead and move on. 


Yes! You put this very well.   


To those who think Rand is insane, remember, Rand is very young, and has had to take on more responsibility than you or I can even imagine. It is totally understandable if he gets stressed out once in awhile.  But those are the exceptional times. For the most part he still makes rational decisions.


Go Rand!


Rand is not insane.  Rand is just overstressed.  Why is that when he has a major problem with killing women and keeping the list, he is presumed to be insane?  He is just very stubborn about accepting the inevitable fact that you are gonna have to let go of the dead and move on. 


Yes! You put this very well.   


To those who think Rand is insane, remember, Rand is very young, and has had to take on more responsibility than you or I can even imagine. It is totally understandable if he gets stressed out once in awhile.  But those are the exceptional times. For the most part he still makes rational decisions.


Go Rand!


To those who think Rand is sane, look at the review of the Gathering Storm thats here on Dragonmount. Without going into detail, one of the main issues of the book is Rands insanity. There are some very vague spoilers, but none of which are specific enough to give anything real away.


I just dont understand how people can think someone doesnt have any mental issues, when we see Rand do things without realising, things he didnt want to do. Remember when Taim gave Rand the seal, and before Rand knew it he was about to break it? If that isnt insanity (a form of insanity, not the everyday loopiness) then I might as well declare that I am insane because things like that do not happen to me.


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