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Guest Cealestis alDyren

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Guest Cealestis alDyren

Hi everyone :)


I would like to join this Org! It looks like a lot of fun and I can't wait to explore and get involved.


See you around!



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*pouncetackles the Cea* Welcome to the most relaxed org on the whole of DM!!!


Now, carefull though.... they're going to smother you with the Nice! They're evil, I tell ya'. Nice left, nice right and nice all over the place. We even have Miss Nice right here *points to Twintwin*


Don't say I didn't warn ya' ;)

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Welcome to the Kin, Cealestis  :D *hugs and pokes with red needle*


Jump right in on the threads. Our Elegant Eldest, Lor will be by soon to do all the official stuff.  ;)

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Guest Cealestis alDyren

Hi Taymist and thank you! I'm exploring everything calmly, you'll see me posting here and there! ^_^

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Welcome to the Kin, Cealestis! There is all sorts of fun going around here.



I'm Torrie! 28 year old mom of 2. You just missed the Disney month and our Birthday month but now it is National Joke month! Feel free to jump in anywhere and once you get added to the usergroup you will be able to see more Boards.


If you need anything we are all just a PM away.

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Guest Cealestis alDyren

aww man, did I miss the Disney month? That sucks - I love disney :p


Maybe I should introduce myself too:


I'm Cea, 19 years old (birthday is September 2), and I'm from the Netherlands. I study Psychology - I'm a first year so right now it's still very general. Next year, which starts in September, I'll start with clinical psychology... I love to read, watch movies and tv shows (my favorites are Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Dexter, Desperate Housewives), I love to listen to music. I also knit, sew, and do a lot of other crafty stuff. Eh... Otherwise... I've a boyfriend... Other than that I'm not really all that interesting :P

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Its great to meet you. I just joined the Kin a few months back and have loved every minute of it. You are better than me for studying Psychology. I have a hard enough time in my own head. Lol


What kind of crafty stuff do you do?





Feel free to post a joke a few threads down.

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Guest Cealestis alDyren



It doesn't get any easier if you study Psychology, take my word  ;D It's a nice thing to study though, it's very interesting!


So the crafting... I used to paint and draw a lot but I don't do that very much anymore somehow. I make jewelry (and make an attempt to selling it too, actually ;p). And I sew and knit, though I don't knit at the moment, since it's such a... winterly activity :p

Yeah I think that's it  ::)

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... and tv shows (my favorites are Battlestar Galactica, Heroes...)


You're going to fit right in here Cea! I love Heroes and if I recall correctly Lor and Horn are massive BG fans.  :)

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Hi Cea!  *hugs and pokes and showers in Daisy's*


I'm twinnie!!  Welcome to the Kin and yes you'll fit right in!  We are all head cases... ;)  be sure once Lor sashes you and gives you the official welcome to get your birthday on the birhday list!  *Grins*  I'm september 4th and we have lots of september folks!


Yup BG fans are here..and also lots of crafty folks!  LOL! Actually almost all of us do something creative!  Torrie is right..jump into any thread and pm any questions you have..or ask them right here!  Most anyone can answer stuff about us!


As Mystie said, we are a relaxed group and spend our time having fun together, chatting and being one big family!  And don't worry love...we'll have a Disney month again in the next year! *winks*  in the meantime...there is still lots to do, afterall..It is ANTI BOREDOM month!  lol!

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Hey there! 


*grins and wraps a blue sash around Cea's hips, then kisses both cheeks*


Welcome to the Kin!





And I love BSG! I think the premise of Caprica is horrible and I'm glad they're putting it on DVD and not making me watch it on TV (Because I wouldn't be able to ignore it on tv...). *grins* I'm Lor, btw! We are a crazy little bunch of folks, but I hope you'll like it, anyway. *grins* And Myst was right, if you're not careful, we'll nice you to death. It's scary, really...




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You all can now start the Total Devotion To The Myst immediately for bringing this FINE specimen to our lair, errrr dungeon, errrrrr elegant parlor! ;D


*awaits her rightfull show of lurve*

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Welcome, Cea.  This is a great place to hang out.  Fun, games, exchanges, and NO drama.


I'm an old lady of 46, surrounded by you children, and I read Sci-Fi and Fantasy and study history for fun, and someday a degree.  I am a historical reenactor and make historical clothing.  And I come here to give and receive unconditional love.


Glad you're here.

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Guest Cealestis alDyren

*strokes her new blue sash lovingly* Thank you Lor, I'm very happy to be here :D


I'm a huge BSG fan, I'm actually watching it for the second time now ::) My boyfriend *has* to have seen it too. And he doesn't want to watch it alone... Well, I seriously don't mind watching it again :P So we've just finished the 2nd season!


And I actually liked Caprica - although I fell asleep during the first hour... I did really like the last part :P. But they don't broadcast any shows here anyway (they're still repeating A-team and the like). Boo!


And hi to you too, Ursula! Thank you for your nice welcome. Ah, so you sew clothing? :D I'm a newbie to sewing, and currently working on my second project - and I love it!!


*snuggles Mystica* You nut ^_^

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devil.gif mehehehe


*purrs like a hellkitten on a lazy day at the Pirate's petting*


As per usual, I have no idea what ya' talking about Manny, but could you pat a bit further down to the left please? ;D







*pokes her needle at her Taysis* What's he talking about? What black bread? OI! stop rummaging the new person! Get in here! poke.gif

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