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Shiny New Novice

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Hehe good... your house is a safe place then! I'm quite strange, I can't have any sharp pointy object facing me or others, even if it's just lying on a surface... don't ask why, I'm just a bit weird  ::)


I would never consider Aldi's house safe, Crystal. I mean, after all, he and his charm do live there.  ;)


Mashi, you scare me sometimes, but in a good way. We're way too much alike! I just prefer to hold back some and go slower. Antici...........pation and all that! (Yes, that was a Rocky Horror reference.... lol) Now that I've finally got Sam trained properly I'm ready to turn things up a notch with a certain Manshima, he goes AWOL on me. Grrrrr!



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That is true Lily, I think I would be in great trouble if I entered his home  ;) And I got that RH referance before I even saw the brackets lol, I love that bit... pure genius!


Mashi I honestly don't know where it came from... it's mostly price stickers I have a problem with... they make me feel pyshically sick to look at  :-\


I can see what you mean about swords they are pretty cool. Aldi I can't believe you have Heron Mark sword, that's so cool. If you go to the Doge's Palace in St Marks square in Venice, they have an awesome collection of blades, and other weaponry.



Lily, that's a good thing!  ;D Ooooh RH!!! I actually pictured the scene when I read it <--- dork

*snickers* Poor Sam, does he know what he's in for? :P


Tipps, mmm yes swords are pretty awesome. Price stickers? Hm... well that is a bit odd, but I supose we all have our quirks  ;)

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Poor Sam, does he know what he's in for? :P


He might, if he ever showed up again..... and there's nothing "poor" about Sam. He gives as good as he gets. That's what caught my attention in the first place. ;)




I would never consider Aldi's house safe, Crystal. I mean, after all, he and his charm do live there.  ;)


I don't know what on earth you could be talking about Lily.  I always take good care of the ladies who enter my house  ;)


I didn't say that there were a lot of ladies that enter my home, I was just saying that if by chance one does I take care of them by behaving like a perfect gentleman  ;D


Some people are insinuating things that infringe upon my honor *nods*

Well, shame on them. :P

*infringes on Al's honor too, but not too much, being a married woman and such* ;)


Well, shame on them. :P

*infringes on Al's honor too, but not too much, being a married woman and such* ;)


*clutches heart* Well I suppose I should not be too surprised madame. But feel free to infringe anytime  ;)

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I didn't say that there were a lot of ladies that enter my home, I was just saying that if by chance one does I take care of them by behaving like a perfect gentleman  ;D


Oh, he's a smooth one, this one is!


Well, gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. ::)  :P


Oh no, I'm not surprised that you're married, I was clutching my heart because I was hoping thinking that you weren't  ;)


Oh, he's a smooth one, this one is!


Smooth? Why whatever do you mean my dear Lily?  ;D  Btw, I still haven't received an invitation to someone's quarters even though I have board access now  ;)

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Who is supposed to invite you to their quarters? I have the memory of a turnip. Really. If it's one of us, we girls aren't allowed to have boys in our rooms. *bats eyelashes innocently*


Knows there is no rule against it


Ah, I see.  I though perhaps in the not so distant past you extended an invitation, but my memory seems to be failing as well.  Maybe the invitation was for Sam and not for me, he is the rulebreaker after all, not me *nods*


Aldi did you not catch the innocent way my sister just invited you? We really need to get you more trained.


Aldi did you not catch the innocent way my sister just invited you? We really need to get you more trained.


Are you talking about the extremely tiny font Minuet?  I like to play dumb sometimes, it seems to throw the girls off  ;D

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When even my sister misunderstands me, I know I'm having a bad day! *giggle* And today has sucked from beginning to end. Well, so far.


Aldi, darling, you're cute and all, but I don't think I invited you to my room, per se. Perhaps I invited you to my House or something. If anybody gets into my room any time soon, it will be the ever-adorable Sammypoo. And he's going to have to work for it! *giggle* When I posted that, I thought Mashi must have invited you to her room, actually, so the tiny font was for her.



Sheesh, Lily! You oughta shut up for the rest of the day....




I think you are correct Lily.  I received an invite from Mashi, I believe there was just some speculation as to the items you keep in your room.  That's not to say I'm still not curious as to what sorts of toys you keep under your bed, but I definitely would like to see Mashi's quarters  :)


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