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Another Tradition...Hey Claire

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Since you are head hancho around here now and have been at the site longer then i have i believe you should know what is coming next. So in honor of my return to DM.....



*steals Claires pudding and runs away and hides the pudding in Justen Diablos room*


*Cackles madly*



It's cookies!! You are suppose to steal cookies!!! *sheesh!*





Cookies? Who steals cookies?  This isn't a Lord of the Rings fansite for goodness sake we're better than that.


Now, to make my room look less conspicuous.  *picks up a book entitled How to steal the Amyrlin's pudding and make it look like Odilon did it*  Should probably burn this, though here in the Brown Ajah quarters isn't the place to do so. Damn book lovers. *eyes the book* it's a bit out of date too.  I'll hide it in my adjoining room where Paityr stays... no one will go in there.  I don't think anything else looks too suspicious. Though I better remind these White Tower novi why I'm so beloved.  *puts on his 'I saved the White Tower and single-handedly rescued the Amyrlin Seat from being kidnapped and all I got was this lousy T-shirt' erm, t-shirt*  There, now they'll remember all the good I've done. *nod*


*sits down on his chair and starts to read listen to his self help book 'Fighting laziness and You' as read by Tom Cruise*



The other Super Mario Brother


Indeed we of the Plaid steal pudding not cookies good lord what are we smelly Children or something...o...wait...I mean Justen steals pudding yes i had nothing to do with any missing pudding at all.


I think she needs a story written by her to solidify what is or isn't her thing.... :look


Nighteyes!  *hug*


There will always be a pudding supply here in honor of Kathana, but it is true I have chosen cookies as my vice of choice as Ammy. :D  And yes...a silly story will be forthcoming. *grin*


JD you know if you visited more you would have the love of all the sisters and novices. ;)  No stealing pudding or cookies unless you wish to force me to send the Cookie Regulators after you.




Cookies eh damn ok ok fine.





Hey JD it IS pudding now apparently good lord you go away for a few *coughs* years and the whole world gets turn upside down. I mean Head Mommies liking cookies and Empy running things, good god it is almost to much for one wolf to deal with.


*walks off muttering and plotting*


Yes, yes I do still have it.  I guess Emp stole it while I was gone.  No wonder everyone seems to have... experienced... it...  ;D


Good to see ya!  *hugs*


OLDIE IN THE HOUSE!!!! Alright, newbies (that's every one of you not older than, oh... let's say 5 years), get your cupcakes here!


*flings a cupcake at Nighteyes and hits him smack on the nose, whipped and vanilla cream running down over her mouth and chin*


Welcome back, Nighteyes ;D







*flings a cupcake at Nighteyes and hits her smack on the nose, whipped and vanilla cream running down over her mouth and chin*


I think you have the wrong Nighteyes.  ;)


sorry for the mixup, Night, you'd probably like her though, Nighty is really cool. Not around much these days/months though.


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