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Invitation to all! Kin's Birthday Tea Party!


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*grins* I love ya'll, really. *hugs 'em all*


This is the time of year I get mushy, so if you'll make sure there are hankies handy, we'll get through this without a flood. *grins*


I have so many memories of the Kin and, like ya'll, I can't pick just one. So, I'll start a running list. *laughs* I'm a list person, sue me. :P



1- I remember the day someone said "If you really think that way, maybe you should create your own org!" While I laughed about it at first, it was an idea that didn't leave me alone. I started planning it in my LJ, dragging all of the old Council members in and forcing them to voice their opinions while I drew up the application for a Discussion Group.


2- I remember sending in the application and actually fearing I would be told no. *laughs* Kathana actually replied and approved it, saying that mine was the first application for the Kin she'd ever received that wasn't made up by a group who was strongly anti-White Tower. *smiles*


3- I remember the day the Kin showed up on the Discussion Group list. My hands were shaking when I started the posts that would become our stickies. I was scared to death that no one would join us and we'd be shut down!


4- I remember when the Kin became an Org. This was actually on the offsite boards, since DM crashed right after I sent the application in. *laughs* When we came back to DM, there the Kin was... an Org! And again with the hand shaking!


5- I remember our first exchange (it was National Candy Month... in June. *laughs*). The candy I got was fudge and I live in South Georgia. I'm sure you can imagine the state it was in when I got it. It didn't keep me from eating it, though. ;) Fudge with a fork is still fudge!


6- I remember the Post War with the Band. *smiles* I remember Corki posting in our spam thread saying he wasn't going to post in our spam thread because it would put us in the lead. *laughs* again!


7- I remember spamming the heck out of the offsite boards. I think most of DM has forgotten what a loud bunch we are when we're in a smaller tank. *laughs*


8- I remember the look on my husband's face when I was excited about the Org doing well. He still thinks I'm nuts, btw.


9- I remember nearly every person joining the Org. I can nearly remember most of the reasons, too.


10- I remember posting the "I'm pregnant" notice here before I posted it anywhere else. *smiles*


11- I remember dragging out my "Teacher's Calendar" to come up with things for us to celebrate every month. I've only recently taken it off my desk. *laughs*


*grins* I'll be back for more... seriously, I could do this all night!

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Wow, I cannot wait to make more memories here with the Kin.



For me all of it has gone well. The Kin are so differnt from every other site that I have been on. All of DM is differnt but the Kin stand out to me. There are too many wonderful people here not to love it. **grin**


Fudge with a fork is still fudge


Yup and still good!

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Favorite memory.....


Well, I'm so bad at details. :D All I know is that the Kin is the best place on DM to be, and I've had such a good experience here so far.  I can't remember any specifics, except how excited I was when I got Happy Mail on my birthday last year.  ;D


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lol thanks Lor. I was planning on getting the memories rolling this weekend, but got sick. You apparently read my mind and did it for me!  ;D


Favorite memories:


Definately have to say that some of my favorite times were on those temp boards that we spammed. I think that's when I got Staffy to join since we spammed about every org at the time. It was a very helpful obsession to procrastinate homework lol.


And yep, the pirate ship and band war contest are very fun memories as well.


Also meeting Kin members in RL. Dyeing easter eggs with Lor was extremely entertaining. Even though this is the day that Staffy got a TON of raising points and I think skipped a sash and passed me in points  :P lol


Also the day I joined due to Horn convincing me was a special day. The fact that this is the one org that I haven't had any drama to deal with is what keeps me here; which is good because this was the promise that got me to finally join.  ;)

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lol thanks Lor. I was planning on getting the memories rolling this weekend, but got sick. You apparently read my mind and did it for me!  ;D


Favorite memories:


Also meeting Kin members in RL. Dyeing easter eggs with Lor was extremely entertaining. Even though this is the day that Staffy got a TON of raising points and I think skipped a sash and passed me in points  :P lol



*grins* I was wondering who I was channeling while I was posting that. ;) I'm glad you're feeling better! Meeting you was awesome! I wish I had the $$ to make a country-wide trip and drag Dana along. *laughs* He might actually appreciate the time I spent on these forums once he really met you all.


And for the record, Staffy got lots of points because he knows how to fully appreciate a woman cooking. *grins* He went back for thirds, if I remember correctly. ;) I take compliments well... *coughs* That's rare in a man under the age of 50. I envy you that! *grins*

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*grins* They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and I TOTALLY AGREE! My husband and I were just long distance friends until I made that lasagna. ;) I have started making a fabulous steak recipe that I found at Publix that will make your mouth water, too. I love making good stuff! :D



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Er, that's good to know and all, but I sure hope that any guy I win over has no sense of taste!

Or I may never make it to his heart..... Because the food may never make it to his stomach!  ;D

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lol, practice makes perfect. Find one thing and perfect it. Even if it's cookies! This steak recipe is SIMPLE, but it's freakin' awesome!


I started cooking using microwave brownies. Then I started adding things like frosting. Then I bought the boxed mix. I haven't quite made it to from-scratch (heck, I don't do anything from scratch!).


Cooking is easier than you think!

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Well, I do make killer Mac and cheese.  From a box. O.o  ;D


My mom says I need to practice, too.  I mostly can cook if I have a recipe to follow.  No variations or I'll screw it up.  :D

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Well Meesh, I wouldn't worry too much.  Tammy made a meal a couple years into our marriage that actually made me throw up.  She felt horrible, but it boiled down to the fact that her family was raised with additives to every meal.  Tons of spices and what nots.  My family on the other hand, cooked food and then you added what you wanted to your dish. 


So when she made Lemon Pepper Chicken.....it was a little to Lemon Peppery.  :D


You should see her eat ice cream.  She has added: hershey's syrup, nesquick powder, sprinkles, crumbled cookies, gummi bears, graham crackers, and other things, sometimes all at once.  Me I just eat the ice cream.  :D


Her coffee has to have flavored creamer, she eats jalapeno's as a side dish, and she dips everything in ranch or hney mustard.


I like food, and flavors are good to, but I don't think she knows what anything tastes like without seasoning. 

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My first meal for my husband was instant mashed potatoes and this horrible pasta stuff that I got from the market already made.


The pasta stuff was just nasty.


I was so proud of my instant mashed potatoes. The way he tells it he walked into what looked like a full days cooking with stuff everywhere and me standing there with this big grin on my face holding a bowl of potatoes.


Its one of the stories he likes to tell.

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My father-in-law is the same way. The only difference is that he graciously eats whatever I cook, tells me it's great and doesn't even give me a hint that he's lying. *grins* It's my mother-in-law that ruins it, later. *shakes her head*

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