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Looking for a bonded...


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Hi there, my name is Jaydena for those of you that don't know me. I find myself at a loss for having a active warder. I am the Head of the Greens and a Sitter. All of my gaidin and gaidar keep running off on me. So if you are interested in planning a rp to see if our characters click, you can post here or pm me. Also email works too, jaydenasedai@gmail.com

Thanks everyone!

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Smile politely and back away as quickly as possible?  *winks*


I mean, unless you're the dragee... I don't keep up with goings-on at other RP sites have the time, I admit - no time for it. >__<

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(Feels hunted) Im not sure about bonding... I am going to be starting a second TG after I find out if this rule I found about being able to start a second TG at WS 6 if you are out of trainee status with your original is still active... if it is I may have another Kaldun making everyones life more difficult. Him I would bond readily, however I would prefer to have a test RP with the AS first on either Sandre or the new guy to see if I like their writing style. Not to be picky or anything but no one enjoys writing an RP with someone whom they are not fond of writing with. :)

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heh, Addi's writer has no intention of Bonding her in the near future... Addi, on the other hand, thinks she'll have Aes Sedai lined up to Bond her after her raising ceremony :P  Considering her ego, I would love to RP her trying to catch Jade's eye even as a Trainee.  Mind you, considering Jade's a green Sitter, Addi would worship her but at this point would only see her a commodity "legendary green to Bond so I could be all awesome and cool" etc.

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*returns it and laughs* Ed and Arath can commiserate over ale and laugh about it when they're old...


first time I read this I read it: "Ed and Arath can consumate over ale..."




Ow... that hurts...


*shakes her head and laughs* no one else is tying me down! I won't allow it! I was already accused of being "Tamed" once! *growls*

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