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The Ashaman known as Logain

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Rand thinks its a little crazy that Logain is an ashaman in book 10. How come Nynaeve didnt let him know she healed him? Besides being the female who helped him cleanse saidin and defeating Moggy 2x, healing Logain is like her best acomplishment. You would think that when he showed up in Tear she would have told Rand. We all know Nynaeve is not the poster child for modesty. She likes rubbing stuff in peoples faces.


Also Logain thinks Rand couldnt have cleansed Saidin. All it would take is Nynaeve to tell him that it was true for him to believe. She healed him something that was impossible to do.


As far as Im concerned I cant believe that he doesnt show a heck of a lot of deference to her after what she did for him.


Well he knows that she didnt mean to do it. She wanted to take him back and probably gentle him again. So he probably gives as much space as possible.

Some time i think there will have to be a huge meeting for everyone of the major characters in the series where they all meat to find out what they have learned that can help win the battle. Things like new channeling ideas, new weapons, new people, new strategies, and so on and so forth.


Yeah they caould all do with a little communication. Especially Rand and Egwene. It always bothers me that she takes the Aesedai over him all the time. Honestly she has seen no evidence that she can trust them. Light she doesnt even know who is black or not. What is really messed up is that she trusted Halima more than Rand. I hope RJ adds that scene into the next book where someone tells her that Halima was one of the male forsaken.


So after Mat frees Moiraine


and Logain fights Taim


and Perrin fights Slayer or whatever his purpose will be


and Moiraine does whatever she has to do


and so on and so forth


they all get together to have a little tea party and catch up on old times and figure out what to do next, when the war is pretty much happening at that exact moment.


Sorry to say, there wont be a little generals meeting where they discuss everything that they have been up to and where they should go next. Most characters paths are already set, and they all go in different directions. Sure Rand will meet up with Mat and Perrin in the final book, and most likely they will all be reunited (at the end or before T'G?) but a war assembly I highly doubt. Just doesnt fit with the books.


And where are they going to do this? Are they going to gateway all the armies there to provide protection? Having every main character at one place at one time would be an awfully large Bullseye for Moridin to attack, assuming some of them are darkfriends or at least they would surely find out.


I dunno, if a few of them don't synchronise things they will all get lost on the way to Tarmon Gai'don without a map book, so the Dark One will break free and find Shayol Ghul deserted, and being the attention seeker that he is, seal himself back up to await a more attentive audience.


Well if you think about it though, they all will probaly have to meet up somtime. When they are gathering all the armies to go against the shadowspon, dreadlords, and few forsaken left, they will probably be all have a huge meeting. Plus if Moridin did come and attack them, there are alot of channelers there, them linked could easily kill him and what he brought with him if he used a gate way. So then he would have is huge massive army of all the armies there to protect him from a face on attack and channelers if some made gateways.


So it could be possible. Just stating what i think.^_^

Or even a landline' date=' the morons.[/quote']

On the topic, why did that Aes Sedai think she was smart because she thought she could modify the eavesdropping weave to work both ways to talk each other? How about they just eavesdropped on each other at the same time? If only they were all as smart as me.


there are probably ter'angreal in the White Tower that allow people to talk to each other over great distances....


but being a wary of testing the ter'angreal as they are, they're probalby just sitting there...


as to making somthing, they have only recently discovered HOW to make Ter'angreal again...


a weave would only work over short distances because it would be difficult to maintain a weave over such a great distance for any period of time...


In KoD Avi finds several ter'angreal made for long distance communication. On the other hand though, mobiles wouldn't work without the extensive infrastructure of communication relays and the like that we have set up... whose to say the AoL wasn't the same.


Sorry for the bump on this thread, but it kind of drifted off into something else. I just wantd to say that it really makes me sad that Rand cant find it in himself to trust Logain a little more. Logain is like my favorite secondary character besides Setalle Annan. It is so obvious that Logain defers to Rand in a way tha Taim never has nor probably ever will. He freely admits Rand is the dragon and that Rand is stronger than he is. Despite being captured and gentled Logain is probably one of the most accomplished of the recent false dragons. IMO Logain is looking for acceptance from Rand, something that just never happens and it bothers me!!! Damn I wish at least once in this series someone would actually talk to someone else instead of sticking to their pre-conceived notions.


Logian has said that the Creator has shown mercy and cleansed the taint, despite AS testimoney otherwise. That leads me to think there is more to Logain's outlook towards Rand then he let's on.


Agreed. Logain strikes me as the type to claim responsibility for all that he can, and what he can't... well neither can anyone else. I suspect that post-TG part of that will be him claiming responsibility for certain of Rand's actions.


I disagree. I always found Logain to be honorable in his own way. I think that Logain just cant fathom how someone short of the creator could cleanse saidin. I dont think he is a glory hound. He defers to Rand completley except for a couple of checks (and I believe those are to check on Rands commitment to the Ashaman, without Rand they are all prime for hunting season and as someone who has been gentled once he doesnt want that to happen again), as opposed to Taim who wants to be partners or equal right from the get go.


I've always liked the character of Logain, as in the personality, not just him :P I always felt that the bad part of it all was that Rand was so far beyond trusting anyone by the time Logain came around. And for Logain, well, they are a bunch of men bound to go crazy. If you were in his shoes, who would you believe? A crazy man? Or the women who gentled you? It's a much easier leap of faith (and safer for his own sake) to believe in the Creator that the Dragon or the Aes Sedai.




Meh, I don't know. The Creator hasn't bothered to interfere with the world before. Why is it less of a leap of faith to believe he suddenly would? I think it makes more sense to believe Rand and the Asha'man who were actually there (let alone the Aes Sedai). All Logain would have to do is visit the site of Shadar Logoth and see that the place no longer exists.


But going to visit the place would only confirm that it was destroyed, not who did it. A lot of people will take the 'hand of the creator' over someone they don't trust. And if you truely believe in the depths of your soul that no man can do something... if it happens, you have to look a little higher than man to explain it.


Personally, I think it would a cruel twist to learn that it hadn't been cleaned at all and it was all part of a group delusion :P Not likely, but i'm enjoying it anyway :P

But going to visit the place would only confirm that it was destroyed, not who did it.

I don't think the Creator would need to destroy Shadar Logoth in order to cleanse saidin. So then they'd need to come up with another reason for why SL was destroyed, and who did it.


The rest of it makes sense, I just don't like Rand and his gang not getting credit for what they did. Stupid Logain :P


I agree with you there :P It was an incredible feat and they do deserve the credit for it. I feel bad whenever they tell someone they accomplished it and they don't believe them, act like they are still mad because they believe it.

  • 1 month later...

My mobile theory in the AoL, ter´angreal able to create a micro hole (the gateway type)and amplifies the sound.

Logain, he is a proud man very strong in the power, he can´t trust aes sedai for what they did to him in the past, even nyaneve, and cleanse saidin seems an unbelievable task for a human, and now that he is sharing time with rand he sees him like a man not the boy that glares like the sun over the caemlin walls when he was caged. I think will take time to him but he is starting to believe in rand, and he will soon accept rand as the chosen of the creator to guide them all, and he will become one of rand´s right hand (sometimes we need to confirm owrselves what others told us)

Yeah they caould all do with a little communication.



And THAT my friend, is the story of everyones life. Its also one reason why I enjoy Jordan's writing so much, that aspect of it is VERY true to life.



Shadar Logoth and the taint arent connected at all. Otherwise the Finns would have told Rand to destroy Shadar Logoth right off, rather than it being destroyed as an aftereffect of removing the taint



I agree they aren't connected. They are "similar opposites", which is why they canceled each other out. And how do you know the Aelfinn didn't tell him to cleanse the taint there? All we know is that that was one of questions he asked. He didn't 'think' the answer in that POV.


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