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I have returned

Visar Falmaien

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Hello some people I met before and some people I don't know yet!

I'm Visar,

I started here maybe 6 months ago, but left due to getting really busy with school, and then just kind of forgetting about DM.  I'm awfully sorry about that, I just kind of disappeared on you guys.  Anyway, school hasn't ceased being busy, but I figured I'd join and rp again a little when I could.


Say hello if you remember me (or not, and just want to say hello for the sake of it; I like that too)!  Looking forward to getting to know you all and rping some!


Edit: I need to figure out what to do with my character, Visar.  I'm not sure how much time has passed in our wonderful rp-land, if anyone could help me with that that would be awesome. I could have him,

A: continue like nothing happened,

B: leave the White Tower for some reason, and return (but where to go and what to do?)

C: Have his crimes in Tear catch up with him, he's imprisoned for a while until he can be cleared somehow.

D: got another cool idea? Send it to me!


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Ok I guess I'll do that then.  Not before I read up a bit though on what's happened since, though.


Thanks all!

Oh, would anyone like to rp something?  I'm up to ideas, as long as it's something a trainee can do.


I'd be interested in an Evaluation or Challenge rp.  Anybody up for kicking Visar's butt?  ;D

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Welcome back!  As Kyn said option A would be best.  Not much happened main plotline wise so just jump back in.  Only difference is that some that you know may have gained a few levels in their WS but there are plenty of new recruits to RP with.  If you jump into Jehaine's RP you could probably use that as an evaluation.

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