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I am an OX! *sigh*


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Well ok..I'm not an Ox..but I was born in the Year of the Ox!!  *grins* 

Happy Chinese New Year Kinsters!!!


Yup!  Tomorrow, January 26th is the first day of the Lunar New Year..and the celebration of the Chinese New Year!!  Thier calender of holidays and festivals goes by the Lunar Calender!


Every year is symbolized by an animal!  The determination of what animal is determined by the year.  The way an individual determines what they are is by what year they were born!  I was born in 1961..so I am an Ox! 



People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people. 


Hmm..anyone else an Ox?  Do any of you know what Chinese animal you are?  Here is a sight that can tell you and what your animal means!!




*shakes head*  I just can't hardly believe I am compatible with ANYTLOL!HING that has to do with a Rat....LOL


Tommorrow I'll tell you a little story about a monster  ;) and a few things about how the Chinese New Year is celebrated!!  You WILL need firecrackers...



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LOL yup I am the monkey and my zodiac fits me to a tee.


People born in the Year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the cycle. Clever, skillful, and flexible, they are remarkably inventive and original and can solve the most difficult problems with ease. There are few fields in which Monkey people wouldn't be successful but they have a disconcerting habit of being too agreeable. They want to do things now, and if they cannot get started immediately, they become discouraged and sometimes leave their projects. Although good at making decisions, they tend to look down on others. Having common sense, Monkey people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. Monkey people are strong willed but their anger cools quickly. They are most compatible with the Dragon and Rat.

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Dragon baby.  ;)


People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust. Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.



I don't know about exciteable or short tempered... :-\

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I was born in the year of the rabbit.


"People born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. Rabbit people seldom lose their temper. They are clever at business and being conscientious, never back out of a contract. They would make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing. However, they seldom gamble, as they are conservative and wise. They are most compatible with those born in the years of the Sheep, Pig, and Dog."


Pretty close, for the most part, except I haven’t seen too much of the “financially lucky” yet!  Also not fond of gossip but, yes, I do try to be tactful and kind.


My hubby was born in the year of the pig.  Hmmm . . . seems we are compatible! LOL!


"People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep."


Oh, and somebody forgot to tell my hubby that Boar Year people don’t talk much.  Other than that, it’s pretty accurate for him!  He does tend to be impulsive! 




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LOl after I actually read mine....it isn't to favorable is it?  Bleach!  Oh well....I am somewhat like mine but in more ways not really!


LOL When I was a kid my "aunt" gave me a cup with the Ox on it and the Chinese new year symbols and stuff..and I hated it!!  I wanted to be cute and adorable..and I was an Ox.....sheesh!



*arches eyebrow*  Dae...are you insuating that explains why you are twice as stubborn and like to butt heads?  or maybe something else....

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People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people's confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit.


I'd agree with all of that except the bit about being a good leader. Not that I couldn't be, just that I'm not right now.  :P

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(note: there are as many different versions of what the signs mean as there are sites and books on the topic. And as many missconceptions as well, which I found out when I actually went to Vietnam and got a taste of how the 'original' people view their signs. Which, useless trivia, is still to this day something used by match makers in Vietnam. A very serious, culturally accepted and much used method in the Asian nations).


Having said that, I'll play ;)




:P hate to dissapoint you, Twinnie, but ....


I'm from 1970, so that makes me a....



Year of the Dog


1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006


People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people¡¦s confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit.






And actually, to go into this even further, I'm a Metal Dog


source: http://www.chineseastrology.com/?page=asiansign



You were born in a Year of the Metal Dog!


The Dogs are the watchful worriers of the Chinese zodiac, and the champions of the underdog. The Dog is famous for complete loyalty towards their friends and loved ones, but intense ferocity towards the enemies of their loved ones. Anxiety, loyalty and protectiveness characterize the magnanimous Dog personality. Devotion, generosity, and perseverance are the cornerstones of the wary Dogs temperament. This 11th sign of the Eastern zodiac is earnest, sincere and faithful to those whom they love, but being plagued by wariness, can have a sharp tongue, and a tendency to jump to conclusions. Cautious and serious regarding love, the Dog needs a trustworthy partner who has strong family sympathies, and appreciates their tenderhearted virtues. Low on ego, high on soapboxes, the Dogs' fair-minded humanitarianism and extreme caution is legendary. Best time of day for Dogs is between 7:00pm - 9:00pm.


The Metal element symbolizes clarity, purity and precision. The power of Metal is to delineate and define. Metal element persons create structure, create the surface of matters, and interface with the outside world. This element adds rigidity to an individual sign. Those born into the Metal element are guided by powerful feelings and will seek their goals with unwavering allegiance, chaste & tendency to speak candidly/bluntly. Much strength of will, and fluency of speech characterize those born into the Metal element. Metal is 'set' and determinedly fixed. Metal element persons must learn to compromise, not always insisting on their own way, as they will always have a strong effect on all whom they come into contact with. The Metal element shores-up an individual sign and is not deterred by calamity, hindrance or loss. The Metal element holds in position each individual sign by serving as a foundation and base. Metal element souls prefer to sort out and solve their own problems and do not appreciate interference or unsolicited advice. The Metal element imparts strong monetary instincts to the individual sign, with extra ability to save for a rainy day. The Metal element possesses a fine-tuned intuition regarding finances and speculative investments of all kinds. This is the element of the solitary entrepreneur. The physical organs of Metal are the lungs and the large intestines; its flavor is pungent. Metal's color is White and corresponds to the season of Autumn and dry.


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OMG!  Mystie..can you even start to believe our signs aren't compatable??  ;) :-*


That element thing is cool!!  I'l have to check mine out too!!


*grins*  actually there is quite a bit of that..that rings true for you!  Which is a good thing...wonder if I can change my year of birth....

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Wow, checking out the link Myst provided revealed the following about me:


You were born in a Year of the Water Cat!


The well-mannered Rabbit/Cat is diplomatic, easygoing, refined, and a devoted friend. Detached and aloof, the Rabbit flees personal upheaval and disruption. These souls excel in the fine arts, and are highly creative. Well grounded and ever virtuous, Rabbits shun risk and emotional entanglements, choosing security, and quiet stability. Business partners extraordinare, peaceful and contented Rabbits possesses quiet sensuality and the gift of self-preservation. Sensitive and easily hurt, the private Rabbit keeps their own council and is highly sought after for their advice. The ethical Rabbit needs a loving and unselfish partner who makes very little demands on their time and privacy. Cats gather strength during the breaking dawn hours they rule, between 5:00am - 7:00am.


The nature of the Water element is that of feelings and emotions. Reflection, sensitivity, and powers of persuasiveness characterize those born under the Water element. Water descends, seeks out, and fills low places; especially the hearts of the brokenhearted and needy. Those souls born under the element of Water are dominated by their feelings and need to communicate. The Water element endows one with a quick mind and lucidity. Water is chaotic at times and does not have its own form, but takes on the shape and character of the vessel. Water element persons advance their own ideas by influencing the vote of others. Those born under the influence of the Water element are empathetic with others, possessing a calm and sedate nature. The Water element has a gift for seeing things objectively and those influenced by it, are much sought after for their council. The Water element relates to the way others feel, Using intuition to keep a finger on the pulse of the world. Water element souls have a well developed ability for communicating with people and thrive in public relations or social work. Water's physical organs are the kidneys and bladder; it's flavor is salty. Water's color is blue and corresponds to the season of Winter and cold.




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Well then if we have a new one I might as well check...and lets see, oh an earth goat:


The Goats are the artists in temperament and in character. These changeable free spirits, love social gatherings, stimulating conversation, and interesting people. "Propriety" and a beautiful environment are important to their souls. Gentle in spirit, Goats desire a peaceful spot to exist undisturbed and un-obligated. Creative, sensitive and kind, those souls born into Goat years are warmhearted, disorganized, and extremely vulnerable. They are capricious, work when least expected to, and are never reached by being pressured or by a heavy hand. This 8th position in the zodiac is intelligent, sometimes insecure, and generous to a fault. This good Samaritan has a soft heart towards those less fortunate whether a homeless puppy or a needy friend, and needs a strong partner able to take the reins and handle their usually fortunate finances. Goats gather strength during their own early afternoon hours, between 1:00pm - 3:00pm.


Earth is the humid afternoon element, the symbol of the protected, padded nest, of peace and serenity; of slow and deep changes. Those born under the Earth element are more concerned with functional and practical aspects of life. They have exceptional practical powers and like solid and reliable objectives. The Earth endows each sign with more foresight and capacity for organization, and Earth element people are effective masterminds and creative executives. Stability, practicality, and reliability characterize those influenced by the Earth element. Earth allows each sign to use optimum resources and make wise and sensible in financial decisions. Those under this influence are serious and methodical in manner, building solid foundations in all that they do. Earth souls tend to be conservative by nature, and rarely exaggerate findings, calculations and expectations. The Earth element shoulders responsibilities admirably and demonstrates huge amounts of patience, whether it be with a hyperactive two year old, or a difficult spouse. Earth's' physical organs are the Spleen and the Stomach; it's flavor is Sweet. Earth's color is Yellow and corresponds to the end of Summer and humidity



Earth certainly sounds right, but much of the goat seems wrong. Very very wrong. The highlighted section above is just.....*shudders* gods no no no, no.

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absolutly the goat sounds way off..or maybe this is to let you know you have been holding on to a wrong perspective as we have discussed....lol


although some of it is right...to my experience I know that using the "heavy hand" or being pressured works not at all with you!!  LOL  and dear heart..you really are unorganized..but you do need that enviornment around you it mentions...so many things are on spot actually...hmmm

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*high fives LDD* I'm also double ram!


I appear to be a metal Goat/Ram.


You were born in a Year of the Metal Goat!


The Goats are the artists in temperament and in character. These changeable free spirits, love social gatherings, stimulating conversation, and interesting people. "Propriety" and a beautiful environment are important to their souls. Gentle in spirit, Goats desire a peaceful spot to exist undisturbed and un-obligated. Creative, sensitive and kind, those souls born into Goat years are warmhearted, disorganized, and extremely vulnerable. They are capricious, work when least expected to, and are never reached by being pressured or by a heavy hand. This 8th position in the zodiac is intelligent, sometimes insecure, and generous to a fault. This good Samaritan has a soft heart towards those less fortunate whether a homeless puppy or a needy friend, and needs a strong partner able to take the reins and handle their usually fortunate finances. Goats gather strength during their own early afternoon hours, between 1:00pm - 3:00pm.


The Metal element symbolizes clarity, purity and precision. The power of Metal is to delineate and define. Metal element persons create structure, create the surface of matters, and interface with the outside world. This element adds rigidity to an individual sign. Those born into the Metal element are guided by powerful feelings and will seek their goals with unwavering allegiance, chaste & tendency to speak candidly/bluntly. Much strength of will, and fluency of speech characterize those born into the Metal element. Metal is 'set' and determinedly fixed. Metal element persons must learn to compromise, not always insisting on their own way, as they will always have a strong effect on all whom they come into contact with. The Metal element shores-up an individual sign and is not deterred by calamity, hindrance or loss. The Metal element holds in position each individual sign by serving as a foundation and base. Metal element souls prefer to sort out and solve their own problems and do not appreciate interference or unsolicited advice. The Metal element imparts strong monetary instincts to the individual sign, with extra ability to save for a rainy day. The Metal element possesses a fine-tuned intuition regarding finances and speculative investments of all kinds. This is the element of the solitary entrepreneur. The physical organs of Metal are the lungs and the large intestines; its flavor is pungent. Metal's color is White and corresponds to the season of Autumn and dry.

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ok i tried it too...and I am the Metal Ox...I must say this ox part fits me perfectly!


You were born in a Year of the Metal Ox!


The Ox/buffalo is the hard working, serious loner of the family whose essence is "endurance." The opinionated Ox is determined, strong, and conservative, with a notable gift for manual dexterity and working with their hands. Family and duty are of the utmost importance to the home-spun Ox. Souls born under this 2nd sign of the zodiac are capable of leading nations, not to mention running a most efficient household. Oxen are powerful individuals with stubborn, reliable personalities. Whether at home or at work these souls need to be captain of their ship and are dependable, honest, and stable. The quiet, yet firm Ox is easy-going, but possesses intense passion beneath their calm exterior. The industrious Ox needs a partner of substance and loyalty. Oxen gather strength during the quiet post-midnight hours they rule, between 1:00am - 3:00am.


The Metal element symbolizes clarity, purity and precision. The power of Metal is to delineate and define. Metal element persons create structure, create the surface of matters, and interface with the outside world. This element adds rigidity to an individual sign. Those born into the Metal element are guided by powerful feelings and will seek their goals with unwavering allegiance, chaste & tendency to speak candidly/bluntly. Much strength of will, and fluency of speech characterize those born into the Metal element. Metal is 'set' and determinedly fixed. Metal element persons must learn to compromise, not always insisting on their own way, as they will always have a strong effect on all whom they come into contact with. The Metal element shores-up an individual sign and is not deterred by calamity, hindrance or loss. The Metal element holds in position each individual sign by serving as a foundation and base. Metal element souls prefer to sort out and solve their own problems and do not appreciate interference or unsolicited advice. The Metal element imparts strong monetary instincts to the individual sign, with extra ability to save for a rainy day. The Metal element possesses a fine-tuned intuition regarding finances and speculative investments of all kinds. This is the element of the solitary entrepreneur. The physical organs of Metal are the lungs and the large intestines; its flavor is pungent. Metal's color is White and corresponds to the season of Autumn and dry.


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LOL  and my husband is a FireRooster!  Oh my!


Well Happy Chinese new Year everyone!!  *grins*  Please keep checking out your animal and chinese zodiac signs!  Here are some interesting facts and things about the chinese New Year from About.Com:


New Year is the most important and longest holiday in China. Chinese will begin celebrating on the New Year's Eve and the celebrations will last for 15 days.


The Origin


Chinese New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar, so it is also called the Lunar New Year. And it is also referred to as the Spring Festival since it is the beginning of the Spring term, which is the first term of the 24 terms on the lunar canlendar.

The Origin


Chinese New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar, so it is also called the Lunar New Year. And it is also referred to as the Spring Festival since it is the beginning of the Spring term, which is the first term of the 24 terms on the lunar canlendar.


It was recorded that Chinese started to celebrate Chinese New Year from about 2000 BC, though the celebrations were held on different times under different emperors. They started to celebrate Chinese New Year on the first day of the lunar calendar based on Emperor Wu Di's almanac of the Han Dynasty.


Legend says the celebrations of Chinese New Year may be related to a beast known as Nian. The beast Nian came out to eat people on new years until an old man found a way to conquer it. Then people started to observe and celebrate Chinese New Year. The word "Nian" now has the same meaning as Chinese New Year, which is used as commonly as Chinese New Year. And people often use the term "Guo Nian", which may originally mean "passed or survived the Nian". Now everyone loves Guo Nian.


The lunar calendar is represented by twelve animals. Each year is represented by one animal. This year is the year of the tiger. The 12 animals in order are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Chinese zodiac is also based on the 12 animals.


Things Chinese Do


Here is a list of things or traditions Chinese may do around Chinese New Year.


1. Preparation

Usually the preparation starts a month before the new year. The preparation includes thoroughly cleaning and decorating the house, buying new clothes, preparing enough food for at least two weeks. The decorations are highly symbolic with a lot of lucky words, printed paintings and red colors everywhere. Kids are busy in shopping for different kinds of firecrackers. Everyone gets a haircut before the new year. So everything and everyone looks new and fresh on the new year.


2. New Year' Eve

The New Year's Eve is the time for families. The New Year Eve's dinner is the biggest dinner of the year, much like Thanksgiving dinner. The dinner is full of symbolic meaning, such as Chinese dumplings implying wealth since they have the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots. Everyone, even kids, drinks a little Jiu (usually hard liquor), which symbolizes longevity since Jiu has the same pronunciation as longevity in Chinese. Then the family chats while watching national TV shows or listening to radio together until the coming of the new year. In China, the national TV shows have been prepared for a few months by a group of famous entertainers.


3. Firecrackers

Firecrackers are set off as soon as the new year arrives. You can hear or see firecrackers everywhere and this usually lasts for a few hours. Some people will continue to play firecrackers occasionally through out the first half of the first month. Traditionally fireworks are the sign of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. Fireworks are now banned in China, so this tradition is history.


4. Red Packets

Giving Hongbao or red packets during Chinese new year is another tradition. A Red packet is simply a red envelope with money in it, which symbolizes luck and wealth. Red packets are typically handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends.


5. New Year Greetings

Chinese New Year is also the time for socializing. People usually wear new clothes and go out to visit and greet their relatives and friends, so the streets are filled with a lot of cheerful people. The greetings and visitings can go on for a few days.


6. Dragon and Lion Dancing

Dragon and Lion dancing is another tradition of Chinese New Year.


7. Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival is on the 15th of the first month of Chinese New Year, which marks the end of the New Year celebrations. Chinese celebrate the first full moon of the year on this day. It is the time for family reunion again. Yuanxiao is also a kind of cake, which looks like a table tennis ball (a little smaller) made of sticky rice with sweet stuffing inside. Everyone eats a few on Lantern Festival, which symbolizes family will stick together.


And back to Twinnie:


I would imagine then that the Lantern Festival would be on February, 9th?  I have heard it is beautiful...all the boats with lanterns floating on the waters!  Has anyone ever participated in or been to any Chinese New Year festiviteis?


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I also read this about the Monster Nian at About.Com. The legend that is at the heart of Chinese New Year...





The Spring Festival is the grandest festival for the Chinese. The Spring Festival is also called "Nian", but who knows the term, Nian, was once the name of a furious monster that lived on human beings in the ancient time. How the Festival has some relationship with the monster lies in a story about the origin and development of the Spring Festival.


The legend says, long ago, there was a monster called Nian. It was born to be very ugly and ferocious, which looked like either dragons or unicorns. On the first and the 15th of each lunar month, the monster would come down from the mountains to hunt people. So people were very much afraid of it and locked their doors early before sunset on the days of its coming.


There lived an old wise man in a village. He thought it was the panic in people that made the monster so bold and furious. Thus the old man asked people to organize together and to conquer the monster by means of beating drums and gongs, burning bamboo, and lighting fireworks in purpose of making large noises to threaten the hateful monster. When he told people about the idea, everybody agreed on it.


At a moonless and freezing cold night, the monster, Nian, appeared again. The moment it opened its mouth at people, burst out the frightening noises and fire made by people, and wherever the monster went, it was forced to back off by the terrible noises. The monster couldn't stop running until he fell down with exhaustion. Then people jumped up and killed the evil monster. Savage as the monster was, he lost in the end under the efforts from the cooperation of people.


Since then, people have kept the tradition by beating drums and gongs, and lighting fireworks at the coldest day in winter to drive the imagined monsters away and to celebrate the victory over it. Today, Nian refers to the New Year's day or the Spring Festival. People often say Guo Nian, which means 'live the festival.' Furthermore, Nian also means the year. For an example, the Chinese often greet each other by saying Xin Nian Hao, which means Happy New Year! Xin means new and Hao means good.


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You were born in a Year of the Fire Dragon!


The powerful Dragon is the physically healthy, sentimental visionary of the Chinese zodiac. Outspoken, lucky and financially fortunate, Dragons show boundless energy and vitality. These proud souls do not like to be challenged, and their nature is that of "unpredictability." Egotistic, and always high-profile, Dragons are assertive, boisterous, and extroverted personalities. Successful and popular, this 5th sign of the zodiac produces excellent actors and performers, and are born to be in the public eye. Lucky, original, enthusiastic, and healthy, the ardent Dragon needs a strong and intriguing partner, or else they may opt to live a solitary life. The Dragon gathers strength during its own morning hours of 7:00am - 9:00am.


The nature of Fire is to spread, and to urge outcome, to resolve. Fire manifests and expresses in the natural rhythm of the heart, which pulsates the blood. The Fire element will multiply the individual signs energies. Those born into a year ruled by the Fire element, will display above average qualities of leadership, passion and dynamic aggression. Fire element people are doers, and attract others with their fervor and radiance. The Fire element arouses, changes, and converts. For those of the Fire element, their brand of flame may be a mystical spark. The Fire element imparts much energy and can cause each sign to be impatient in pursuit of goals. Fire is rapid, and can also consume the persons energies, to relax and respect your body's natural rhythms. Fire element persons, no matter what their calling, will always remain fiercely individualistic. Fire's physical organs are the Heart and Small intestine; it's flavor is Bitter. Fires color is Red and corresponds to the season of Summer and heat.



Still some yes and some no.  :D

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My sign.... Water Dog.


You were born in a Year of the Water Dog!


The Dogs are the watchful worriers of the Chinese zodiac, and the champions of the underdog. The Dog is famous for complete loyalty towards their friends and loved ones, but intense ferocity towards the enemies of their loved ones. Anxiety, loyalty and protectiveness characterize the magnanimous Dog personality. Devotion, generosity, and perseverance are the cornerstones of the wary Dogs temperament. This 11th sign of the Eastern zodiac is earnest, sincere and faithful to those whom they love, but being plagued by wariness, can have a sharp tongue, and a tendency to jump to conclusions. Cautious and serious regarding love, the Dog needs a trustworthy partner who has strong family sympathies, and appreciates their tenderhearted virtues. Low on ego, high on soapboxes, the Dogs' fair-minded humanitarianism and extreme caution is legendary. Best time of day for Dogs is between 7:00pm - 9:00pm.


The nature of the Water element is that of feelings and emotions. Reflection, sensitivity, and powers of persuasiveness characterize those born under the Water element. Water descends, seeks out, and fills low places; especially the hearts of the brokenhearted and needy. Those souls born under the element of Water are dominated by their feelings and need to communicate. The Water element endows one with a quick mind and lucidity. Water is chaotic at times and does not have its own form, but takes on the shape and character of the vessel. Water element persons advance their own ideas by influencing the vote of others. Those born under the influence of the Water element are empathetic with others, possessing a calm and sedate nature. The Water element has a gift for seeing things objectively and those influenced by it, are much sought after for their council. The Water element relates to the way others feel, Using intuition to keep a finger on the pulse of the world. Water element souls have a well developed ability for communicating with people and thrive in public relations or social work. Water's physical organs are the kidneys and bladder; it's flavor is salty. Water's color is blue and corresponds to the season of Winter and cold.

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Year of the Rabbit in the sort of general one. Some of it fits, but METAL CAT feels much more me.. Though some of creating structure, purety and chaste hyperbole doesn't precisely ring true of me ;D ... Tay had some thing she had me take last week I think that had me pretty much pinned to the wall.... If I could actually remember a week ago, I'd spill...  ::) :-\


You were born in a Year of the Metal Cat!


The well-mannered Rabbit/Cat is diplomatic, easygoing, refined, and a devoted friend. Detached and aloof, the Rabbit flees personal upheaval and disruption. These souls excel in the fine arts, and are highly creative. Well grounded and ever virtuous, Rabbits shun risk and emotional entanglements, choosing security, and quiet stability. Business partners extraordinare, peaceful and contented Rabbits possesses quiet sensuality and the gift of self-preservation. Sensitive and easily hurt, the private Rabbit keeps their own council and is highly sought after for their advice. The ethical Rabbit needs a loving and unselfish partner who makes very little demands on their time and privacy. Cats gather strength during the breaking dawn hours they rule, between 5:00am - 7:00am.


The Metal element symbolizes clarity, purity and precision. The power of Metal is to delineate and define. Metal element persons create structure, create the surface of matters, and interface with the outside world. This element adds rigidity to an individual sign. Those born into the Metal element are guided by powerful feelings and will seek their goals with unwavering allegiance, chaste & tendency to speak candidly/bluntly. Much strength of will, and fluency of speech characterize those born into the Metal element. Metal is 'set' and determinedly fixed. Metal element persons must learn to compromise, not always insisting on their own way, as they will always have a strong effect on all whom they come into contact with. The Metal element shores-up an individual sign and is not deterred by calamity, hindrance or loss. The Metal element holds in position each individual sign by serving as a foundation and base. Metal element souls prefer to sort out and solve their own problems and do not appreciate interference or unsolicited advice. The Metal element imparts strong monetary instincts to the individual sign, with extra ability to save for a rainy day. The Metal element possesses a fine-tuned intuition regarding finances and speculative investments of all kinds. This is the element of the solitary entrepreneur. The physical organs of Metal are the lungs and the large intestines; its flavor is pungent. Metal's color is White and corresponds to the season of Autumn and dry.



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*pops in* ;D :D


You were born in a Year of the Metal Monkey!


The youthful and clever Monkey is the eternal child of the Eastern zodiac. These highly diverse and bright souls are 'irrepressible.' Monkeys are quick, restless, enterprising, and sexual. Mischievous and high-spirited, Monkeys are social, active, convincing, and are gifted with a hilarious sense of humor. Imagination, ingenuity, and resourcefulness characterize those born into a year of the multifaceted Monkey. Versatile, curious and easily bored, impish Monkeys are witty companions, indulgent, intelligent, and always ready to play. This 9th sign of the zodiac is the most difficult to define due to their dual and sometimes contradictory nature. MonkeyÂ’s need mentally sharp partners who stimulate their cerebral resources. The best time of day for Monkeys are the hours they rule, between 3:00pm - 5:00pm.


The Metal element symbolizes clarity, purity and precision. The power of Metal is to delineate and define. Metal element persons create structure, create the surface of matters, and interface with the outside world. This element adds rigidity to an individual sign. Those born into the Metal element are guided by powerful feelings and will seek their goals with unwavering allegiance, chaste & tendency to speak candidly/bluntly. Much strength of will, and fluency of speech characterize those born into the Metal element. Metal is 'set' and determinedly fixed. Metal element persons must learn to compromise, not always insisting on their own way, as they will always have a strong effect on all whom they come into contact with. The Metal element shores-up an individual sign and is not deterred by calamity, hindrance or loss. The Metal element holds in position each individual sign by serving as a foundation and base. Metal element souls prefer to sort out and solve their own problems and do not appreciate interference or unsolicited advice. The Metal element imparts strong monetary instincts to the individual sign, with extra ability to save for a rainy day. The Metal element possesses a fine-tuned intuition regarding finances and speculative investments of all kinds. This is the element of the solitary entrepreneur. The physical organs of Metal are the lungs and the large intestines; its flavor is pungent. Metal's color is White and corresponds to the season of Autumn and dry.



*hops around* ;D ;)

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