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In EoTW, why does Elyas say "the wolves say you three are in great danger", while only Egwene and Perrin are there?


Any idea anyone?


Dosnt anyone else think that the horse is tav'ern or something. I mean she has been able to survive this whole book series. Plus live through a few battles.

Very tuff horse if you ask me.

Doesn't anyone else think that the horse is tav'ern or something. I mean she has been able to survive this whole book series. Plus live through a few battles.

Very tuff horse if you ask me.


They mix spinach in with her hay. Either that or she can also channel!


Probably the latter since this is TWoT series.


Will anyone dispute and say "neigh"?





Guest cwestervelt

I'll put both hands up concerning the jokes and innuendos.


It actually probably was Bela, the wolves don't tell the difference between humans and other animals so they probably just said three cause there were three beings there.


Umm... gonna disagree with you there Patrick. If wolves couldnt tell the difference between humans (two-legs) and horses (four legged hardfoots), there wouldnt be different descriptions when Perrin uses them for tracking.

Umm... gonna disagree with you there Patrick. If wolves couldnt tell the difference between humans (two-legs) and horses (four legged hardfoots)' date=' there wouldnt be different descriptions when Perrin uses them for tracking.[/quote']


It's not that they can't tell the difference, it's that they don't differentiate. They see both the humans and horse as being entities that Elyas is interested in protecting/helping. They're just not prejudiced against horses.


As for all this Bela foolishness. Sure she's survived the whole series, but so have a lot of other horses. Bela's survival isn't even all that remarkable since she spends a good portion of the time in the White Tower stables or marching along with a bunch of other horses with that Salidar AS.

  • 3 weeks later...

What abaout Lan's horse, Mandarb? Is he still around? They should mate Bela and Mandarb and have super-horseys.


Actually Bela is sort of an homage to Tolkien's LOTR pony, Bill, who also survives all of the long troubles that occured during the events of that epic.


A foreshadowing that Bela will perhaps end up back home in the Two Rivers? Maybe.

Guest Majsju

Bela is usually ridden by people who doesn't get into the middle of a battle, like Egwene and Siuan.


Rand, Perrin and the others does egt into the middle of battle, thus exposing their horses to greater risks. And it's quite natural they will lose a horse or two, considering how many battles they get themselves into.


Mandarb is a trained warhorse, and quite capable of looking after himself.


The comparison with the LOTR-horse doesn't make sense to me. If I remember correctly, that one didn't make it past the Mines of Moria, from where it returned to the Shir.


Bela's been in the story all the time.


And still the initial question isn't solved: who is the third person ????

The comparison with the LOTR-horse doesn't make sense to me. If I remember correctly, that one didn't make it past the Mines of Moria, from where it returned to the Shir.


Bela's been in the story all the time.


And still the initial question isn't solved: who is the third person ????


It's not an exact model off of Bill the pony. Things don't have to be exactly the same for you to draw a comparison.

The fact is, a normally nondescript equine goes off from the rather mundane world it used to live in, on to an adventure involving the presence of some of the most prominent heroes of its time. Somehow, the animal seems to find its way to safety throughout the events and eventually comes home. Now, Bela hasn't come home yet, but it would be a fitting end to have one of the principles come home to find Bela there somehow, just feeding as if nothing really spectacular has happened at all.


The question has been answered. The third of the three the wolves are referring to is Bela, the horse.


There are three travelling together, separate from the wolfpack observing them which includes Elyas. The three are Perrin, Egwene and Bela, their horse.


Very simple.


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