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oh my god....


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It's some of my favorite people all consolidated into one place!  Empy, Segurant, Yveva, Majs....its like DM IRC chat, only better!  Now if only Joram would come back, my DM fantasy would be complete!  Somebody PLEASE add me to the org boards before I pee myself.





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Err, you forgot me. I can't believe you forgot me. How can you be so spiteful as to forget me? *runs away sobbing*


Name:  Barmacral

Custom Title: New Members Mod

Posts: 8,048 (14.527 per day)

Position: DM - Staff

Date Registered: July 10, 2007, 03:59:49 AM


There are two alternatives as to why I forgot you:  1. You joined somewhere in the 5 years I have been absent from the Comm side.  2.  I have been watching your every post since you joined and know EXACTLY who you are, but I left you out on purpose because I don't like your hair.



Hair is important.


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I can't decide if I love you or if I hate you right now. I think its a little of both.


Excellent!  I prefer it when people can't decide whether to worship me or despise me with the white-hot intensity of 1000 suns.  Either way, it gives me power. ^^



definition of love/hate relationship.

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I can't decide if I love you or if I hate you right now. I think its a little of both.


Excellent!  I prefer it when people can't decide whether to worship me or despise me with the white-hot intensity of 1000 suns.  Either way, it gives me power. ^^



definition of love/hate relationship.


I for one fully approve of her^^


hi, I'm a bunny

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Worship? Whereever did you get that idea? People worship me, the funniest member of DM. Not the other way around.


Don't let it get you down when people tell you that you are funny looking.  Why, you get that hair fixed and I bet they would stop saying that.


I for one fully approve of her^^


hi, I'm a bunny


When you say that you are a bunny, do you mean: A. That you work at the playboy mansion and reproduce like a bunny  B. That you enjoy eating lettuce and other vegetables high in fiber content C. That you were one of Empy's bunnies from back in the day of DM IRC?


Please clarify for the rest of the class.



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Hey, I showed up there twice, Tex, TWICE, and on neither occasion did you deign to speak to me. I had to talk to myself the whole time! And I did, too...



Um, hi Claire. You're funny, and thus good in my book. I'm also ducky, but at some point the y was capitalized, so I'm actually duckY. I can't remember why.  Ask the sheep, he may be able to enlighten you (me) on that point.


Oh, we also have Paityr and Justen Diablos, if you knew them as well.

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Is Claire really JD on another account, or is it just coincidence they both put notes after signing their own name?


If she's not JD, then I like her.  And that's not because I don't like JD....I do....it's just that not being able to have that hopeful feeling of an awesome post from JD upon seeing his name is a real downer, and I could never forgive him for that.

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Let's see where do I start...


Barm may have strong emotion at this point, but really I just feel like chopped liver.  Especially since I'm spearheading the (one manned) attempt to start up a DM/'Chan based chat room.  ;)  *self aggrandizes some more until petels gets here.


If this chat contained Emp, JD, Yveva, Karana, Paityr, The Don, or Roka....I don't know how it could fail.  You would rule the world of DM with an iron fist.  I fully approve of the idea.  #dragonmount for the win!


Hey, I showed up there twice, Tex, TWICE, and on neither occasion did you deign to speak to me. I had to talk to myself the whole time! And I did, too...



Um, hi Claire. You're funny, and thus good in my book. I'm also ducky, but at some point the y was capitalized, so I'm actually duckY. I can't remember why.  Ask the sheep, he may be able to enlighten you (me) on that point.


Oh, we also have Paityr and Justen Diablos, if you knew them as well.


Oh yesh, JD and Paityr are well known to me.  Are Koe or Demmy or Mazzy still around?  Nice to meet a fellow ducky!


Claire!  What was your DM name back then.  I know your name though just haven't connected it in my old mind.


Oh my... I forgot I had bunnies.  Emp Hef may return one day!!!!


Of course I am married to Yveva now.




My DM name was Claire, Emp. Brown sister. My handle has always been claireducky on the boards and in #dm.  I might have used just_ducky occasionally in #dm, don't remember.


How could you forget about the bunnies?! Aissa, Myriam, and I remember there being another one....I for one would support the return of Emp Hef.  Do you still do the Empy awards?


Congrats on the matrimonials! How Yveva ever puts up with your mug on a daily basis, I will never understand...^^


Is Claire really JD on another account, or is it just coincidence they both put notes after signing their own name?


If she's not JD, then I like her.


3 Reasons Claire is not JD:

1. Claire has a vajayjay, JD presumably does not.

2. Claire is not a manwhore.

3. Claire is lovable and cuddly, whereas JD is covered in spines....like an artichoke.  You can't cuddle an artichoke.

And Emp is right, back in the day you were only cool if you signed your posts or peed your pants.  I never stopped doing either one. ^^



I'm only funny when I'm on prescription painkillers.


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Dude Claire, way to diss - I'm here too, and I lived in the IRC back in the day as well.  You're lucky I like you, or else I'd... I don't know, give you to Roka as a pet.  *grins*


Well I didn't know you were in this org, dearie.  I figured you were too busy running around being Black Ajah and plotting....I dunno, whatever it is you people plot.  Srsly, I would be all for a #dragonmount revival.  Like a Southern Baptist tent revival, but without the snakes.


Yes, we still do have the Empy's. Koe and Demmy are gone, I think this Mazzy character stopped in once for about 10 seconds, got empy super excited and splooging his pants then he left again.


I could see that happening.  Mazzy was always a tease.


Chris the S (Demandred) is still a member of this org but hasn't been on in years.  He married Aissa if you remember her from chat.  Yveva still talks to Koe every once in awhile.


I am amazed that Demmy managed to tone down "Teh Evil" enough to get married!





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*grins*  Should've made a D*Con they went to and seen them... they were snugglybunnies!  And I only just wandered back into SG on this side of things if only to stab FDM and make her smile.  I'm not actually head of the Black Ajah on -either- side of DM anymore, thank the Light.... I seem to have the worst luck when I let myself take that job.


But yes... I'm all for an IRC revival too.  Think the TarValon kiddos would mind us squatting on the same server as them?



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