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Hey Guys 'n' Girls,


I thought I would pop in here to introduce myself since I hve just posted to be added as a Raw Recruit...


I love music, I love travelling and I love fun & frolicks!


Music wise - I sing and play guitar and used to manage a band... My tastes are extremely eclectic, anyting from Jazz and Blues dating back to the turn of the 20th Century, to 80's Goth Rock, 1950/60's Rhythm and Blues (none of this modern stuff please), Heavy Metal, Folk, Celtic, Punk, Baroque, Regee and Ska, Medieval... Plus loads more, but I think you get the picture...


Travelling - Ilove it - I need to do more!! But so far I've travelled various places in Europe (throughout the UK, France, Monaco, Spain, Netherlands, etc) the States (Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky so far), and to Goa, India...



I can definately hold my brew!! :p



Ummmm... What else?








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Hello there Recruit!! *tacklesmoochielicks the Nea up real good*


Welcome to the Band love. Hold on to your socks and other body covering parts, for our MG will be here shortly with the most amazing, mindblowing, sock curling Spiel you've ever seen.


So you know me already, but let me refresh your memory ;) Around these parts I'm an Infantry Blademaster and the Editor in Chief of the most amazing, fabulous, wonderful newspaper in the whole of DM: The Hornsounder (you can see the latest version of it in one of the stickies on top *points up*). I'm also the current RLO (Recruit Liaison Officer) for the Infantry, which means your butt belongs to me during your week in our regiment. ;) My Karalove is our other RLO and you'll love the pieces out of her!


As a recruit, you'll be visiting all three regiments (Cavalry, Archers, Infantry) as a way to get to know each one and to help you decide which one you want to join after your recruiting days.


Meanwhile, toss this up *hands the Recruit a Guinfantry* as you will need all the brew you can get your hands on when the Spiel comes!


Enjoy your stay with us and welcome home!



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:o WoW!! Mysty forgot to 'pecker up' her ....ummm.. chestial area while mentioning the HS... There must be a bubble of eeeeville bubbling about somewhere around here to cause such a devilish omission...


Welcome to The Band young Naedys (I can safely say that cause everyone is younger than me :-\) We can use another World Traveler and Music Aficionado in these here parts... I'm the auld man of the Bands' Cavalry in case you were wondering; or even if you weren't and a constant source of disapprobation and consternation to our Mysty. Who rarely has a clue of what I'm muttering about. Which isn't surprising, nor is she alone. Hell I'm the president of the club!!


But as Myst warned. You really should ratchet down yer garters and gird yer loins and probably hang on to something solid as Corki T the M-G and his "spiel" are gonna be "comin' to your town" and they make Hurricane Katrina look like a soft summer breeze.... Holding on to one's socks is sometimes insufficient. *nods*

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*hauls out the 50kg huge dictionary of Ol' Pirate's Talk again and starts looking up words from the Ol' Man's post*


Dis..... Disa..... Disapp.......Disapprobation.....

Con....... artist! *eyes Manny* Nah, not it... Con........ Const.........ipation! *eyes Manny* Didn't feel anything through the bond, so prolly hasn't gone out with the boys yet, so can't be it either. Const.....Consternation.......




*marches up to the horsepooscooper*


Mister Manny, you are neither disathingy or consterthingy to me. Quite the opposite, in fact. *grabs the pirate's beard and hauls him over to the counter* Now, drink this here brew, and repeat after me. 'I am not disathingy nore consterthingy to Mysty! She wubs me, even if I don't know it.'



Though it is true, I do have a hard time understanding his jibberish. But then, one of my Sisters can jibber like the best of them too, she's scottish. The best way to counter that is to start twirling hair. Like so *starts to twirl the pirate's bead*



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Aha! I've see you've met some of the wonderful characters in the Band...don't worry, there's plenty more like 'em, each with their own little brand of whackiness.


I'm the only sane one in the entire band! *nods* 'tis true! 


Welcome to the Band Naedys, I'm Kara and will see you in the Infantry soon :) Till then, have another Guinny on me and brace your girdles for the Spiel  ;D

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Yes, the spiel will tell you some of the info and you'll also get a pm detailing what to do from the XO (Executive Officer) who is in charge of new recruits. There is a Raw Recruit programme in place that will take you through each regiment (a week per reg) and then you can choose who to join :)


I think that's roughly it :) Someone will correct me if I'm talking bull again  :D

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*Demon bursts through the doors in a cloud of excitement wearing nothing but a pair of arseless leather chaps. He runs via Kara, circling her like indians around a wagon train, shouting at the top of his voice* KARA YOU ARE SO FULL OF BULL YOU TASTE OF BEEF!!!!


*Demon then slides to a halt with his hands aloft and a cheesy grin on his face


WOOOHOOO!!! SPANKING!!! COUNT...Me..... in.....


Jeeez! talk about false advertising! I had my cheeks waxed and powdered up all specially for the occasion too...  :-\ I even had the ol' valley cultivated  :-\


*Notices the noobie*


Oh... er... Hi, I'm Demonspawn Banner General of the Infantry... and ... er... So, er... Welcome to the band. I'm sure you'll fit right in.

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You should now be able to see the private boards! We had a few random people sign up, hence why an admin now has to accept requests. But now I am back home from seeing my girlfriend, it's all done and dusted.


You think some of us wild and whacky, but none of us are as mad as the person I saw on the tube on the way home tonight. Even with my iPod on quite high, I could still hear her singing, and she was doing some strange dance. And I don't think any alcohol was involved at all!


I'm about to head off to sleep, so I will get the Official Spiel up tomorrow! :)

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Dang It!! Happens every time too much noise is made... One of me crazed siblings shows up and embarrasses the whole fam damily. All we need now is all Demon's carryin' on to wake up His Arseholiness the Prince of Pink... Now wouldn't that be a kick in the noggin (Head for those of you not from a civilized nation ;))..


:-\ Even when I try to speak proper English, Mysty thinks I'm jabbering on in my mutt Pirate Patois... M'thinks we've got 'er trained all proper and in a seaman like fashion now, so we does.. ;D

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Even when I try to speak proper English, Mysty thinks I'm jabbering on in my mutt Pirate Patois... M'thinks we've got 'er trained all proper and in a seaman like fashion now, so we does.. ;D


LOL! People have to remember that us English donlt even speak the language!




Demonspawn... I like you! I think I'm gonna do well here!




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Civilized nation? *arches eyebrow* I better not go in to that too deeply, me thinks  :P


But yes, we're missing His Pinkyness. The Holy Grail of Brat. Where'd you hide my bonded, Manny??? *dives in Manny's shirt and starts rummaging* Ohhhhhhhhh Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !! *peeks head out* Man this thing goed deep!  :o

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Aye! Just as well!


*Eyes Myst suspiciously while standing in his arseless, and frontless as has now been discerned, leather chaps drinking Earl Grey Tea from a human skull... With his pinky (thats finger!) sticking out like a proper posh git*


I say, Jeeves! Parse h'one h'one of those donner kee-babs with h'extra chilli and garlic sauce h'if you'd be so kind. H'One feels rather h'ravenous!


*See the h'extra Haitches... proper posh and civilised! Even us Geordies can dee posh! If David Beckham can anyone can*

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Hi there Naedys, I see you've met my Souvra and two of my bandeds. Lucky you.  :D


Spanking huh? Can we do her for assaulting a superior officer or does it not count yet? Hmm? I guess not then, Demon was enjoying that way too much!!  :P


Welcome to the Band m'dear. I'm the Infantry Captain General and brain rummager extraordinaire. Look forward to seeing you at the Barracks some time during the next few weeks if you manage to survive the *TRUMPET FANFARE* Official Spiel !!!!!!!!!!!!! You are nailed down aren't ye? Lost too many RRs that way.  ::) Unprepared... wonder whatever happened to kids being sent to Scouts and Guides? Shocking state of affairs these days, really.


Anyhoo, have to dash, I left one of my Warders unsupervised in the Officer's Quarters and knowing him he'll finish all the rum if he's alone too long....  ::)


Have fun!

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Well I am late, but still beat the spiel.  Hi Naedys, I am Samurai, Current Captain General of the Archers.  Try some flaming shots to wash all that hogwash they've been givin' ya out of your swallower.  *Passes Nae some shots on fire*


Let me help ya with that spiel thingy.  *Nails her feet to the floor* 


That ought to hold ya.  ;)

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I swear I posted The Official Spiel! Ah well...better late than never!


*official spiel*


Welcome Naedys! An email explaining important information about the Band is currently sitting in your inbox! Take a read! Also check your PMs too! ;)


Basically, the Band of the Red Hand is the Travel and Music ORG at DM! By signing up for the Band, you have joined the successful Raw Recruit Scheme. By signing up for the off board site, you will be able to experience the whole process to the maximum! The Executive Officer, Direwolf Jon, will assign you to one of the three Regiments (Archers, Cavalry, Infantry) for a week, where you will be given various tasks to perform, hoping that you will get a picture of what time in each Regiment is like. After a week with each Regiment, you will be asked to pick your final choice of a Regiment.


While being a Raw Recruit, there is nothing stopping you from earning points like any other Band member. Points lead to promotion within the Band. Below is a list of possible ways to earn points:


- writing reviews on places to visit/holidays you have been on

- writing reviews on music albums and gigs

- writing restaurant reviews!

- replying to other people's reviews and asking questions

- composing Jak O' the Shadow verses

- getting articles published in our monthly newspaper, The Hornsounder

- posting in the monthly roll call in the Band's private boards here at DM

- any DM project we may have, which includes our Quote Project (speak to Amavia and Angyl)

- and much much more I cannot think of right now!


If you complete your time as a Raw Recruit within 3 to 4 weeks, you will get a special award (called the Raw Recruit Stripe) which you can add to your siggy as well!


While being a Raw Recruit, you get 3 free strikes. This enables you to break Band Law 3 times without being punished by the Redarms, the Band's very own police force. If they see any Law breaking, they will either drag you up for a trial or give you a fun spot fine to do (usually 100 lines of something witty). Channeling is a major no-no in the Band. As is spilling Battle Brew, our beloved drink! Once you have used up your 3 strikes, or join the Band's ranks officially, you will face the full force of Band Law like any other Bander does!


Of course, we are not all about working 24/7, as we do let our hair down now and then! We are famous for our bar brawls, which happen frequently!Keep an eye out for one! We also like jokes, tales, funny pictures - things that will make us laugh!


We also have many games - at DM, which can be found in the stickies, or the Lottery set up in our Dicing with Jak O' the Shadows board, which you will see once you have signed up for the private boards here at DM. There are also several games on the off board site as well! Also, take the lessons to learn our ORG Game, based on the luck of dice! You get the selected weapons of your Regiment, and can fight anyone in the Band! We'll give you a practise fight so you can get your bearing until you are ready to challenge a Bander. Also look out for our festivals of various games using the dice roller and ORG Game. There are many staff members for the Game who will be willing to help you out.


Once you have been added to the list for the private boards here, you will also be able to participate in our lottery game, which takes place in the Dicing With Jak O' the Shadows board. It is a lot of fun, and your winnings can buy you various goodies!


If you have a Facebook account, search for the group 'DM Band of the Red Hand'. Click to apply. Then PM/email Brid or I to say you've requested to join, and we'll accept it. I'm using Facebook as another way to communicate with Banders!


If I have left anything out (which I expect I have!), do not hesitate to ask questions! Someone will be able to answer them for you!


One last thing...


*hands Naedys a Marshal-General's Special Battle Brew*



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