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New Black Tower Org Leader Needed


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Tayol has stepped down from Org Leadership which means we are searching for a replacement.  We are looking for someone who can devote at least ten hours a week to this Org and can give at least a sixth month commitment.  You'll be expected to work with the other members of the DM staff to not only improve this Org but also the overall DM community.  You will also be expected to produce monthly reports to the rest of the DM staff concerning this org.  Any BT member that is interested may apply.  I will try to offer constructive feedback to all applicants. 


If you are interested, please send an email to community@dragonmount.com before Wednesday December 17, 2008.


A successful application would have your DM Handle, ideas on how/what you would do to improve this org and anything else that you think would set you apart from other applicants.


Good luck to all the applicants!


Best wishes to anyone willing to devote themselves to such a gratifying organization.


We members who participate here easily forget what it must take to keep DM up and running successfully and I doubt that the people who VOLUNTEER their time are complimented very often for their efforts.


For the record, I appreciate having a quality place to come strictly for my own enjoyment without having to pay for it and without being badgered by commercial interests.

Without the DM staff, there would be no Dragonmount.

Without Dragonmount, there would be no GrandpaG.








I was under the impression Tay had given this job to Eclipse o_o


For the interim, the official Org Leader still needs to follow the app process, same as every other Org.


I appreciate that Demi, but by all means, feels they able and have the time to give, then they should absolutely apply. This is all about whats best for the Org. If someone has good ideas and great potential to offer, we would be doing the Org a disservice by dissuading them from submitting those ideas into Empy.

  • 2 weeks later...

:o what the hell? TAYOL!!!!  :'(


oh the insanity.... the horror..... the agony!





  • 2 weeks later...

I was on LOA and then the Holidays so I got distracted.  I am really disappointed we got one app.  Not that the applicant isn't a great choice but no one else cares to stand up for their org and think they can contribute.  Is it apathy?  Do you just not have enough people to care about how this org is run that no one but one person applies?  Or is it as someone said... you all think eclipse is the best candidate.  Which may be true... but damn... I would still apply if I care about my org. 


Anyway... this isn't a BT problem... it is a problem DM wide.  It makes me sad and frustrated. 


Eclipse put in a great application and in the end he is the new BT leader.  I think he is going to do a fine job ushering in a new era for the BT.  I appreciate all the hard work Tayol put into this orgs in years past and look forward to working with the incoming org leader.


We all worked it that way, because we wanted him as OL. Doesn't mean we don't think highly of this Org. It was all planned...>.>


Congrats Eclipse, I know you'll be a great OL.


*hands him a large Red Devil*


Made specially for you and followed your recipe to a tee.


*sneaks in a congratulatory snugglebite!* ;D


I would've applied, so to speak, but I chose instead to respect the former leader(s) choice of Eclipse. Of course, I also believe he can lead this org to great heights and so forth, but yeah.


I would've applied, so to speak, but I chose instead to respect the former leader(s) choice of Eclipse. Of course, I also believe he can lead this org to great heights and so forth, but yeah.


Exactly, and I'm too lazy to type out something long enough to make a good application for that.


Empy, it's not that we BT'ers are apathetic - in fact, I think we are one of the most passionate groups about our section. We just don't dick around agonizing and dithering about decisions. Our leaders have a history of quick decision making and implementing, which cuts down on a lot of drama and frustration. It's one of the things I like most about the BT.


Also, we're a relatively small and close-knit group, who know each other's capabilities and time limitations well. Furthermore, I (and i think most other members) have always trusted Tayol and Roka's decisions, as I (we) did the one to leave Eclipse in charge - he's proven himself a competant, dedicated and hard-working member, and a great leader, whom we can respect and follow.


In conclusion, I would say that no: not applying doesn't say that we don't care, it says that we DO care. We care more about our BT than about getting a shiny title for ourselves, and the rest be damned. All of which would have been explained, if anyone had cared to ask.


*walks up to the Eclipse and pins the removable 'Red Ajah Head Target' on his forehead* ;D


Congratulations, oh Covering One!


*holds off Talya with one hand while  not nibbling on the newest Top Blackie's neck* Hold your horses woman! You need to learn how to share! *shoves chocolate covered strawberries down her Sister's throat*


*doesn't nibble away* Light, but this is some neck. Gonna take me all day to get this masterpiece finished. *happily munches away*


*rubs off the Red Ajah head Target* This is the Black Tower not some extension of the Red Ajah.


*trips Myst up before she gets chance to do anything* :P


Wow, thanks everyone. I really didn't expect no one else to apply even though Demi was trying to organize that. I'll do my best to live up to the standards set by Tayol and Roka.


And Empy, I think that apathy is now where near what BT'ers feel. I've dabbled around and I've found that this group right here seems to care about this Org and each other as much if not more than any other Org on this site.  That's why I feel honored to have their blessing and support in my new position!


Oh, and Talya, I think we need to make the sign at the entrance bigger so that Myst will be able to read it next time, lol.




Again my rant wasn't entirely directed at the BT but at every org these days.  I think Eclipse is going to do great things for you guys.


Must be a bit disheartening, Empy ... *snuggles*


*Hands Empy a pitcher of Taint* - that will make you feel MUCH better!  ;D


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