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Star Trek Movie!


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lol it's not my fault we have a lot in common... :p


Btw I always thought it was adorable how much the doc liked 7 of 9.


In guy speak, the doc would say "I'd hit that", However since he is a hologram, and an AI program, he'd probably say "I'd hack that". ;)


Also, Data did rock, and its sad what they did to him in the last ST movie. :(

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lol it's not my fault we have a lot in common... :p


Btw I always thought it was adorable how much the doc liked 7 of 9.


In guy speak, the doc would say "I'd hit that", However since he is a hologram, and an AI program, he'd probably say "I'd hack that". ;)


Also, Data did rock, and its sad what they did to him in the last ST movie. :(


Ya, at the end of that movie I was expecting him to pop out of nowhere and they would all leave on the Enterprise to go on another mission. But...  :'(

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will probly apeal to people who have never watched ST before, and not so much for those of us who are true trekies


That is very much the impression I have got, and that makes me really wonder what the bloody point of making the movie is. I mean, there are plenty of ways to make a 'splosions&cleavge movie without having to buttrape a franchise that has been quite successful for decades.

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