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[TV] Return of V


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How super wicked awesome is this:



"V," the 1980s miniseries about alien lizards visiting Earth, will invade primetime once again.


ABC is developing a new adaptation of the franchise — which spawned a second mini and TV spinoff — written by "The 4400" co-creator/exec producer Scott Peters.


In this case, the new "V" will center on Erica Evans, a Homeland Security agent with an aimless son who’s got problems. When the aliens arrive, her son gloms on to them — causing tension within the family. As in the original "V," several storylines will unfold simultaneously.


But even without the same storyline, the original "V’s" bones will remain: As in the ’80s version, the show will open with an enormous army of spaceships hovering over the world’s major cities. The visitors say they’ve come to help Earth, but their motives are nefarious (in the original, they wanted to steal the world’s water supply).



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Wait, so they're doing a "new version" now instead of making a mini out of the sequel???


I thought there were working on a sequel.  Marc Singer was all excited about it at Dragon Con 2007.  I guess that went the way of the Serenity sequel, just word of mouth.


Anywhoo, I hope it gets made.  Especially if that writer was involved with Jericho!  That show was Awesome!  I never saw the 4400.  Is that any good?  I keep hearing it is, but it just smacks of the Baptist "rapture" movies I was forced to watch as a kid, so I steered Far Away.


Hehe, I have all the Vs on DVD.  I need to finish watching them.  I was having V parties at my place every Sunday, but we got busy and stopped.  I guess I should stop waiting around and go a head and watch them on my own.

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  • Community Administrator

Wait, so they're doing a "new version" now instead of making a mini out of the sequel???


It could be good... But how to make alien lizards... not look corny today?


Anywhoo, I hope it gets made.  Especially if that writer was involved with Jericho!  That show was Awesome!  I never saw the 4400.  Is that any good?  I keep hearing it is, but it just smacks of the Baptist "rapture" movies I was forced to watch as a kid, so I steered Far Away.

I've watched the 4400, and it does 'smack' abit of the baptists rapture thing, though not to explicity. Aka its not preaching to the choir. ;)

Though at times there are episodes that make you 'groan'.

But you have to remember, this show was on USA, I dunno about you but 4400, Dead Zone, they both have some 'religion' involved.


Though thankfully the 3rd? 4th? Season of 4400 layed off the whole 'religion' thing, and went more 'x-men' on our asses...

The 2nd? 3rd? Season were the 'groaning' seasons, but its more along the lines of not preachign to the choir, but your 'main' guy that season is focusing on, is basically the 4400's jesus. :P


But hey, the 4400 still beats hereos on some of there abilities. But damn that new guy they introduced yesterday on hereos? That was wicked. ;D


Hehe, I have all the Vs on DVD.  I need to finish watching them.  I was having V parties at my place every Sunday, but we got busy and stopped.  I guess I should stop waiting around and go a head and watch them on my own.


I've seen em all.. I think..

For some reason V reminds me alot of the orginal battlestar galactica... And the only thing I remember was going..

'htf Does that 'waxy mask' hide a t-rex head?!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Community Administrator

Oh man....now I gotta steal my mother's copies of the original V to refresh. 


Dude! Your stealing your moms V'?! Thats sick man, Sick!




*note, if you watch true blood v = vamp blood :P*

*note2, if you don't watch true blood, v can be viagra. Why do I know that? BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING THE FING EMAILS! THEY WON'T STOP! I blame barms for signing me up for viagra ads.*

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