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So..I've been thinking.


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Alright..so I used to have a BTer many moons ago on the old boards and since his bio was lost in DM fallout I had hesitated to make another, but lately I have been struck with the urge.


I just wanted to see who was around that I could play with. I know for sure Sieve has a character..who else?

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You can play with whoever you like, just keep it PG13+ :P







Seriously though, you've got Covai (Storm Leader) and Arath (Attack, soon to be Storm Leader) as the high up PCs. Most people here are about to/just have finished their reqs for Asha'man and a starting another chacter, which basically doubles the number of folks we have floating about. Hey, even I'm considering making another character or two (most likely for specific RPs, but we'll see how it goes)




Oh, and we have cookies! *Offers to share*



You should probably stay away from the wine though  :-\

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As if I would not be PG-13 *looks innocent* It is you sir we need to put a censor on *teases*


I am not 100% sure on the character. The only thing I know for sure is that he will be Thera's brother.


FYI: Thera Trakelyn is my Warder and Mistress of Trainees character.

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*refuses to comment about what happens when someone is on him  :o*



Seriously though, if you're doing a relative character, have them at Tar Valon when we rock up and bond/get bonded by the Aes Sedai. One of the Asha'man there can test him and bring him back to the tower. That way you can have his bio RPed out as well, which - as far as I know - is a first. Heck, you can get a bunch of people in on it too  ;D

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*laughs and puts two people on you* Oh my!


My plan was to have him go to Tar Valon to visit his sister, thinking that maybe he could channel or want to channel. I am not 100% *shrug* Still trying to work out the details in my head.  :-\

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*grins* I am too transparent I see! ;)


We will see if he ever decides to try and fight the other voices in my head so he has room. Kabria and Covina can be pretty loud *nod nod*  :-*

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I can bite my own tongue thank you very likely! *kills*


I am having some issues finishing Thera's bother's bio and I don't know why *pout*


Yells "But not as good as I can, you should reconsider" and waits to be killed.


Because it has nothing to do with Kabria silly!

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*looks Sieve up and down with a wry grin* you sure think highly of yourself *promptly set him on fire*


I think you may be right about the its not Kabria part  :-* *sends Kabria to distract Perivar in delicious ways*

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