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Well, as the subject said, hello, I guess I should introduce myself, my name is John, but you can use my username Winterwinds becuase it sounds cooler then john  :D

Anyway, I have been reading the wheel of time for a while now, I lost track of how long it has been since the news that RJ died, but then I do not know anyone who has read the books who has been able to keep track after that, so I am going ot make a guess and say....2 years ??? . it really dosnt matter how long I have been reading the books I guess, I can answer almost any question pretaining to them (Seeing as I have all the books basicly right infront of me as I write this) and I have a thing for sucking up information that interests me. I am 17 years old, and am attempting to write a sci-fi book which I hope to get published before I leave highschool (Creator permiting) and pull in some extra income so I can start comfterbly write my books, and play the tabletop stratigy game Warhammer, which I plan on makeing a Manetheren army (Which will sit in my gerage most likely since the army is copywrite and does not exist in the Warhammer world...well not yet anyway  ;D) ...Well, I seem to be running out of steam, if you wish to ask any questions on anyhitng that I have said here, (Like my story) then feel free to ask and I will reply as soon as I can....off to the RP forums to think of a BIO to get into a RP thread xD till then.

Los Valdar Cubiyari! Los! Cara an Caladazar! Al Caladazar! (If I spelled it wrong...give me a break...)



Welcome dear; we're always happy to have new people down in the roleplay!  Feel free to ask any questions of our RP staff as needed; everyone is more than willing to help out new people.


But, of course, check out the rest of Dragonmount too - the discussion groups, the Orgs, and all of that.  Lots of good stuff all over the site... even if the RP is best.  I could be completely biased though for some odd reason <__<




welcome and yeah have a look around at other things


if you are interested in the dark side though rp wise then dont be shy of PMing me *s*


Welcome to DM!


You sound crazy enough to join those crazies down at the bottom of the site that RP!  :P Do have a look at the rest of DM as well, like Raeyn suggested.


heh...i just shiped in another bio to there, maybe we could tagteam pending where in the world you are so we could be brougth in togheter, my newest char would be somewhere in the plains in andor or around tar valon (not the city the plains)


which would fit well if we got nyna traveling up there to pick you up, then the two of you could pick me up on the return ;) as the quickest way would be straigth across caralain grass


the timing i had estimated to use to travel in was late summer early autumn which also would be before all bloody chaos break loose up in the borderlands.


if you want anyhow *s* i added you on msn so hit me up there and we can talk ;)


Cool  ;D


Now back to waiting for my Bio to get approved, which might take awhile, I acedently made it 2 pages xD my Howiling was kinda a long explnation..... But still interesting none the less I hope


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