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Mafia reaches Amadicia! CHAOS! [attn all signed up] Let the games being!


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Actually, if you look around at my posts here on DM, you'll find anything over two paragraphs is likely to have been edited at some point or another. Typos, small changes of wording... If you really want to know though, i added the third paragraph in the edit ;)


As for the defending... I personally think you're trying to read too much into it. So far, it's been more or less guesswork up until the point where you posted your list of suspects, and your reasons why. If you call that being defensive though, then i call you being defensive as well after getting voted on.


Note that i didn't disagree with your post. You came to a decision based on previous experience in Mafia games, experience i simply do not have and therefore have no intention of countering. If you want to call that being defensive, go right ahead, but i assure you i was aware of not being accused. My name showed up on your suspect list, and i gave some supplemental info on my motivations to help the thought process along. I want to survive this game as much as the next person after all ^^


There were two things in my post. First, i stated the reasons why i made the two votes that i did, and after that i pointed out a little tidbit that you overlooked -dash- casually forgot to mention to complete your fieldwork.


Now, turning this around again, i can't help but shake the feeling that you, Coren, have a bit of info i do not have. I mean, you post a deduction, and the first person to react to it is then given the symp badge regardless of whether or not they agreed with you. Sure, Talya could be the Aes Sedai. I could be the Aes Sedai. You could be the Aes Sedai. I'm not claiming to know who is who in this game... but you'd have to admit you sound awfully eager to get me to change my vote.


I know i can change it btw... but i won't. The last time i made a decisive vote, we lost the CotL, so i'm not going to jump on the bandwagon again for the second Day Phase in a row. My vote's staying on you, knowing that unless people have a change of heart you'll not get lynched.


We'll see where we stand tomorrow.


Coren-Edit: Yes Coren, edited for typoes again ^^;

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*removes her cloak of invisibility and smiles*


Well..what a fancy little predicament. With my skills of deductive reasoning, which always include pigs blood, yarn, a toothpick and a crystal ball my vote is Talya 


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Umm, I don't care if you change your vote Jehaine. I haven't posted a thing in reaction to you voting for me. If that were the case I'd have voted for you. In fact, I haven't even posted anything in response to you at all. My opinion that you could easily be the symp is because A) Knowing that you are an inexperienced player, you would therefore play any role you might have as an inexperienced player. And B) right now you are acting very much like an inexperienced player. It's just how I see it. Talya is playing like a very experienced mafioso. She posted a denial of my claim without protesting overly much so as to avoid drawing more attention to herself with her vehemence. (Which, I might add, is exactly what you are doing.


And on a final note, the comment about changing votes doesn't have anything to do with you Jehaine. I just wanted to be sure that everybody playing understood that since it seemed as though some might not.

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Wow looks like we have a tie.


3 votes each for Tay and Talya with 1 vote for Coren.


Coren has been doing a lot of talking but then again he does have a vote against him.  Tay and Talya basically are saying that a vote for them is a wasted vote.



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No one would die on a tie vote and we'd simply move to night. Which could work out very badly for us good players.


And I can only guess that since our lovely Moderator has an exam today, she hasn't been checking the past couple of days. She'll probably check tomorrow and we'll move to night with no lynch. So everyone, wish the spymaster the best of luck in finding the killer tonight. Otherwise we all lose.

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*removes her cloak of invisibility and smiles*


Well..what a fancy little predicament. With my skills of deductive reasoning, which always include pigs blood, yarn, a toothpick and a crystal ball my vote is Talya 



:o :o :o :o


You have a cloak of invisibility????  Is that something like a fancloak?


That means you must be the Warder in game!


Eqwina by the power delegated to me by the High Inquisitor, I choose you!

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last I checked this was Wheel of Time, so the invisibility cloak would be a fancloak like.


Oh well I'm going back to my original vote.


Tay gets my vote again. Laughing at someone's demise is so Darkfriend like.


Also if no is lynched and the Aes Sedai gets one of us, then we'll be reduced to 6 so the next round could end in a stalemate as well. 

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*sighs* I knew it'd come down to this... Only difference being i now get to choose between two people to bandwagon, and NOT lynching someone gives the Aes Sedai a better chance to win. Yay.




Anyway, though Coren's post gave quite a bit of information, i know i've got a history of making the wrong decisions, especially given, as noted, my inexperience. Thus, seeing as there are two people to choose from, i am going to do the gambler's thing and break out a coin.


1 for Taymist, 2 for Talya. WHO WILL SURVIVE?!? (1d2=2)


Well, looks like my dice roller site said that Talya needs to survive.


Thus, i change my vote from Coren to Taymist. I apologise that my reasons are based on chance rather than logic, but yeah...


*crosses fingers* >.<

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Every beginning has an ending. Sadly, yours came before it even began. A terrible plague reeked havoc around Amadicia, killing all but the most tainted souls of all. Segurant, Jehaine and Talya were the only ones who were left standing, smiling victoriously at their foolish victims. They seemed to have had a nice time, playing with their toys. But it was time to head back home... leaving behind a world of darkness where the sun might never shine again.


OR... in a nut shell, good guys lost... bad guys win! :P




The votes of the last day were:


Tay - Kara, Talya, Segurant, Jehaine (4 votes).

Talya - Coren, Talya, Eqwina (3 votes).



The roles were:

Jehaine - Aes Sedai         

Sham - CotL                     

Tay - Holy woman             

Kara - Holy woman           

Coren - Spymaster     

Mystica - Questioner       

Crystal - Holy woman         

Segurant - Aes Sedai         

Talya - Warder



Now, technically, I took a bit of a risk at making 3 baddies in a 9 players game. However, I did equip the good guys (IMO) with enough roles to be able to defeat the bad guys. The Spymaster role was a role I added to give the good guys a hand after they got the first Aes Sedai (because obviously the spymaster is useless while there were two assasins, since he couldn't freeze more than one person). However, since you lynched the CotL the first day and the Aes Sedai were lucky and landed the questioner at the first night... it left you guys a little exposed  LMAO

Call it bad luck... Karma...or whatnot.... but games just tend to go either way. Regardless, I enjoyed modding this game... and hopefully next time will last longer ;)


Till then!  ;D

And godspeed!





Light Mistress

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And thanks Jehaine. 2 killers in a game where the good guys aren't allowed to talk changes the odds a bit in favor of the bad-guys though.


With the CotL dead, we didn't stand a chance anyway, since I had you and Tayla backwards. If we had lynched Jehaine, I would have blocked Talya since seg never actually did anything to flag my attention.

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All the talk remains in the thread and the bad guys get to talk behind the scenes because they have to resolve who they're going to assasin during the night and they can't very well do it in the game thread. So letting them converse outside of the game thread is a standared rule.


Either way, once I get some free time... which should be in a few weeks... I'll be sure to start a new sign up for a new game :)


Unless of course someone is interested in modding a game. PM me if you're interested... cause if I don't mod, I can play! ;)  lol





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