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You know, this picture just completely destroyed my image of Moiraine in my mind. I was imagining her as a tall serene woman etc.... this is just so funny! Where did RJ get his cover art done! Lan looks weirder still with multiple sword strapped to his back. ;D

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It really surprises me how a series as good as WoT can have it's cover art so lacking. Say what you will about SoT but it does have cover art that atleast makes some sense according to the book.


Oh well, atleast Britain has decent book covers.

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You know, this picture just completely destroyed my image of Moiraine in my mind. I was imagining her as a tall serene woman etc.... this is just so funny! Where did RJ get his cover art done! Lan looks weirder still with multiple sword strapped to his back. ;D


Despite the numerous descriptions of Moiraine as being very short?

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Yeah, I think she's more or less described as being a very petite Cairheinin. Rand, Mat and Perrin all have to stoop to talk to her.


I think it was reinforced when RJ had her 'stepping over the wall' at... Baerlon?, he said how her small form seemed so imposing.


Also when Rand and Min meet Caraline Damodred, Min comments in her POV how petite she is - and how like Moiraine.


I have quite a strong image of Moiraine in my head. Somewhat like Gillian Anderson with dark hair (and more petite).

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It really surprises me how a series as good as WoT can have it's cover art so lacking. Say what you will about SoT but it does have cover art that atleast makes some sense according to the book.


Oh well, atleast Britain has decent book covers.


You mean the ones that look like the covers of another certain famous fantasy fiction series that I won't name?


Personally I'd far rather have the illustrated artwork, even if I dont agree with the representations. For example I dont like Rand on the cover of Fires of Heaven (is that the one where he looks mad, with ripped sleeves etc?) or Path of Daggers, and I certainly dont like Perrin on the cover of CoT / KoD whichever one it was!

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You know, this picture just completely destroyed my image of Moiraine in my mind. I was imagining her as a tall serene woman etc.... this is just so funny! Where did RJ get his cover art done! Lan looks weirder still with multiple sword strapped to his back. ;D


Despite the numerous descriptions of Moiraine as being very short?


She may be described as short but the way she keeps calling everyone down and her regal manner just turned her into a tall dominating figure in my head, despite all of RJ's descriptions.

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You mean the ones that look like the covers of another certain famous fantasy fiction series that I won't name?


I think you're going to have to name it, I have no idea what this "other" series is.


I prefer the WoT symbol personally. Alhough for some reason the CoT cover was sort of gilded which rubs off everytime you touch it. My CoT book is showing me the five ride forth prophecy now :(

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In my parts of the UK at least, the most prevalent series of LotR found in most bookstores has a black cover, with each of the three books (plus the Hobbit) having a differently coloured ring on the cover / spine.


In WoT, each book has a different coloured Wheel on the front, with the serpent winding through it.


The first thing I thought when I saw the new WoT covers was 'Lord of the Rings!!'



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In my parts of the UK at least, the most prevalent series of LotR found in most bookstores has a black cover, with each of the three books (plus the Hobbit) having a differently coloured ring on the cover / spine.


In WoT, each book has a different coloured Wheel on the front, with the serpent winding through it.


The first thing I thought when I saw the new WoT covers was 'Lord of the Rings!!'


They look alike but they are really based on diff stuff. I see what you mean though.


My covers are all the hopeless ones. I would love to own the ones that you have though!

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In my parts of the UK at least, the most prevalent series of LotR found in most bookstores has a black cover, with each of the three books (plus the Hobbit) having a differently coloured ring on the cover / spine.


Oh, yeah mine does too. I thought you were referring to SoT. I guess there's just so much talk of SoT taking ideas from WoT that I immediately jumped to the "Oh no what has he stolen now?" frame of mind.



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You know, this picture just completely destroyed my image of Moiraine in my mind. I was imagining her as a tall serene woman etc.... this is just so funny! Where did RJ get his cover art done! Lan looks weirder still with multiple sword strapped to his back. ;D


How can you say this when she is described as a little china doll by Cadsuane

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Also the Trollocs are just men wearing helmets with horns on them.


I always assumed those were the Seanchan...


As for Moiraine's height, well, it's not saying much for Jordan to state that Rand had to stoop down to get on her level. I can't remember, but I know somewhere RJ stated the height of Rand, and it was at least 6'4. She's probably at least a foot shorter than that.

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Guest Dreadlord

I imagined Rand to be about 6'8. I never picture Mat to be that tall, but all three of the Ta'veren are tall, Rand obviously the tallest.


I definitely agree that the picture of Loial is no way near what I picture, even though my picture of Loial is a bit hazy

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You know, this picture just completely destroyed my image of Moiraine in my mind. I was imagining her as a tall serene woman etc.... this is just so funny! Where did RJ get his cover art done! Lan looks weirder still with multiple sword strapped to his back. ;D


How can you say this when she is described as a little china doll by Cadsuane


I already adressed that:



She may be described as short but the way she keeps calling everyone down and her regal manner just turned her into a tall dominating figure in my head, despite all of RJ's descriptions.


And can someone please tell me why there are TWO swords strapped to Lan's back?


Oh god, I cant stop laughing looking at Moiraine-she's looking like a gypsy or something....

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And can someone please tell me why there are TWO swords strapped to Lan's back?


Lan only wears one sword at his hip. The confusion, I think, is that most Borderlanders, especially Shienarans, carry 2 swords on their back.

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I have two major problems with the picture.


1. Lan looks like a very scruffy mean guy. and


2. Moirraine's horse looks kile an albino shetland pony.


I would say it just looked like a pony, a shetland is much smaller and ugly. 

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