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An Absence of Borderlanders


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So, in just about every guide for new members, it says something along the lines of "Don't be a borderlander, everyone is and it gets boring to have only borderlanders who all know of trollics and are warriors." However, I've noticed that now we actually have very little borderlanders. I guess because of these warnings people make characters from different places and try not to make borderlanders, but with a lot of older members (who played borderlanders) gone, we don't have very many. XD It's not really a problem, but it just struck me as funny.

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There are actually a fair number of Borderlanders wandering around, I'm pretty sure.  My Raeyn, for instance, is Saldaean :)  Lillith would've been Saldaean too, but that would've been a bit too much.. so she's a Domani (and not one of those swish-sexy ones!).

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I'm sure that other people will pop up with Borderlanders; as it stands though, it is a good rule of thumb.  There's a lot more to Randland than the Borderlands, so it's good to try to make characters from other lands as possible.  After all, variety is the spice of life!  Or is it that spice is the variety of life... eh!




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My Warder Trainee is Saldean (and soon his sister as well in the Wolfkin), my Accepted and Gray are Arefellan, and I have the makings for a Kandori Bander and a Sheinaran Soldier. ;D


Once I'm finished, I'll have someone from each country and area. The only doubles are Illian, Saldea, Arafel, and Tarabon.

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My Red MoN, Larindhra, is Shienaran, and my other Red, Zarinen, is a Saldean. My novice, Esther, is Andoran.  I don't think I read that bit about not making Borderlanders before I made mine *blushes*

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Lol, I don't think it's actually forbidden, just strongly discouraged. I don't have any desire to play borderlanders though, they have too much of that honor and obligation. No offense to anyone, but I feel like borderlanders are boring. They grow up surrounded by death, they have full knowledge of shadowspawn, and they're practically all warriors. I think it's more fun to develope your character into what borderlanders are all born as.

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Yeah, I can see what you mean Talavin. The guide wasn't meant to discourage people from being boderlander, its mean to discourage godder types who seem to think having a few people die in their bio gives them leave to be a master swordsman for revenge and such. They tend to make things boring when they're all over the place :P

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I have a few, i know i got a shinerean (my wolfkin), a saldean (my trainee)


Lii my warder is actualy half malkieri by miracle as due to the swallow of bligth unless your an AS there just is no reason you would be from there, so to prevent crosstory and whatnot, you cant really make a char from there (against rules same as with emonds field), however a few very old chars grandfathered over to have grown up there as young before it got swalloed, Lii's father is one of those (posible one of very few around at all) so she is not malkieri by birth but have it in her blood (only learned about this after i created her, as the dad was a PC)


and i may well posible have someone from the other countries as well if i checked *s*


but yeah no, not rare at all *lol* but Covai got it rigth, its ment to discurage being from the borderlands and being a "god" who fougth trollocs, because its a cliche we all just heard once to many times ;)

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