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Re: roomies, reqs, etc


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Jehaine doesn't have an active roomie at the moment, I don't think ... maybe you 2 could get together? Or if May actually gets to posting?


You're the only one who has to go through class too, at the moment - I'm going to have to sort something out.


Time for all of the Novices to work on a prank, or something ... lol


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*peeks in*  I'll need to take the class as well, and on the site it says you can choose your room mates, but it doesn't say that a room mate is required.  Could the room mate thread requirement just be a generic interaction thing, or do we have to have a room mate now?  If we do need one (I have no objections to that at all) Selene is available too.

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NOTICE: I've split this topic so the Reqs one doesn't get too long.


I'm in the process of reviewing the reqs, as there is a bit of confusion about exactly what is required.  I'd like to take this opportunity to hear all your opinions on the subject.


Please remember that whatever we come up with is subject to Jade's approval.


Requirement Rules & Guidelines


- All Novice Requirements are a Min of 4 Posts per said novice for each Thread

- Post Minimum on all requirements is 3 paragraphs, or approx 250 words.

- Share Posting is Allowed but still require the 3 Paragraph Min each.

- Individual posts with more than 3 Paragraphs is still 1 post and you will need 3 more posts.

- Shared posts that include more than the Min of 3 Paragraphs for each character interaction can count for more than one post IF approved by Jaydena.


Novice Requirements


  • Novice Quiz - Ooc. Must be completed before allowed to RP.
  • Arrival/Meet Mentor - Rp where the Novice first meets Mentor/MoN/Roomates or all three.
  • Freeday - Organize an Rp with 2 or more Novices or Accepted.
  • One OP Related RP taught by An Accepted, Aes Sedai or assigned Mentor
    * Introduction to Saidar
    * One Power Weaving & Application
    * Submit an option for approval to DMWTBIOS@gmail.com
  • Choose 2 of the Following:
    * Homesickness - Adjusting to life in the Tower, your character reflects on missing home. (How does she deal with the loss of her family?)
    * Chore RP - A chore given by either an Accepted or Aes Sedai and must be completed.
    * Recovery - Your character must deal with a minor/major set-back or loss and must find a way to deal with it. (Will she approach a fellow N&A, Mentor or anouther Aes Sedai?)
    * Prankage!  - You character has been involved in a prank of some kind! (How will you deal with it. Are you the prank-er or the prank-ee? Will you repost this to the MoN?)
    * Create your own Character Centered RP - Must be approved by Staff.
  • Three Arches - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked.


Meet the MoN/Mentor/Roomie: 3 seperate reqs with Min 4 posts each, or 1 req with total Min 4 posts each?


Are there too many reqs or too few?

Would you like more choice or less?

Is this fun or just something you do just so you can get raised already? Which would you like it to be?


Suggestions? Comments?

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(I forgot to do this on another board, so let me just warn you before the post and say that I write long posts and tend to ramble.  If you don't follow anything I say, feel free to blame it on me, not you.  It's 5am and I'm blonde. ^_^)


I like the reqs, I don't think there are too many.  There might be too few, but I don't want to make every hate me by suggesting we need more homework. :D  I'd love to maybe see an option where you have to do a closed thread of a certain length that's not interactive, to have more option for internal dialogue ((why on earth doesn't my Firefox recognize dialogue as a word??)) and reflection on the tower as a whole.  This would probably be better as a word count req rather than post count, with possible choices being something along the lines of "Letter to home", "Personal Reflection", "Day in the Life of" or so.  ;)  I could just like this idea because for the past 9 years or so I've done a lot more writing and a lot less RP interaction, so I fully admit I may be biased.  If your character wants to spend a freeday (since there will likely be more than one during the 10 years or so they are novices) going horseback riding on the grounds, and therefor doesn't need interaction for it, it could fall into this category.


I still don't know if roomies are a requirement or not.  If they are not, or there's no one around to room with, than it could make getting that requirement done a difficult challenge.  I'd also like to see something with the exact same requirement as freeday, but held during a normal day.  Three or more total initiates roleplaying out their day together, doing things like meals, the less interesting classes (history and penmanship and that kind of thing where there doesn't need to be a PC teacher or structured class - these classes being their own thread would be difficult as you're not supposed to interact with each other much during classes, but there is some), mundane chores, so on.  A chance for the interaction between the characters to be the main focus of the thread, with everything else mostly as just context.


The longer posts than 3 paragraphs still counting as one post I'm undecided on.  Like with my arrival, if I had chosen to wait for an accepted (I originally intended to) than I would have had a chance to respond with a second post to the accepted, before getting to the MoN.    What I wrote probably wouldn't have been much different, unless the accepted that responded had decided to get very interactive.  I could have posted Selene's whole arrival, starting from her home town (which was posted on the South/Andor board) all in one thread, broken into several posts, but it wouldn't have changed the interaction any - there'd still have been none.  Breaking something into more posts doesn't make it better writing or more effort to write.  But I can understand not wanting someone to just narrate their way to Aes Sedai in a week of long posts, hence my indecision.


Short posts that allow for a lot of back-and-forth between two roleplayers aren't a bad thing, too.  I think maybe it should be worded to have a total of such-and-such many words, and a minimum of 4 posts.  So you could meet a requirement of say, 1000 words, with 5 or 6 shorter posts, but you wouldn't be sacrificing quality or fun just to add that extra 100 words or whatever of random description to make the post long enough.  I'm a big fan of freedom in writing, and having choices in how you do it.  A lot of the share posts are done like this, with shorter exchanges written by each side and posted together, when the individual exchanges themselves wouldn't count as a proper post otherwise.


A post where the character reflects on how they have changed since joining the Tower, I think, might be a really good addition.  It would have to be practically the last thing done before the Accepted testing, but this would also  add to the fleshing out of the character and would probably have to be just narrative.  You might be able to do it with two (or more) people reminiscing on how they have changed since they joined, and maybe recounting off-screen adventures they have had during their stay in the tower. 


I have absolutely no idea what this means.

Submit an option for approval to DMWTBIOS@gmail.com

None at all.  An explanation on that might be helpful.  If it's in regard to the list of choices that follows it, it probably shouldn't be bulleted with the list above it.


You are a wonderful MoN and acting DL. :)  I really appreciate you taking it onto yourself to ask about this stuff instead of just sending Jade a PM telling her it should be brought up when she feels up to it.  And I'm not saying that just to butter you up so Selene doesn't get on your bad side. :D


I'll shush now, there's probably more thoughts rambling around in there, but I can always post again later if one of them leaps out at me as important enough.  I do want to say that I am here because I enjoy writing, I enjoy Wheel of Time, and I enjoy roleplaying.  I would still quite happily go along with it if you kept things exactly as they are, or scrapped them entirely and did something nothing like any of my suggestions/opinions.  I am very easy-going for the most part, so please don't feel pressured to take any of this against your own feelings for fear you'll alienate me.  I don't drama or flip out, I promise. :)



P.S. Sorry, I warned you I was long-winded and prone to ramble.

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YAY!! im not alone in writing long posts anymore!! *huggers Q*


Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I wouldn't mind being roomies with Jeh and/or Selene. But ONLY if they are 100% in favor of it themselves.


as for the reqs, im ok with them, they give a good guidance and allows you to get a feeling of accomplishment when you get to tick them off your list. I'm a bit result driven and it always feels good when I can 'see' I've reached another goal.

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*grins at Q and hands her some of the MoN's special cookies*  ;D


Some excellent suggestions in there, hon - I'll address just a few of your questions:


I'd love to maybe see an option where you have to do a closed thread of a certain length that's not interactive, to have more option for internal dialogue


I think the following ones allow for that:

* Homesickness

* Recovery

* Create your own Character Centered RP


I have absolutely no idea what this means.


Submit an option for approval to DMWTBIOS@gmail.com

None at all.  An explanation on that might be helpful.  If it's in regard to the list of choices that follows it, it probably shouldn't be bulleted with the list above it.


I'm not too sure myself. I think you're supposed to email us with which of those 2 you want to do  ??? - I'll look into it.


I think the reqs were structured like this because many of the Novices are total newbies to RP, and would therefor need a bit more structure and direction than people who have RP'd for a long time. Choices become important when we have both types joining.


I'm not totally understanding your point about your intro: could you clarify that a bit more? (Loved that AS you NPC'd into it, btw - I'm going to work her into my reply  ;D)


One point to remember, which I don't think has been made clear: the reqs are just the minimum stuff you MUST do - you're more than welcome to do a ton of other stuff, if you want  :D (For instance: my Esther has done the req meet the roomie, but I'm having such fun with The Trollop (aka Deanne) that we're continuing it.)


ps: will reply to Myst after this


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I'm also result driven, and love ticking off things, but I would rather have those things be useful/entertaining/result driven rather than doing them because they're there  :D

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Oh, I just meant that I could have gotten my full 4-post requirement done before she ever met the MoN.  But then it would have been just a story, instead of an RP.  And I'm glad you liked the AS!  I had a lot of fun writing her, I'm glad she'll continue to be a thorn in Selene's side.


And I was under the impression that all of the reqs had to involve more than just your character, if I'm wrong on that, then you can ignore that whole section of what I said. :)


*grins and hugs Mystica*  I was told I'd like you. ;)

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noonono ... this is good, Q - we're brain-storming! *lurves brain-storming*


have a look at those reqs and what you wrote again, and see if they coincide, and if not, can you come up with stuff to add in.


At the moment I'm pondering the whole "Meet the ..." How much interaction is needed/useful/etc; what is the purpose; etc

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If the required number of posts was just upped, rather than requiring different threads for it, it might make the continuity flow better.  Like, say.. 4 posts for each thread if done separately or more (8? 12?) if done all in a single thread.  I think most of the arrivals I've seen went MoN > calls for Mentor > Mentor drops off with roomies, which flows very easily in a single thread, but might be choppy in separate threads since if the MoN calls the mentor in to take the novice, you'd have 'met' the mentor in the MoN thread.


I'm not entirely sure the way I worded that made sense.  Let me know if I'm being muddled.


Those reqs coincide with my suggestion just fine if you can meet the requirement without needing a second character to interact with in the thread.  I had just thought that all of the reqs required more than just you posting.  I had suggested a just-you thread req being added.


The British Brownie deserves the cookies. ;)

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The British Brownie has the key to my cookie jar *winks*


you're making a lot of sense, Q.


A few points:


The meets can go any way the novice wants (i just count up the post made by the novice in the end)


What worries me, though, is when the mentors/roomies aren't available. I don't want a novice left hanging because her/his/it's rp partner has been sucked in by the dreaded RL, or has just lost interest. That would actually go for the MoN too - i've had some struggles with my internet lately which has given me ulcers, worrying about not being able to post fast enough.


these reqs have been inherited and adapted over the years - fresh eyes might be able to see outside of the box and come up with something new, exciting, and practical.

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The disappearance or lack of activity on mentor behalf worries me a bit too, but those things do happen.  Even someone who has been a solid and steady player can be suddenly called away by stuff at no fault of their own.  I like the mentor system, especially now that the classes are being taught in groups again, but I haven't seen a whole lot of interaction between mentor and novice yet.  I know I joined during something of a recovery period at DM (been registered and lurking since mid January, so I know most of why it happened) and maybe that's most of what's to blame, but more active and involved mentors would be a fantastic thing.


I also officially claim Carina as my roommate. :)  Perfectly willing to make it a threesome if Jeh wants. *weg*

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I have absolutely no idea what this means.


Submit an option for approval to DMWTBIOS@gmail.com

None at all.  An explanation on that might be helpful.  If it's in regard to the list of choices that follows it, it probably shouldn't be bulleted with the list above it.


I'm not too sure myself. I think you're supposed to email us with which of those 2 you want to do  ??? - I'll look into it.



I can clarify this for you. It means that if you don't like the first two options, you can submit another option for approval by the DL. Just as with the Choice RPs where you can send in a suggestion for approval too.


Also, on the choice RPs, you can do the RP alone. Say you chose the Homesick one... it could just be your character thinking/reminiscing etc... it doesn't have to include anyone else as long as you meet the 4 post requirement.


As far as the mentor issue goes, I love having one and Nyn's been great so far in posting with me. We did have a bit of a mix up over the posts needed but Elgee sorted the stickies to make more sense lol. I kinda feel that 8 posts is a bit much to achieve meeting the MoN and your mentor, we achieved what we needed to in less. I'm not big on RPing just for the sake of making post numbers. On the other hand, with 2 roomies, making the 4 posts was easy and actually went way over. So if it's a total count of 12 for all three rather than specifically 4 for each part, that'd work better. 


*eyes her Souvra* You're already claimed  :P I'm watching you  :P

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I can clarify this for you. It means that if you don't like the first two options, you can submit another option for approval by the DL. Just as with the Choice RPs where you can send in a suggestion for approval too.


Is this written down somewhere, Tay, or is it your interpretation of it?


Making the total post count for Meet the MoN + Mentor + Roomies 12 posts, split whichever way you want it, makes sense to me. If your mentor and roomie both have RL interference, you can always come back to the MoN for punishment ... *angel face*


Also, on the choice RPs, you can do the RP alone. Say you chose the Homesick one... it could just be your character thinking/reminiscing etc... it doesn't have to include anyone else as long as you meet the 4 post requirement.


As Q mentioned, I think, it doesn't always make sense to split a post if it's a soliloquy.  Personally I don't see the problem with making it 1 post, as long as it's a minimum of 1000 words and 12 paragraphs. (Subject to approval - as yet, it's just my personal view.)


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I can clarify this for you. It means that if you don't like the first two options, you can submit another option for approval by the DL. Just as with the Choice RPs where you can send in a suggestion for approval too.


Is this written down somewhere, Tay, or is it your interpretation of it?


It's standard practice in most of the Divisions. We do it in the Wolfkin too. If you don't like the set requirements, you can "submit an option" to the DL for approval. That's why it's bulleted in the same list as the other two rather than written separately.  :)


As Q mentioned, I think, it doesn't always make sense to split a post if it's a soliloquy.  Personally I don't see the problem with making it 1 post, as long as it's a minimum of 1000 words and 12 paragraphs. (Subject to approval - as yet, it's just my personal view.)


Yeah, whichever way makes sense... I was more commenting on being able to do it yourself rather than the method, as there seemed some debate over whether you could or not. :)

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1st part:

WT logic is unlike any other logic I've come across, Tay - which is why I got all excited about the possibility that it might be written down somewhere - would solve the issue  ;D


2nd part:

agreed, just took the idea and ran with it :D

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  • 1 month later...

Elgee what Tay says is correct. You can submit to the staff email if you don't like the options and I will either approve it or disapprove it. Now I got totally confused when reading through all this, so what questions do people want me to address?

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Can we use long posts in place of multiple posts? Like, can word count be an optional replacement for posts (particularly for the less interactive reqs like Homesickness can be)?


Are MoN, Mentor, Roommate each separate reqs (you have to do all three, at 4 posts each) or if you meet the MoN and get your posts in, is there no requirement for the others?  If they are each separate requirements do you have an additional requirement if you've already met your roommate and then are given another roommate after that?  And if you decide not to have a roommate (since it's our choice who we room with and all) do you have to do a thread about not having a roommate to replace that req? Or do you just not have to do that req?


And if they are separate reqs, can you have a single thread that is long enough (8? 12? posts long) where you meet the MoN, she sends you off to your mentor, and then you go back and meet your roommate all in a single thread?  As it is right now, you're not supposed to use one thread for more than one req, but this seems like it should be the exception.


The other point about the word count being an optional choice for reqs is so that if someone posts several short responses, like when people are talking back and force, the individual posts might not be 250 words long, but if over the whole thread they have enough words total to count for 4 separate posts (1000, in this case) or 6 (1500) for the accepted, it might make it easier for an accepted and novice to both get their reqs done in the same thread, where the novice only needs 4 posts and the accepted needs 6.


I don't know if any of that made any more sense than it did the first time you read through the thread, but that's the stuff I can remember offhand that we talked about in the thread.

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Actually, "Meeting MoN/Mentor" counts as one requirement, and you'd need four posts between the two (or more, Roommates are optional) of them in order to get the req done. If you pass that amount, great, wonderful and more power to you. But anything equal or above four decently sized posts would do nicely.


Also, large posts have a chance of counting as two, though chances are with that much to tell you'll end up with at least four posts anyway ;)

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