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I Remember

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When this board used to be relevant.  When near on everyone in the community would check it from time to time to see what everyone else was up to.  And yes, this is officially a I miss the good ol' days of DM post.  If you don't want to read this post then feel free to wander off right now.  Go on I'll wait. wouldn't want to force you into anything you're not comfortable with. 





*waits some more*




*watches as the door closes*




Okay, now that everyone else is gone. Hi Kat! I knew you'd hang around a bit.  We rarely get these times to just hang out you and I and remember the good ol' days.  *g* 


So yes I miss the general discussion board.  This board shouldn't even bear the same name.  It doesn't match up to what it used to be.  Once upon a time it was the flagship board of the site.  It was where you had to go for anything important and/or newsworthy.  And it was fun to read the various threads. 


I miss the temp boards of 2000(roughly if I remember correctly).  Crazy? Maybe so. I still miss them.  We had fun there.  It was just such a small core group of people there flying the DM flag.  And we had a great time.


I miss Joram, Serafelle, and Mazrim Taim.  All contributed greatly to the site and at the same time threw huge fits and were both loved and hated by various factions of the DM community.  They all brought their own form of drama.  Now the site runs entirely too smoothly.  I want some unrest.


I miss the combination of RP and OOC inside the orgs.  It's probably just nostalgia but I really enjoyed when your org count was limited and the OOC and RP were intertwined within the org.  Bah to the RPers for wanting their own side of DM.  They deserted me, though I went against my very nature to RP for them so many times.


I miss the CoL.  Yeah we were only a couple dozen strong numbers wise but it was my couple dozen and I loved em.


I miss the warders OOC board.  I really don't know why, perhaps because it was still a combination OOC/RP board and everyone there was so serious about sword forms and bonding and such.  It entertained me.  Plus I love Seggie, Matalina, BenT and various other warder type folk.  I still see Seggie quite a bit but somehow it's just not the same as when he was cutting a dashing figure as a warder captain.


I miss the old posts.  Maybe I'm not remembering correctly but I remember there were fewer posts and more content.  Now there's just a sick amount of posts with little to no content.  I blame the boards ease and accesability.  You used to have to click on each person's post in the thread and now the whole thread is readily available. 


I miss fewer boards.  There are waaaaay too many now. Bah, Bah I say.


Anyway, I miss a lot more, but I'm done for now.  I'll just dwell on what I'm happy about.


Kathana's still here. Whoop! She completes me

Paityr's still here.  WHOOP!

Empy's still here. Whoop! Emp F'n rocks!

Yvevy's still here. double Whoop!


And I'm going to stop throwing out names because I'll miss someone if I keep going and then I'll have to explain why and I really won't have a good reason except I'm dumb and sometimes forget things and folk I shouldn't.


But I can't leave it like this.  I suppose I should talk about some things I enjoy about the new DM.




the new replies to your posts is helpful.




I'm meeting new people who seem to be just as cool as the old ones, if in a different way.  Even Barm amuses me (not because he's funny mind you, I just enjoy his presence for some reason *shrugs*)


there's probably more.


Justen Diablos,

Presumptious since 1990


And I miss the days when...


Well, no actually, I've only been here a year. Not much to miss as of yet.


I'm just gonna go stand over there and be awesome. *points*


Holy crap, I had forgotten the old "click every post to read it" threading.


You know what I don't miss?  Hitting refresh 10,000 times in a day and being bored out of my mind because there were no knew posts and I was being forced to actually do work.  Although, the one time I complained some saintly person pointed me to Sluggy Freelance as a way of filling the emptiness.


And it does.  Oh yes, how it does.


*wanders off to worship the comic*

  • Moderator

I think my favorite time was when the entire site would crash every day at three o clock, and wouldn't come back online until it was rebooted sometime after midnight. That was pretty fun.


the past is always (mostly) better, but thats because you edit  out the bad bit, or realise the things that annoyed you were actually fun, and make a good story to tell the iclk innosent newbs (look at him the old fool, talking like we've been here all ten years rather than 2. and a bit. the bit is all ways important, remeber that)  er now where was i ..um yeh, eventually new becomes old, and the presnt passes into the past, ect ect and other corny things like that (but i like cory saying, they sound good and are usually true) er ..oh, and eventually youll look back on howdm is now, nd think, hey  'twernt to shabby at all

  • Moderator

Yeah, that's what I tell the old timers when they start up with their mouth words.  Right now, for someone that just joined, this is the good old days that will never ever be topped. It's all perspective.


i wasn't going to break the solitude of this thread while it was just justen... but since others are here...


everyone loves barms. :( less for me...


i miss the old days when it was dead then suddenly for 3 hours you couldn't keep up because there were fun things going on. now i can't keep up because i have to work... :( booo work!


I miss when there was a leaf next to the thread when there was a new message, and the yin-yang sign next to some threads. Can't remember which. Was it the closed threads?


Didn't there use to be an archive board where the special threads were saved? If there was one, I miss it. If there still is one, you have hid it well. I also miss the random poll from the CoL there. --------->

I'm convinced there was one.


I loved the old icons that could go by a post. There was a guy thinking, and had a question mark next to him. I saw that somewhere recently, and brought back the memories of those icons. They were so much better than what these boards have to offer.


Does anyone know where they are all hidden, so I can have a trip down memory lane?

  • 3 weeks later...

You miss the Warders boards lol, glad we entertained you Justin hehe.


What I miss?  I miss the Spymaster report, the honor of being mentioned was a good part of the month, but there is alot more that I miss about the "good ole days"  But DM runs better now even with all the drama it sometimes gets still.


such is life.  everything is in a constant state of decay.  knowing that is one of a handful of things that gets me out of bed in the midafternoon.  that and cigarettes.  mmmmmmm they taste so good. 


I remember the good ol days when gas was less than a dollar, when movies would be in the theater longer than a week, when music had heart and soul, when cartoons were worth watching, when you could actually go outside in the summer, when videogames were games and not interactive movies (press (X) to proceed to next cutscene.), when reading was a socially acceptable form of entertainment.  Now its just left to housewives and us dorks. 


As time proceeds on its unrelenting trek forward everything gets worse.  Remember when you started your job?  "Hey!  This is pretty good.  This job isn't too hard, and I get paid well.  Six months later "I hate this place and everyone in it...especially the clients!" 


We used to only fear the Russians.  Now, we fear them, and the Koreans, and the Iranians and a bunch of independent groups of crazies with bombs and/or box cutters.


Worry my friends, it gets worse, but the ending will be spectacular.  But, hey, I'm an optimist.


they are delicious, but you need to taste them with your brain.  the lungs are a much quicker commute to the brain than the stomach.


such is life.  everything is in a constant state of decay.  knowing that is one of a handful of things that gets me out of bed in the midafternoon.  that and cigarettes.  mmmmmmm they taste so good. 


I remember the good ol days when gas was less than a dollar, when movies would be in the theater longer than a week, when music had heart and soul, when cartoons were worth watching,


Have you watched Spongebob?  Or Back to the Barnyard?  Some of the stuff out there today is brilliant.  There's really nothing like a toon that my 3 year olds can laugh at for the silliness and my wife and I can laugh at for the satire


Spongebob...I smoke pot, and still dont find it amusing.  Perhaps it takes having children to appreciate new cartoons.


I remember the good ol days when the telephone was used to call people.  Now we'd rather inform our buddy that we're heading over for the barbeque by typing with our thumbs.  *throws hands in the air and stalks out of the room*


OMD its kisson! where you been dude ..you like missing the awesomest game of mafia ever (meh its amusing me anyway :P)! (after the double blind of course ;) ) 


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