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Picture Thread! Ahhh!


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Btw, in case you were actually wondering Nae, it was because it was fun. It's not like I don't know I look like a jackass with the hair like that, but when you suit up and "Mad Men"-up (altough I can't pull off the Mad Men hair style) being a misogynous asshole suddenly becomes cool. At least that's what I tell myself. :P

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If he was out of the suit he'd be naked.  That would provide a few more barf pictures.. though by other SG members instead of Hax himself.  Isn't it about time that picture was revived again?  What will he puke this time?  Tiny pictures of Ed's head?

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this is my wife and I on our wedding day, December 24,, 1999. A bit dated, but I promise to post some more recent ones when I get a chance. I accidentally accessed my old photobucket account and found this pic and the sig I made for the Draconian Empire (about 10 years ago). Used the same name back then, too.


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