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Land of Madmen


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One thing that is significant about the Land of the Madmen is in comparison to Randland proper. It is understood that the Land of the Madmen is as it is because there was no establishment of Aes Sedai to counter the male Aes Sedai gone mad, and none has developed. Without organisation, their female wilders will not be able to significantly counter the male wilders to bring order, so you will have men and women channellers as some kinds of local warlords, the men eventually going mad.


This is opposed to Shara, Seanchan, Randland, Aiel and the Sea Folk. Perhaps Seanchan was something like the Land of Madmen before Hawkwing, the endless wars between channellers are mentioned, though perhaps in Seanchan the women at least were trained to some extent, which would not happen except perhaps in some kind of shaman disciple situation in the Land of the Madmen. After Hawkwing, channellers were bound in Seanchan, with the Aiel and Sea Folk their are allied but subordinate with the rulers, in Shara the organisation of channellers holds the rulers as puppets, and in Randland proper in organisation hold itself aloof of and above the rest of the society and operates mainly behind the scenes and indirectly.

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I think i remember reading on one of the last 2 or 3 books, there being some mention of male channelers living high on the Dragonmount.  Does anyone know if this is of note?


I thinks it's even plainly a misrememberment. DM is the birth place of Rand, in full view of Tar Valon, and a "gravestone" of LTT. If there's any place LESS likely to have male channelers...

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On a side note, someone (I believe it was Luckers) theorized that the shadow has been training channelers there. It was on the topic about the amount of troops available to both the shadow and the light for TG. RJ said that the Light was was in trouble, but with the amount of troops and channelers available to the light, it would take something drastic to make that true.

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Mmm. My basis for it was simply that the whole feel of it is much like that of a smokescreen. The dramatic nature of the chaos there as cited by the Sea Folk seems to forced to be haphazard. And in truth societies do not remain in anarchy like that. Oh they can fall into vicous tribal issues and the like, but not of the nature that is described--which is very close to being exactly what everyone else was like during the Breaking. That could last a couple of hundred years at most, even with men who can channel still actively shattering the landscape.


Frankly it looks to me much like someone was directly trying to see to it that outsiders would never want to come too close--and i suggested the Shadow might be such an agency, though there is no reason it might not be the natives themselves. Actually the reason that i even suggested the Shadow on such absurdly loose grounds was what dreago stated--the severe lack of Dark Channelers. As i covered in that thread there are around 13,000 lightbound channlers, and at best, being kind, 4,000 darkfriend channelers.


I BELIEVE it was said no one dared journey up the DM, that it was RUMORED that male channelers live high up, above the cloudline and that thosewho journeyed up never returned.


I've missed stuff before, so the fact that i don't have any memory of this doesn't make it law... but i've a feeling i would have noticed something like that. That's exactly the sort of thing that i love--like how peaches became poisonous during the Breaking, or how cats in the Two Rivers have six toes whilst cats everywhere else do not, or how dogs like men who can channel, but hate women, and cats are the same but vice versa.


It's just fun.





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Mmm. My basis for it was simply that the whole feel of it is much like that of a smokescreen. The dramatic nature of the chaos there as cited by the Sea Folk seems to forced to be haphazard. And in truth societies do not remain in anarchy like that. Oh they can fall into vicous tribal issues and the like, but not of the nature that is described--which is very close to being exactly what everyone else was like during the Breaking. That could last a couple of hundred years at most, even with men who can channel still actively shattering the landscape.


Frankly it looks to me much like someone was directly trying to see to it that outsiders would never want to come too close--and i suggested the Shadow might be such an agency, though there is no reason it might not be the natives themselves. Actually the reason that i even suggested the Shadow on such absurdly loose grounds was what dreago stated--the severe lack of Dark Channelers. As i covered in that thread there are around 13,000 lightbound channlers, and at best, being kind, 4,000 darkfriend channelers.


I BELIEVE it was said no one dared journey up the DM, that it was RUMORED that male channelers live high up, above the cloudline and that thosewho journeyed up never returned.


I've missed stuff before, so the fact that i don't have any memory of this doesn't make it law... but i've a feeling i would have noticed something like that. That's exactly the sort of thing that i love--like how peaches became poisonous during the Breaking, or how cats in the Two Rivers have six toes whilst cats everywhere else do not, or how dogs like men who can channel, but hate women, and cats are the same but vice versa.


It's just fun.



I like little details like that myself. Like in Shadow Riseing, Where Rand enters Cold Rocks Hold and sees Tomatoes and Corn for the first time. Or in Fires of Heaven where Nyneave has Strawberrys for the first time. Little things like that pop out for me, I guess it's habbit on my part. Reading the Harry Potter books I started scrutinizing every little detail that J.K Rowling highlited even slightly. She writes in a way that she will have a throw away mention in say book 4, like Voldemort's snake, that becomes really importiant in book 7. I have taken to paying attention to every little off hand mention of some detail in everything I read.



[glow=green,1,500]Darth_Andrea[/glow]      starwars1.gif    anim-ring.gif

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    I agree, Darth Andrea, look at all of the prophecies alone and how vague some are and how some even seem to contradict themselves. It would be cool if the books were going to continue, to have a character similar to Jain Farstrider go into the Land of Madmen and come out to tell his/her story.


    *wish he was with us still* sigh...

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