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The Festival of Lights (attn all CotL)


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The fire danced, the wind dictating the rhythm. Torches decorated the whole courtyard and the path that led to it. Ezekiel twisted his mouth. Just because the celebration was called The Festival of Lights didn't mean it had to be taken literally. There was nothing left to do but shrug it off. He had a feeling that someone would catch fire at some point of the festivities, and he figured it would at least offer some entertainment as he suspected he would find none that night. Small mercy, that. Fire and alcohol. Eternal bad fellows. There was the off chance that Ezekiel would be robbed of his amusement if the recruits would have the sense to be careful. Ezekiel laughed at that notion.


Tables were placed randomly around the courtyard, though leaving a clear area, no doubt for dancing. A buffet was set up with an enormous variety of food. The tables were beautifully decorated with white lilies and the finest china money could buy. No doubt half would turn out shattered by the end of the night by clumsy drunken hands. The High Inquisitor certainly spared no expense. Usually Ezekiel detested social gathering of this nature, but it was a celebration in the creator's honor. His participation was required. Ezekiel always served. Always.


Taking in the black sky, Ezekiel had to admit that it was a lovely night for an outdoor stay. There was a faint breeze, cool and welcoming. He liked the sight of the empty courtyard and he took his time in appreciating it fully, knowing that any moment it will start to fill up and chaos will rule over peacefulness. As if thoughts turned real, a group of Children arrived and took a seat and he could hear roars of laughter in the distance. Bracing himself, he watched as the place started to fill up.


A recruit was just going to pass by him when she stopped in her tracks and saluted him. She wore a flowing white dress with roses embroidered in the hem and a generous neck line. Ezekiel waved off her salute. "Tonight we are but the creator's children. Ranks are not accountable... Zoe." Ezekiel voiced her name awkwardly. He seldom called recruit by their names. Zoe nodded. "In that case, would you join me in a dance?". Ezekiel's eyes narrowed. "Don't push it." Zoe gave an apologetic grin. Or an insolent one. Ezekiel could not fully determine. Luckily, she departed before he snapped at her. Dealing with her was for another day.


Robert, a fellow questioner found him and stood by his side, viewing the courtyard with much interest. "Isn't this exciting?". Ezekiel almost choked on the piece of cheese he was chewing. "Oh, yes. I'm just ecstatic."


Music suddenly started playing.





Not a very happy camper 


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Sharina walked over to the camp where the Festival was to be held, taking a deep breath of the cool night air. Though the dresscode was mentioned to be casual, a quick look around the -- certainly well illuminated -- area showed her a fair number were wearing dresses or other feastday clothes, only a few appearing formal.


As for herself, she was wearing the clothing she wore when she arrived at the Fortress. A suit of leather armor with matching bracers, under which she wore a white longsleeved shirt. Even though it gave her a somewhat tomboyish appearance, she actually felt the most comfortable in it, though a large part of that would be accreddited to simple habit from her time helping out her parents.


She chuckled despite herself, ironically being reminded that she had spent more time so far in her own clothing rather than in uniform, but she had a feeling that might change soon. Still, that wouldn't be until later. For now, there'd be a Festival to 'worry' about!


Walking over to the food table, she put some fruit and vegetables on her plate, not even touching the meat. Taking a bite from an apple, a burst of laughter made her look up, checking the gathered Children for signs of intoxication. Giving herself a mental slap -- of course no one's drunk girl, it barely started five minutes ago! -- she nevertheless decided to keep an eye out. One of the first lessons she had learned as a healer was that alcohol in itself wasn't bad, but in some cases intoxication lowered ones tolerances as well, and she wanted to keep the situation from getting out of hand so they could all enjoy the night without potentially injuring themselves or others.


Guess old habits did die hard after all...



Deciding old habits come in handy at times

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zoe wore a wide grin. Her eyes moved constantly, trying to look in all directions at once. But such a sight could not be fully captured. The movement of people. The soft chatter. The occasional laugh. The richness of food and beverages. And the wine. Oh, the wine. And the night was beautiful, the stars shinning shyly and the moon, full and glorious, spreading its glamour. No power in the universe would have made Zoe's smile disappear at that moment. The only thing that was missing was her mother.


And so Zoe made her rounds. First she talked for a long while with Edalia, while trying to avoid Selindra as much as possible. She'd grown quite fond of Edalia and would chat with her on many occasions. Then Zoe went on to socialize with Bert and Tuc. Who always seemed to be together whenever Zoe came across them. It seemed odd, but Zoe never thought much of it. She spotted Zela and Zari laughing and exchanging looks between themselves, no doubt up to no good. Roudal appeared here and there with his wife, who was obviously not very pleased with him. His frown was deeper than what it usually was and his face was red. For a moment there, Zoe thought his head was going to explode.


Bumping into someone accidently, Zoe steadied herself and grinned apologetically. "I apologize for my clumsiness. You're... Sharina, aren't you? Edalia has told me about you. How are you faring so far?"






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Spending a little too much time looking at a group of people a bit further away, Sharina hadn't noticed she was about to walk into somebody until it had been almost too late. Blinking, she looked at the slightly shorter girl, looking a bit shocked at hearing her apologise as if she had been the one at fault.


- "Oh no, i was the one not paying attention to where i was going, i apologise. Really, i am." ^^;


After making sure Zoe was all right -- force of habit -- she looked at her again. Her face looked familiar... Ah yes, it was from that training she had been sent to right after joining, led by officer Darin. Now what was her name again...


- "Wait. You're... Zoe, right? Heh, still trying to figure out who everyone is here, i fear, though if the Light's willing i'll manage to do that before ending up offending a senior officer. How are you?" :)


She looked around again, noticing how the vast majority of people there weren't wearing uniforms. While the dresscode hadn't expected anyone to, she still didn't know the faces of her senior officers well enough to be able to recognise them without the golden knots that would normally have given them away. Still, she should be all right if she kept her eyes and ears open...

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Edalia was running late. "Why today of all days?" She grumbled half to herself. First she had had extra chores to do, then she had overshot on her extra horse riding lessons. That memory brought a satisfied grin to her face. Then she had been collared on her way back to her quarters and made to run several errands for an officer and now, finally she was free to get washed and changed.


A good half hour later and Edalia was just putting the finishing touches to her hair. She'd bought a new dress for this event, had saved up for it for months. She had been surprised at the fitting, she hadn't realised how much weight she had lost. She still had her curves, but they were now....more pronounced, and she was much more toned than she once was.


Giving her dress a last brush and adjustment, it felt odd after the weeks of wearing breeches, she set out, following the sound of the music.


When she got there she was hard pressed to recognise anyone. Everyone looked so odd without their uniform, though some still wore theirs, she recognised them as the most zealous Children. Eventually she spotted Zoe and she waved her over for a chat.


Edalia had grown to like Zoe, for all her cheek and insolence to the higher ranks, she found that refreshing, despite being dragged into various scrapes by the woman. After a while Zoe moved off to socialise, so Edalia moved over to the drinks table and got herself one before moving aimlessly around through the throngs of people.


She stopped to watch the dancers, there were already a good few despite it being so early into the night. Finding a spare seat, she sat and sipped her drink, simply enjoying the rare opportunity to relax for once.


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What under the light?  Darin crumpled the piece of paper in his fist.  Why did they have to have sun frivolity?  Unnecessary chances for enjoyment lead to laxity, and where there was laxity there was a way for the Dark One to creep in.  Screwing his face up, Darin chose the most ordinary of his clothes and changed into it. White trousers and a white shirt, the dark of his hair contrasting sharply and the twisted red mass of scars on his cheek giving his otherwise handsome appearance a slightly demonic feel.  How ironic that someone so deformed as him would serve the Light so zealously.


Still, if he did not make an appearance then his superiors would not react well.  He was forever being told to set a good example, to be a paragon of virtue that the younger trainees might look up to and emulate.  He sighed, shaking his head.  Automatically he reached for his cloak but he shook his head again and walked out of the door.


The courtyard was lit like some noble’s ideal and music resounded around every corner.  Some foolish souls had begun dancing as if there were no worries in the world.  Darin twisted his lips into a grimace and made his way over to the bar.  If he had to go through tonight’s festivities, then he would at least permit himself a small beer to help him get through it without snapping at anyone.  He took a sip and wiped the resultant foam from his top lip.  Revelry.  He did not know how to handle it.  Sullenly, feeling like a new recruit being forced to do chores, Darin crossed to the other side of the courtyard and sat alone in the corner. 


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Zari sat on his bed, giving his outfit the finishing touches. His coat was a brilliant white with little bits of yellow embroidery on the cuffs, pant hems, and the bottom of thr coat. It was quite spiffy, if he did say so himself. He left his room and waited in a nearby hallways for his sister


"Zari! What in the Light do this be doin' in the hallway?" She had a white dress on, matching Zari's coat.


Zari smiled and walked over. "Surprise! I got them for us. A wife of an Inquisitor did be making them for those with little money. She took old uniforms and tailored them into feastday clothes, then sold them cheap. I had Edalia deliver yours." Zela just looked at her brother. "You sneaky little devil.


The festival had just started as they got there and they quickly got mixed in with the loud crowd, who were alrady hard at the ale. Zela dove right in to it, but Zari was going to monitor himself. He had a feeling he would be needed to rescue Zela from someone, or herself. More likely herself.


Zari and Zela

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Zoe danced with Bert, laughing all the while. She swirled and swayed, as if she had no care in the world. Everything around her shimmered and the world spun. And she didn't even have a drop of drink yet! But it did not matter. She was already intoxicated with her surroundings. With the sound. With the sights. A drop of fun in between so much training, sweat and hard work seemed miraculous in a way. And she planned to have as much fun as she could master.


Afterwards she watched amusingly as Tuc and Bert danced together and couldn't stop laughing all the while. Deciding to take a break, Zoe made her way to the bar and helped herself to the glass of wine she was yearning all night to have. She decided to limit herself to three glasses. That might have been a day of festivity, but if she did something foolish, she'd have to answer for it the next day. And seeing as she had her fair share of trouble as it were, she didn't think adding to that was a wise idea.


Sipping the wine slowly, trying to enjoy it to the fullest, Zoe suddenly spotted Darin. He was sitting next to one of the tables. Alone. And was he sulking? Zoe galloped the wine with one swallow, grabbed two glasses of wine from the bar and made her way to him. She sat down besides him and handed him the glass. He seemed surprised, but accepted the glass none of the less. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?". Darin spared her one glance and looked away. Zoe grinned. "You look nice." That seemed to have made Darin even more non responsive.






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Sharina smiled as she watched Zoe enjoy herself at the dances, before taking a bite of salad from her plate. Others had arrived as well now, others she recognised from having met them on one or two occasions. Edalia, however, she was starting to know a bit better, being roommates and all, and gave her a small wave when she spotted her looking in her direction.


As much as she wanted to talk to her though, she didn't quite feel at ease with all the drinks that were already being passed around this early into the evening. Never really having been a tavern person herself for obvious reasons, it was hard for her to guess the general mood, and she scanned the crowd somewhat nervously for a sign of trouble.


Though she honestly didn't know what she was going to do if a fight actually broke out.

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Maec's own snoring woke him from his afternoon nap.  Sleeping was a luxury these days as training had taken over his life.  Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Maec noticed a recruit rushing from his room. Maec stopped the recruit and asked what was up. 


"Why it is the Festival of Lights.  All are required to attend.  You better get down there as I am late already."


Great.  Maec wasn't interested in parties and the like.  He was here to learn everything the Children had to offer and make himself into the finest officer possible.  Well it would be a misstep if he did not attend this event and it was required.  Maec departed the barracks and followed the other recruit to the party.


At the festival, Maec noticed that the party seemed to be in full swing.  People were already drinking and by the looks of it, already drunk as they danced (if you could call that dancing).  Maec found a quiet spot at an almost empty table, ignoring the cup of wine already in place.  He had not come here to drink and frolloc.  As the others enjoyed the party, Maec surveyed the crowd making mental notes of everyone in attendance. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slipping into the hall Essaul looked around at the sight. The folks gathered around the tables and the milling around the center of the room made for an exciting atmosphere. Easing around the room he looked around for his friends Zoe and Edalia and hoped to find them before getting corraled into a conversation.


Noticing Edalia sitting off to the side he stepped nervously over and asked her to dance. Hesitantly he waited for her reply.

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Donovan perused the courtyard from his vantage point on the outer wall. He normally didn't make more than a cursory appearance at these events, but tonight he just didn't feel like working. Taking another look around at the festivities, he spied a familiar face and started to make his way down to join them.


He cut quite a figure as he descended. Larger than most of the children by half, the silvered thread embroidering around the cuffs and collar of his black silk jacket shimmered with reflected light, effectively drawing the eye to what would otherwise be an unremarkable outfit. The loose cotton and pleated silk trousers matched the jacket in hue, but lacked embellishment, and his boots, though polished, were the same dark brown, worn, heavy leather that he always wore. The entire ensemble was completed by yet another piece of jet black clothing; this one a garishly tilted fedora with a silver-white plume jutting from the silk band encircling the crown at its base.


When he reached the courtyard his grin broadened and he readjusted his jacket to ensure that the leather harness he was wearing was properly concealed. He never did like to be without his vicious little axes, no matter how safe he felt. Making his way to a corner -- and liberating a decanter of wine from a serving girl in the process -- he plopped down into a chair next to a brooding figure nursing a beer.


With a grin and a doff of his hat to Zoe, whom he recognised from one of his classes, he said, "You glare too much. If you're not careful your face might get stuck like that." He punctuated his comment with a long drink of wine and his usual grin.


~Donovan Rile

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  • 5 months later...

Sitting and watching the mass of people, some chatting, others dancing, still more standing stiffly and ill-at-ease, Edalia started to relax and unwind. Sipping her drink, she was trying to work out where she knew a face from when a shadow fell across her. Looking up, she saw Essaul coming towards her and she smiled in welcome.


When he asked her to dance she inclined her head in acceptance and placed her drink on a side table. Rising she took his offered hand and allowed herself to be guided to the dance floor apologising ahead of time for her potential clumsiness.


"You see, I have never been taught how to dance as such." she said as they reached a clear space between two dancing couples. "I hope you know what to do!" She laughed.

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Leading Edalia out to the dance floor Essaul tried to hide his nervousness. Guiding her around in the stately steps to the music they seemed to him to be in slow motion. He did not hear the noise of the others in the room as he focused on not stepping on her foot. As the music ended he walked her back to her chair and thanked her for the dance.


He mentioned some of the classes they had shared and was glad she did not remind him of his mistakes in the Herb class. He smiled as they chatted and felt comfortable and hoped this would be a friendship in the making. Noticing her drink was low he went to the serving girl and ordered another drink and some sweet pastries for Edalia. Thanking her again for the dance he excused himself and wanderd around the hall seeing if he recognized anyone else.

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