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Tune or No Tune - Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks (21 April --> 28 April 2008)


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After last week's song, which came from 2007, we're stepping back in time, going back to the 1960s for this week's TUNE (i.e. you love it) or NO TUNE (i.e. you hate it). And this week, the format is slightly different, as there is no poll. This is a trial to encourage more posting and interaction than just simply casting your vote.


Now, the artist. As I said, we're heading back to 1960s. Back to a group who I feel were much, much better than the Beatles. While my mum is a big fan of this group and dislikes the Beatles, this has no way influenced my decision. Their lead singer has been extremely influential in modern music (Blur, Oasis, The Killers), and many of his songs deal with real life issues rather than that lovey-dovey stuff of the Beatles. In general, there music is very enjoyable to listen to. I am, of course, talking about Ray Davies and the Kinks.


I could pick many songs as I like many of them, including You've Really Got Me, Lola and Sunny Afternoon. However, I've gone for my favourite Kinks song ever, Waterloo Sunset. It's all about a solitary man watching romantic encounters of a couple at Waterloo Underground station and across Waterloo Bridge. I like it as I could relate to these feelings when I started getting into the Kinks, and even now, when I'm not with Northie and see other couples. Or maybe it had to do with the fact I often went to Waterloo Station when travelling up to London as a kid! Whatever the reason, this song is definitely a TUNE for me.


It must a pretty good song as it got voted number 42 on the list of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. Not bad! Paul Weller and Damon Albarn (of Blur) cite the song as their favourite of all-time.


For those of you who haven't heard the song, here is a link to YouTube.



I'm stop counting votes on Monday 28th April 2008. So make sure you post your vote now before this deadline!

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The Kinks have quite a lot of good songs. Have you listened to much of their more recent work?


And this week, the format is slightly different, as there is no poll. This is a trial to encourage more posting and interaction than just simply casting your vote.


There's a reason why there is no poll! ;)

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TUNE!! I really like singing along to this one. It epitomises the 60s for me, that really mellow laid back sound. The melody is catchy, the lyrics memorable. The Kinks are good and this is one of their best tracks I think.

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Hmmm, I had to think on this one.  It has a airy soft sound that was very common amongst the British bands of the time.  It is a catchy melody, but I prefer some of their edgier stuff.  Based on the song and the history of the Kinks, I'll give it a tune.

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Hmmm, this is a tough one for me.  I love the Kinks, but I prefer their songs where they're a little more... well, kinked!  Much of their work has a wonderful sense of irony and humor to it that really made them stand out a bit more.  While this is a beautifully poetic song, to my tastes it lacks what made the Kinks special in my eyes.  Or ears, if you prefer...  :P 


That being said, this is still a pleasant song with a nice melody, but I think that it lacks a bit in the musicality department.  I'd have to say No Tune.

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Waterloo Sunset is currently a TUNE by 6 votes to 4. Of course, that could all change before the end of the day when I set up the next thread for the next "Tune or No Tune".

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