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An awkward reunion


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So, I think it stands to reason that at some point Thom and Mat will return with Moiraine, meet up with Elayne, and Morgase will appear, with Tallanvor, Galad will arrive, and everyone will reunite.


So, that's quite a lot of awkwardness there!!


Thom and Moiraine - like teenagers at a school disco, both like each other, both too proud to admit it.


Morgase - the woman everyone thought was dead, now in love with a man young enough to be her son, facing a man she once loved, who killed her husband.


Galad - son of that husband, not much younger than Morgase's new fella, Moiraine's nephew


Moiraine - Galad's (half) aunt, thom's new lover, everyone thought she was dead too


Elayne - confused because her mother's alive, stuck in the middle between Morgase, Galad, Tallanvor and Thom


Just like Eastenders...

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Rickkky! - Bianca, glad to be back amongst the morbid Walford community utters her well known feminine challenge.


Beeeyanka - utters Ricky, once again hounded by the flaxen haired slapper.


Pat - Meanwhile, trundles around the square moaning about her lot. Fraank, I mis yer Frank.


PAAAAAAAT - the disembodied last words of the late departed Frank echoes in the air.


Rand meanwhile stumbles around clutching his head. 'Not more voices, light no more!'. Lews therin flees into the darkness gibbering insanely.




You forgot about Elayne with her big belly, waddeling around, prego from Galad's half brother!    And Gawin already pissed at Rand and now seeing his sister prego - having shacked up as harem wife #3 with someone he hates!


Oh yes!  This little Soap Opera could get interesting!


And then Heather Locklear shows up for no reason and takes over a dress designing franchise, sleeps with Gawyn, and forms an alliance of spiteful manipulation with Taim.  Cat fights galore! Aaron Spelling couldn't have written it better! 


Morgase might be the mostawkward, with everyone believeing she is dead, and people starting to get used to seeing dead people walking around.


M: Hi Elayne, it is me, your mother.

E: Go away, you are just a ghost.

M: No, no, it is me, I am alive

E: Oh shut up, go and bugger the servants or something, I am busy.

and on... ;D

Guest tree-brother

Do not forget Morgase seeing her ex Thom with a new woman


You're right, I hadn't thought of that but with all the dead people showing up, who would believe Morgase? Someone might even start yelling Darkfriend!! 


And Bryne with Sanche!  Thom with Moiraine!  Wooooooo!  Cat fight!


Maybe Morgase will be relieved that she doesn't have to Queen anymore....and she rid herself of Lini too.



    First, one question, I never knew that Thom killed Morgase's husband. Or did I read that wrong.


    I think that it would be more of a happy or pleasant reunion. First, Thom and Morgase happened along time ago. Thom says in TDR that he is very fond of Morgase, but the love has gone from time. Morgase, on the other hand, has been on the run, captured, faking her identity, relying on someone else to make the important decisions and last but not least, saving the lives of Faile and the others, by using the same power that she had (for one of the few times in her life) not been able to conquer.


Moiraine being anyone's Aunt I think is no consequence. She could have been Queen, but her duty always came first. Her feelings for Thom if they are strong will come through wether he was a gleeman or a pig farmer. His knowledge of the game of Houses would help her with her duty, plus he could protect her, maybe not as good as a warder (especially Lan) but Thom can take care of himself surviving a Fade.


Galad and Elayne, I think would be just overjoyed for their Mom back. Who would be the best advisor for Elayne on her throne.


Anyway, just my thoughts, rip away at Will (even though he does not deserve it)


It has never been actually proven that Thom killed taringail. What we do know is that Taringail plotted to seize the throne of Andor for himself (thus becoming the first king ever), Thom learned about his plans, and shortly after Taringail died in a "hunting accident".

And shortly after that, Thom became Morgases lover. Connect the dots ;D


Well, it's been a while. So I figured why not post on a thread that was about reunions? It would be fun to see a big reunion but does anybody think there'll even be time for all these people to meet up again? I've got a feeling Rand will be wandering around as a beggar. Galad will be off with the white cloaks ad god only knows where Morgase & Tallavnor will be. ::)


Lets not forget Rand. Galads Half-brother, Elaynes second warder and the father of her unborn babies, Gawyns nemesis, and who believes he is responcible for Moraines Death


And Egwene. in love with Gawyn, while Galad, who loves her, is LCC of the Whitecloaks when she's the Amyrlin Seat.


With kind of reunion, the DO will decide its proabably better to wait til another age to get loose


Hey! Ya'll forgot Mat and his wife, the new Emperor and Empress of the Seanchan Empire. I will be SEVERELY disappointed if Mat just doesn't casually mention it offhand to someone. Preferably Rand. And Eqwene needs to have a catfight with Tuon! Oh jeez, that could be a GREAT confrontation. I need this to happen now.


This is terrific stuff!!!


I tried to get this discussion going probably six months ago and it failed miserably...everyone took it too seriously.  Good to have some new blood who's not afraid to let the imagination fly wild a little!


I'm curious if Elayne will try to give her mom the throne back...she doesn't know that Morgase spoke the words that left the throne to her.


I agree that Thom and Morgase might not rekindle their old flames, but they likely won't be too comfortable around each other.  Since Moraine outranks Morgase by virtue of being Aes Sedai, she won't feel at all threatened.  If Morgase makes a move for Thom, she'll just balefire the wench and that will be that!


Gawyn and Egwene still have some of her dreams to satisfy.


Perrin will find out about Faile drooling over the big Aielman and he'll walk away from her without a fight.  She won't like it at all.  Then she'll discover that she is going to have wolf puppies and go crawling back to him (I hope).  He'll already have a Hawk on his other shoulder, so he'll take her back for "balance".


The possibilities are boundless.  We'll see how it all pans out when AMOL comes out. :)


I forget bout that, Egwene hating the Seanchan, and Mat now married to the new Empress. I can't see there being a catfight between Tuon and Egwene, neither will probably talk to the other. But the glares they shoot at eachother should be able to freeze a man solid


I have always considered that Tuon may well be the one to change Egwene's opinions of the Seanchan. When we very first meet Tuon we learn how she values each and every Damane and greets them all individually - not at all like slaves, that is the Sul'dam and Marath'Damane's job.


    Also, considering Egwene has 'grown up' alot since she was collared, I think she would initially be shocked as hell when she finds out about Mat and Tuon. Most likely she would be shocked to find Mat with ANYBODY!! lol


    But then, I think they could sit down and discuss matters because I think they will see the benefits that both could use. Can you imagine not needing a collar! If two women were working together but seperately think of the use they could be not only during war time but in peace also.


    Egwene then could look into maybe the training (without the collars of course) and other things the Seanchan have been doing with the OP for hundreds of years.


See I'm not so sure that Egwene doesnt already understand the whole collaring thing. Remember she did more than her fair share of wearing the bracelet with Moghedien in the collar, and Moghedien's POVs show us she was much harsher than Elayne and Nynaeve. Granted Moggy is a Forsaken and Egwene knew who she was but if she had a serious 'problem' with the whole collaring thing, I would think that she would steer clear of them / refuse to use either collar or bracelet no matter what. Egwene is a lot of things but she is very rarely a hypocrite.


What I'm trying to get at is, say... trying to think of a hypothetical situation. Say you were involved in a kidnapping. Someone took you, and chained you up (not dissimilar to Egwene's experience). Then you got free, but naturally had a strong aversion to handcuffs due to your horrific ordeal.


If your worst enemy happened to walk into your house, would you think "oh well, I'm absolutely terrified of handcuffs, they bring back my worst memories and I lay awake at night thinking about it all but hey-ho, lets handcuff my enemy."


I could understand it if the enemy was the one RESPONSIBLE for you being in handcuffs, in an 'eye for an eye' kind of way, but if the enemy had absolutely no involvement in your personal experience, it seems a bit odd to think that you'd be perfectly willing to involve yourself in doing to them what someone else did to you.


Perhaps it's just a case of 'as needs must'.


but do away with suldam and damane, train the suldam, bind them with the Oath Rod to serve the Crystal Throne, and youll have more than double the number of channelers at your disposal! Not the mention they can hide in the other units of your army and cant be singled out verily easily


I can't wait for the Egwene/Rand reunion.  Remember the Dragon Reborn is supposed to face the rath of the Amyrlin?  I cannot wait, cause I love the late Egwene.  I didn't like her so much in the beginning but she is completely awesome now.  ^^ I want to see her kick Rand back into shape.  Show him how much of an idiot he actually is sometimes. 


I also really want to see the Rand/Gawyn reunion.  Gawyn used to like Rand until he thought he had killed his mother, and the fact that Rand blames himself for Morgase's death is not going to help his cause.  I am so freakin excited about this next book....  ;D


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