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The Story of Emperelda Emperstein


Emperelda Emperstein, daughter of Matthew McCanahay Emperstein and Maria Carey Emperstein, sister to Boo Radley Emperstein and Puffnstuff Emperstein has had big shoes to fill.  You should all probably know this already… but the Empersteins were world renown for their traveling trapeze act.  Emperelda detested the family business though… especially being the only daughter in the family.  She dreamed of running away and doing something more with her life.  It was this type of day dreaming that killed her family.  Yeah… I couldn’t believe it either.  Emperelda’s main job was to secure the safety net in case the family had an accident.  However on this day… Emperelda failed to do her duty and it cost her the life of your family. 



No… I am just pulling your tail.  Emperelda ran away.  You can stop crying… her family is still balancing stuff on a high wire.  So Emperlda ran away and found the world much larger than she original though it to be.  After a few weeks on her own, she found herself in a small village in Illian (Illian is one of the few countries I can think of from the top of my head… so go with me here).  It was here she saw her first Aes Sedai.  It was also here that she threw a clob of mud at her first Aes Sedai… however it would not be the last time.  See, Emperelda had met a roving band of child pick pockets and it was her job to distract the mark so the other kids could … you know… pick some pockets.  Well as you know, Aes Sedai tend to travel with a warder… so even though Emperelda had distracted the Aes Sedai as she looked angrily at the thrower of mudd, the Warder was alert and, more importantly, mud free.  The kids didn’t stand a chance as he hacked them to pieces. 



Ok… got you again.  Of course a warder wouldn’t do that.  He instead noticed the ploy and intercepted the band of kid thieves before they could complete their mission.  With a grimace… the kids scrambled away, leaving poor Emperelda alone with the muddy Aes Sedai and the warder.  However Emperelda had a plan. 


Speaking to her warder the Aes Sedai motioned to the girl.  “She has the spark in her.”  The warder nodded… lost in his own desolation of having to be a servant to a bossy woman.  The Aes Sedai had noticed how gloomy her Warder had become and in the past had baked pies for him to cheer him up.  “How about a pie later,” she added.  The warder’s face brightened at the prospect of pie and he focused on the girl.


The Aes Sedai turned her attention to the girl… who for some reason had not tried to run away during their whole exchange.  “Girl, how would you like to come with me to a magical land of milk and honey”  Actually the Aes Sedai said something different, but Emperelda heard “land of milk and honey” instead… cause she is a little off her rocker. 


“Hatta ouldwa eba inefa”  Emperelda responded, employing the oldest trick in the book… the use of pig latin.  The Aes Sedai had done an understudy in languages and caught straight on to the game.


“Knock her out and put her in the sack of novices”  The Aes Sedai didn’t say to the Warder.  Instead she really said, “You life is about to change dear one.  We are taking you to a place where your talent will shine.”  And with that they began to make their way to the grand city of Tar Valon. 


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oh bugger ... I don't suppose I can do that, heh ? *pouts*


*throws herself down on the ground, kicking and screaming and waving her MoN shawl (it's my dream ... i can have a MoN shawl iffen i wants*


Mumsy I wants that novice !! Now !!



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Does... do... does... do... grammer failing me... Do the COL have a secret whisper hole?  If you make me write a bio, I will just replace Aes Sedai with Child of Light or something. 


If you read my posts and wonder... "what is wrong with him?"... welcome to my wife's world.


Whats a CC?  Are you trying to drug me... with meth?  Cause that stuff makes you explode.  I saw it on TV...

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Actually, one of the factions in the CotL is The Whisper of the Light.


Notice the LIGHT. Not like these filthy little witches... tainted...TAINTED I tell you. Don't touch them. Don't even think about it. They're tricksy! fool you they will. They will be your fall!


also, they smell!  :P






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