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21 Questions Empy Style


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Q1 according to imdb was this movie origanaly realesed in the us of a?

Q2 according to imdb was this movie origanaly realesed after dec 31 1980?

Q3 was this movie nominated for golden globes or academy awards?

Q4 according to imdb is this movie classed as a sci fi, horrer or comedy?


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Q1 according to imdb was this movie origanaly realesed in the us of a? Yes

Q2 according to imdb was this movie origanaly realesed after dec 31 1980? Yes

Q3 was this movie nominated for golden globes or academy awards? No

Q4 according to imdb is this movie classed as a sci fi, horrer or comedy? Yes



Bring it Jelly!  I will beat you all down with the might of THOR!!!!  GarrrRaaaRraaaaaR









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puts on psycic (sp) hat.


i will guess your movie empy, you are nothing, remember i beat you


muah hahahahahaha


Q5 acording to imdb dose this movie have three or more words in the tital?

Q6 acording to imdb is the movie a horrer movie?

Q7 acording to imdb was this movie origanaly realesed after dec 31st 1990?

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Oh I have a movie in my head.  *points* Right here!  You are trying to guess it.


Since you probably need help in guessing the movie I am thinking of.. you can ask me yes or no questions to help get to the answer.


Iron has started the process with 4 questions.  So far you know it was released in the USA after 1980 and it is a sci fi, horror or comedy.


Ask anything you desire and I will answer it yes or no.  You are trying to guess the movie before you run out of the 21 questions.

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Q5 acording to imdb dose this movie have three or more words in the tital? No

Q6 acording to imdb is the movie a horrer movie? No

Q7 acording to imdb was this movie origanaly realesed after dec 31st 1990? Yes

Q8: Does the title of the movie, have the vowel I in it? No

Q9: Acording to IMDB, does the movie have a rating of 6 or lower? Yes

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Sci-fi movie released in the USA in 1996, 1997, 1998, or 1999. No Golden Globe or Academy Award nominations.


Q5: According to imdb, does this movie have three or more words in the title? No

Q9: According to imdb, does the movie have a rating of 6 or lower? Yes

Q8: Does the title of the movie have the vowel I in it? No

Q13: Does the title of the movie have the vowel O in it? Yes


Q14: Was the movie released after Dec 31, 1997?

Q15: Was the box office over 30 million?

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Q1; According to imdb was this movie originally released in the us of a? Yes

Q2; According to imdb was this movie originally released after dec 31 1980? Yes

Q3; Was this movie nominated for golden globes or academy awards? No

Q4; According to imdb is this movie classed as a scifi, horror or comedy? Yes

Q5; According to imdb dose this movie have three or more words in the title? No

Q6; According to imdb is the movie a horror movie? No

Q7; According to imdb was this movie originally released after dec 31st 1990? Yes

Q8; Does the title of the movie, have the vowel I in it? No

Q9; According to IMDB, does the movie have a rating of 6 or lower? Yes

Q10; According to IMDB, was the movie originally released after december 31st, 1999? No

Q11; According to IMDB, is the movies genre Comedy? No

Q12; According to IMDB, was the movie originally released after december 31st, 1995? yes

Q13; Does the title of the movie, have the Vowel O in it? yes


Ok, we are looking for a US film, that was not nominated for globes or academy awards.  It has the letter O in it but not the letter I, and was released from '96 to '99.  It is a sci-fi flick, and since it has 6 or less stars, probably not a great one.


This is what I get for trying to take my wife out for a good time, ambushes that I was planning get used on me. :P

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  17. Apocalypse, The (1997) 2.4/10 (157 votes)

  18. Armageddon (1998/I) 5.9/10 (81654 votes)

  24. Aurora (1998) 3.9/10 (92 votes)

  30. Beowulf (1999) 3.5/10 (3958 votes)

  41. Chameleon (1998) (TV) 4.7/10 (262 votes)

  43. Clockmaker (1998) (V) 2.6/10 (67 votes)

  44. Cloned (1997) (TV) 5.0/10 (142 votes)

  45. Cold Harvest (1999) (V) 4.8/10 (163 votes)

  58. Doomsday Rock (1997) (TV) 4.3/10 (148 votes)

  59. Dream House (1998) (TV) 3.8/10 (133 votes)

  67. Fallout (1998) 3.4/10 (159 votes)

  71. Fortress 2 (1999) 3.9/10 (1911 votes)

  75. Futuresport (1998) (TV) 4.1/10 (1005 votes)

  81. Host (1998) (TV) 4.7/10 (124 votes)

  89. Johnny 2.0 (1998) (TV) 5.0/10 (160 votes)

  90. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1999) (TV) 5.4/10 (720 votes)

  98. Komodo (1999) (V) 3.7/10 (1132 votes)

109. Lost World, The (1998) 3.9/10 (419 votes)

112. Lottery, The (1999) 2.9/10 (11 votes)

114. Lust World (1999) (V) 5.5/10 (5 votes)

128. Moment After, The (1999) 4.2/10 (98 votes)

131. Monster! (1999) (TV) 4.8/10 (218 votes)

132. Moonbase (1998) 3.5/10 (89 votes)

133. Morella (1997) 2.5/10 (47 votes)

138. Mystery Monsters (1997) 2.8/10 (39 votes)

140. NetForce (1999) (TV) 5.0/10 (752 votes)

145. Nowhere (1997) 5.6/10 (2547 votes)

146. Omega Doom (1997) 3.4/10 (766 votes)

147. Orgazmo (1997) 5.9/10 (10547 votes)

155. Planet Patrol (1999) 1.8/10 (22 votes)

157. Pokémon: The First Movie (1999) 3.5/10 (6846 votes)

158. Postman, The (1997) 5.3/10 (16101 votes)

160. Progeny (1998) 4.3/10 (483 votes)

161. Quenton (Queerbait) (1998) 4.1/10 (15 votes)

164. Redboy 13 (1997) 3.1/10 (30 votes)

167. RocketMan (1997) 5.2/10 (2579 votes)

175. Shadow Men, The (1998) 2.9/10 (477 votes)

177. Sleeping Dogs (1998) 3.5/10 (106 votes)

179. Smart House (1999) (TV) 5.1/10 (617 votes)

181. Sore Losers, The (1997) 4.5/10 (111 votes)

182. South Park (1998) (VG) 5.9/10 (106 votes)

189. Star Portal (1998) 3.1/10 (35 votes)

203. Strange World (1999) (TV) 5.4/10 (68 votes)

212. Total Force (1997) 1.9/10 (48 votes)

230. Watchers Reborn (1998) 2.0/10 (298 votes)


Here's a list, it may not be completely winnowed. So if you can limit it some more feel free to.



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  • Community Administrator
17. Apocalypse, The (1997) 2.4/10 (157 votes)

18. Armageddon (1998/I) 5.9/10 (81654 votes)

24. Aurora (1998) 3.9/10 (92 votes)

30. Beowulf (1999) 3.5/10 (3958 votes)

41. Chameleon (1998) (TV) 4.7/10 (262 votes)

43. Clockmaker (1998) (V) 2.6/10 (67 votes)

44. Cloned (1997) (TV) 5.0/10 (142 votes)

45. Cold Harvest (1999) (V) 4.8/10 (163 votes)

58. Doomsday Rock (1997) (TV) 4.3/10 (148 votes)

59. Dream House (1998) (TV) 3.8/10 (133 votes)

67. Fallout (1998) 3.4/10 (159 votes)

71. Fortress 2 (1999) 3.9/10 (1911 votes)

75. Futuresport (1998) (TV) 4.1/10 (1005 votes)

81. Host (1998) (TV) 4.7/10 (124 votes)

89. Johnny 2.0 (1998) (TV) 5.0/10 (160 votes)

90. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1999) (TV) 5.4/10 (720 votes)

98. Komodo (1999) (V) 3.7/10 (1132 votes)

109. Lost World, The (1998) 3.9/10 (419 votes)

112. Lottery, The (1999) 2.9/10 (11 votes)

114. Lust World (1999) (V) 5.5/10 (5 votes)

128. Moment After, The (1999) 4.2/10 (98 votes)

131. Monster! (1999) (TV) 4.8/10 (218 votes)

132. Moonbase (1998) 3.5/10 (89 votes)

133. Morella (1997) 2.5/10 (47 votes)

138. Mystery Monsters (1997) 2.8/10 (39 votes)

140. NetForce (1999) (TV) 5.0/10 (752 votes)

145. Nowhere (1997) 5.6/10 (2547 votes)

146. Omega Doom (1997) 3.4/10 (766 votes)

147. Orgazmo (1997) 5.9/10 (10547 votes)

155. Planet Patrol (1999) 1.8/10 (22 votes)

158. Postman, The (1997) 5.3/10 (16101 votes)

160. Progeny (1998) 4.3/10 (483 votes)

161. Quenton (Queerbait) (1998) 4.1/10 (15 votes) *has the letter I in the 2nd name*

164. Redboy 13 (1997) 3.1/10 (30 votes)

167. RocketMan (1997) 5.2/10 (2579 votes)

175. Shadow Men, The (1998) 2.9/10 (477 votes)`

179. Smart House (1999) (TV) 5.1/10 (617 votes)

181. Sore Losers, The (1997) 4.5/10 (111 votes)

182. South Park (1998) (VG) 5.9/10 (106 votes)

189. Star Portal (1998) 3.1/10 (35 votes)

203. Strange World (1999) (TV) 5.4/10 (68 votes)

212. Total Force (1997) 1.9/10 (48 votes)

230. Watchers Reborn (1998) 2.0/10 (298 votes)


Took out 2 movies with the letter I in it.


So, lets assume the movie empy picked, was neither a tv show, nor a porn or video game.

This is the list with out those.

17. Apocalypse, The (1997) 2.4/10 (157 votes)

18. Armageddon (1998/I) 5.9/10 (81654 votes)

24. Aurora (1998) 3.9/10 (92 votes)

30. Beowulf (1999) 3.5/10 (3958 votes)

43. Clockmaker (1998) (V) 2.6/10 (67 votes)

45. Cold Harvest (1999) (V) 4.8/10 (163 votes)

67. Fallout (1998) 3.4/10 (159 votes)

71. Fortress 2 (1999) 3.9/10 (1911 votes)

98. Komodo (1999) (V) 3.7/10 (1132 votes)

109. Lost World, The (1998) 3.9/10 (419 votes)

112. Lottery, The (1999) 2.9/10 (11 votes)

114. Lust World (1999) (V) 5.5/10 (5 votes)

128. Moment After, The (1999) 4.2/10 (98 votes)

132. Moonbase (1998) 3.5/10 (89 votes)

133. Morella (1997) 2.5/10 (47 votes)

138. Mystery Monsters (1997) 2.8/10 (39 votes)

145. Nowhere (1997) 5.6/10 (2547 votes)

146. Omega Doom (1997) 3.4/10 (766 votes)

147. Orgazmo (1997) 5.9/10 (10547 votes)

155. Planet Patrol (1999) 1.8/10 (22 votes)

158. Postman, The (1997) 5.3/10 (16101 votes)

160. Progeny (1998) 4.3/10 (483 votes)

161. Quenton (Queerbait) (1998) 4.1/10 (15 votes) *has the letter I in the 2nd name*

164. Redboy 13 (1997) 3.1/10 (30 votes)

167. RocketMan (1997) 5.2/10 (2579 votes)

175. Shadow Men, The (1998) 2.9/10 (477 votes)`

181. Sore Losers, The (1997) 4.5/10 (111 votes)

189. Star Portal (1998) 3.1/10 (35 votes)

212. Total Force (1997) 1.9/10 (48 votes)

230. Watchers Reborn (1998) 2.0/10 (298 votes)


Q14: Is the movie on the following list?

17. Apocalypse, The (1997) 2.4/10 (157 votes)

18. Armageddon (1998/I) 5.9/10 (81654 votes)

24. Aurora (1998) 3.9/10 (92 votes)

30. Beowulf (1999) 3.5/10 (3958 votes)

41. Chameleon (1998) (TV) 4.7/10 (262 votes)

43. Clockmaker (1998) (V) 2.6/10 (67 votes)

44. Cloned (1997) (TV) 5.0/10 (142 votes)

45. Cold Harvest (1999) (V) 4.8/10 (163 votes)

58. Doomsday Rock (1997) (TV) 4.3/10 (148 votes)

59. Dream House (1998) (TV) 3.8/10 (133 votes)

67. Fallout (1998) 3.4/10 (159 votes)

71. Fortress 2 (1999) 3.9/10 (1911 votes)

75. Futuresport (1998) (TV) 4.1/10 (1005 votes)

81. Host (1998) (TV) 4.7/10 (124 votes)

89. Johnny 2.0 (1998) (TV) 5.0/10 (160 votes)

90. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1999) (TV) 5.4/10 (720 votes)

98. Komodo (1999) (V) 3.7/10 (1132 votes)

109. Lost World, The (1998) 3.9/10 (419 votes)

112. Lottery, The (1999) 2.9/10 (11 votes)

114. Lust World (1999) (V) 5.5/10 (5 votes)

128. Moment After, The (1999) 4.2/10 (98 votes)

131. Monster! (1999) (TV) 4.8/10 (218 votes)

132. Moonbase (1998) 3.5/10 (89 votes)

133. Morella (1997) 2.5/10 (47 votes)

138. Mystery Monsters (1997) 2.8/10 (39 votes)

140. NetForce (1999) (TV) 5.0/10 (752 votes)

145. Nowhere (1997) 5.6/10 (2547 votes)

146. Omega Doom (1997) 3.4/10 (766 votes)

147. Orgazmo (1997) 5.9/10 (10547 votes)

155. Planet Patrol (1999) 1.8/10 (22 votes)

158. Postman, The (1997) 5.3/10 (16101 votes)

160. Progeny (1998) 4.3/10 (483 votes)

161. Quenton (Queerbait) (1998) 4.1/10 (15 votes) *has the letter I in the 2nd name*

164. Redboy 13 (1997) 3.1/10 (30 votes)

167. RocketMan (1997) 5.2/10 (2579 votes)

175. Shadow Men, The (1998) 2.9/10 (477 votes)`

179. Smart House (1999) (TV) 5.1/10 (617 votes)

181. Sore Losers, The (1997) 4.5/10 (111 votes)

189. Star Portal (1998) 3.1/10 (35 votes)

203. Strange World (1999) (TV) 5.4/10 (68 votes)

212. Total Force (1997) 1.9/10 (48 votes)

230. Watchers Reborn (1998) 2.0/10 (298 votes)


"I asked this question before taking out the tv series, just to make sure, Tenshins initial list is correct. I still took out the ones with the letter I in it, and video games, because we know for sure, the Letter I is not in it, and Video Games aren't allowed, empy might have pulled a fast one and did a tv show. ;)"

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  • Community Administrator

Can't be a tv-series as some of the questions that he answered yes to, implies that it's a movie ie "According to imdb was this movie..." :P


Balonie! Alot of tv-series have a 1 hour 'movie' that introduces the movie. ;)


Also, oddly the (V) on the IMDB ussually = porn, but on this list, it = childrens movies. They musta changed it? *not a question to empy*

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