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A Little R & R


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LOL well the first one didn't work for me, but the second one said:


You are the brave leader of your pack.You are strong,fierce,and proud.You are fair to your pack and are very protective of them.You trust them with your life.Be careful,there ar always some wolves who will wish to strike you down when you are weak and steal your position as Alpha.

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lol yep ooops, wouldn't work for me again either. But I got the same on the second.




You are the brave leader of your pack.You are strong,fierce,and proud.You are fair to your pack and are very protective of them.You trust them with your life.Be careful,there ar always some wolves who will wish to strike you down when you are weak and steal your position as Alpha.

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Okay for a lurking visitor to join in?




You are the Beta/Hunter, 2nd in command.

You are very close to the Alpha and will take

over if he dies. You love the thrill of the hunt

and are very loyal to your pack members.

You love puppies and are friendly, playful,

and get along with all of your pack members.

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You are the brave leader of your pack.You are strong,fierce,and proud.You are fair to your pack and are very protective of them.You trust them with your life.Be careful,there ar always some wolves who will wish to strike you down when you are weak and steal your position as Alpha.


Take this quiz!



um am i seeing a DL trend here? or :P lol

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*ROFL*  no, Ata





You are the omega,the lowest of the pack.You are often left to be the babysitter when there are pups to be taken care of and may dislike the leader of the pack.You eat last at a kill and do alot of cringing.But you dont let that stop you from being spunky and energetic.You are a real jokster with a great sence of humor.Though you are the lowest of the pack you often brighten the day by being funny.The pack would be really grim without you.








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As much as I like quizzes, the absolute abuse of the English language in that one made me stop half-way through - OH MAH GODS, MAH EYES, THEY ARE BLEEDINGS!


But cute graphics, at least :D


*goes back to poking around*

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<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/H/HowlAtTheMoon49/1126818016_Companions.jpg"><br/>You are the Beta/Hunter,2nd in command.You are very close to the Alpha and will take over if he dies.You love the thrill of the hunt and are very loyal to your pack members.You love puppies and are friendly,playful,and get along with all of your pack members.^_^

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<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/H/HowlAtTheMoon49/1126742323_snightwolf.jpg"><br/>

You are the brave leader of your pack.You are strong,fierce,and proud.You are fair to your pack and are very protective of them.You trust them with your life.Be careful,there ar always some wolves who will wish to strike you down when you are weak and steal your position as Alpha

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Heh, well, heres this.




You are a Loner.You dont live with a pack,you prefer being alone.You can survive this way just fine,though at times you just cant help feeling lonely,even with the raven who follows you as your partner.

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