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Changes and Introductions


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Hi folks


I'm Tay, your new Wolfkin DL. I realise that a lot of you won't know me, so I feel that a little introduction is in order.  :)


I've been at DM since May 2006 and mostly been involved in the Org side. I'm a member at almost all of the Orgs as well as being staff at the Wolfkin and Band. Wolfkin was the very first Org I joined and I love it but it took me another year to discover the RP side and get my character, Rhya, started. This is a really exciting opportunity and, amongst other things, I hope to foster closer ties between the Org and Div since we have so much in common. :)


On a personal level, I'm 35, Scottish and engaged with 3 step kids and one crazy cat. Anyone wants to know anything else, jump right on in and ask. :D


Now, onto business....


First off, I'd like to say thanks to Taea for all her work. It's a shame she felt she had to step down from staff but hopefully we'll be able to move forward and at least we'll have her back RP-ing with us as soon as her LOA is finished. If anyone missed her post, explaining things, you can read it HERE.


Secondly, I'd ask that you all bear with me while I get up to speed and settled in. :D The RP side is still fairly new ground for me here at DM, although I've RP'd elsewhere for about 10 years now. At the moment, the main priority is sorting out the staff and finding out who is active and who has left after the recent problems. I know we'll be missing quite a few people but onwards and upwards is the key phrase... wolfies are always survivors!!


If anyone has any issues, questions, needs a mentor or anything else my door is always open.


You can add me to msn on: wolvesinmist@hotmail.co.uk


Email me at: Taymist@blueyonder.co.uk


or just drop me a PM here at DM. I don't mind which. All I ask is that you don't keep problems to yourself. I can't help if I don't know about them.  ;)


If for any reason I'm not available (unlikely lol) or just not online at the time, Andular has kindly agreed to be my ADL, so you can of course also approach him.


I'll probably do the rounds over the next while, picking brains etc but it'd be great if you could all take a few minutes to sign in here, let me know who you are, what characters you have and a bit about yourselves. Do feel free to include any suggestions you may have as well.


So... here's to a great 2008 for the Wolfkin!!


*makes sure there's plenty of TQ and chili to go round*  8)




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I started a char in FL with some plans (that didnt quite work out), with the intention of moving her eventualy to WK (so doing that sooner then planed)


contacted wolfsbane as we had an old agreement about him picking me up, so when i finished up some other thing needed closed i will have him pick her up and transfer over


char name :  Celerita

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hello *waves and shuffles feet*


I'm not an RP'er but got this nagging little voice in the back of my mind dragging me here and I can't shut if off.


*notices her sis* ah... figures..... *grabs back her cattle prod and pokes Tay with it* you didn't ask if you could use this. And no! Singing Elton John songs in the back of my mind doesn't constitute asking, let alone getting permission.


Silly Souvra... tsk.


Guys, a word of advise, do NOT let her start rummaging your brain. Trùst me on this one.


btw, I'm Myst *smiles* and I lurve puppies! *snuggles the whole lot of ya' and adds in a nibble for Dos*

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*laughs* umm Elton John songs sis? Definitely not... yer makin' that up lassie. :o


*takes cattle prod back*


and that's not your one... go get a Recruit to check the latrines, ye probably left it there  ::) :P

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