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*jumps into snuggle the Nyn*


Anyway, I'm Claire, or Lara Luvitt (I answer to pretty much anything ;)) and Amethea is my twin sister.  I work as a content analyst/editor for an electrical and mechanical catalogue service *yawn* and love to write.  I'm 29 and have met the lovely Nyn in real life (we SO need to meet up again, and go bowling, rent movies and eat pick and mix and Pringles all night!)  When we did meet, I remember distinctly that we went to the pub. 8)


I first started reading WoT when I picked up Fires of Heaven for 10p in a library discards sale, and haven't looked back since.  I love Birgitte, or any of the ordinary characters. 


I love my Freelander, Dilora, and I do have a few other characters laying around.  Rossa, my Aes Sedai (lovely Blue) and my Child of the Light, Darin (the old scarface).  I have made so many friends via DM - had I not joined *cough* however many years ago it was, I would not have developed in such a positive way or made so many amazing friends.

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Wow thanks for replying everyone!! Well Nyna let's see we both love movies, I like a ton of different ones personally but I love Wizard of Oz, Never been Kissed, Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, and 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. I also have considered veterinary medicine as my career choice and I love animals. I also am very stubborn. *G* Wow, Empy thanks for posting down here. I also thought Tig was a girl until I started talking to him. Course I have a history of this, so that's why I check those indicators now.  ;D Well we both have been Org leaders, long time rpers, and I also met my spouse online. *G* Lara well I know one thing we have in common, we both are Ogier on the Org side.  ;D














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Wizard of Oz - Not seen

Never been Kissed - Not seen

Sounds of Music - Seen

Dirty Dancing - Seen

7 Brides for 7 Brothers - Not seen.




Yeah, but I can pretty much watch anything. I flip on the TV and whatever is on I can just stare at for hours and hours. As long as it doesn't require any brain usage, I'm cool with it.  lol


I think the movie that required the most concentration... was probably Matrix (first movie). I had to watch that at least 3 times to fully get it.





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I get to wax Empy!


Ok but I like a Brazilion Wax.


Big movie fan here... so no suprise when I say I have seen all those movies listed.  How can someone not have seen the Wizard of Oz?  Never Been Kissed... ok cute movie.. but she looked like death in it. 


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Hmm, let's see... better just hit the main points or I'll be here forever. 8)


My real name is Louise (I prefer Lou though), I'm 35 and Scottish (in case anyone missed that  :P, important point as I'm very proud of my heritage). Have 3 step kids and I've been engaged for about 2 years following a horrible marriage and even more horrible divorce lol. My degree is an MA in English (Language and Literature) for no other reason than it meant I could read books for 4 years. ;D

Been reading the WoT books since about 1990/91. Picked them up purely by accident and got hooked though I prefer GRRM's "A Song of Ice and Fire" now. Found DM in 2006, also by accident.

Ummm, I adore films especially oldies like Casablanca, Sunset Boulevard and North by North West though modern ones that have a good plotline like Shawshank Redemption are worth watching too.

Music wise I like rock and folk. Hobbies, apart from writing and reading are being online, which I do far too much since I have no life,  ;D genealogy, card making, cross stitch, horse riding. Adore animals and have always had pets... everything from cats and dogs to guinea pigs and a horse. My favourite possessions are my books and my pc. I smoke like a chimney but it's my only really bad habit since I don't drink often these days.

Personality wise I've always been a bit of a loner, I don't have much time for the vast majority of people but somehow I've managed to make a ton of friends online, for whom I act as general agony aunt lol. I tend to mother everyone, have a horrible temper which I luckily don't lose often and a very dry/sarcastic sense of humour. I'm pretty straightforward and tend to speak my mind which gets me into trouble every so often.  :P Think that's about it. :)

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I remember you mentioning the horse at the Ogier (I think it was anyway lol). Mine was a bay Anglo Arab called Kilberry Shane, he was an ex-Irish racehorse and I adored him to bits. :D Genealogy is fascinating, I get lost for hours once I start researching and it's uncovered some truly intriguing stories about the family over the years. Though the brick walls can be kinda frustrating lol.

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Wow thanks for replying everyone!! Well Nyna let's see we both love movies, I like a ton of different ones personally but I love Wizard of Oz, Never been Kissed, Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, and 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.


Have you seen the musical Wicked? I would recommend it to anyone that loved the Wizard of Oz. It's a story about the Wicked witch of the west.. hehe. It's very good.  :D


I know its kind of random. My mother took me to it on my 21st birthday. It even goes nuts with my favorite color.. green.  ;D ;D


/random thought

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I read the book Wicked, and Light, it took an act of God to finish it.  Boringest Book Ever.  Never seen the musical, but after the book, I don't have much interest in it.  Pity cause it was an excellent concept.  The "Wicked" not intending to be wicked at all, and acting in the way they thought was the best for themselves and for the rest of the world.  It was just the epitome of "walk in someone else's shoes."



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I actually liked Wicked (the book), but I thought the ending was pretty rushed and sort of like a lightswitch being flipped.  I'm kind of interested in seeing the musical, even though the ending and the story is different :)

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The musical is downright amazing to see! I never read the book though so I can't comment on that.


But the musical is put together very well and it is amazing to watch. I only saw the group here in Chicago but I hear the original group is better. The ending of the musical does feel rushed though, so maybe thats something the two have in common?  ???

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I've heard most of the soundtrack (a handful of DJs on my station totally went nuts overplaying it for a goodly year) and it is quite good.. and you'd have to ask Maria or someone like that, since I think she's read both the book and seen the musical :)

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