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Super Bowl


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Theres a difference between rooting for another team that will give your team the advantage, or becuase you like to see there rivals humilated, to being a fan of multiple teams.

A fan, means, you are a fanatic follower of said team, you watch all there games, root for them, all that stuff.

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38-35 Giants.


It is only fitting that of the 3 Super Bowls the Pats have won this decade were won by 3 points each.  This year they lose by three.  MUWAHAHAHA



Excellent call.  As a Jets fan, I couldn't be happier about the outcome of this game.  Want to see true joy?  read the boards here www.jetsinsider.com


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I thought I'd give this game/sport a chance so right now I'm watching the game. and I have no idea whats going on! there is no logic here  :P I remember Boyd tried to explain it to me once but thats ages ago and I think it made me even more confused.


also, now its 3-7 to the Patriots and they have played for ages, but the final score will be 35-38?  ???



Ok, american "football" is not a real sport, but still...


Agreed  ;D nothing like a good game of Football.. Real Football that is  :P ;)

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  • Community Administrator

I thought I'd give this game/sport a chance so right now I'm watching the game. and I have no idea whats going on! there is no logic here  :P I remember Boyd tried to explain it to me once but thats ages ago and I think it made me even more confused.


also, now its 3-7 to the Patriots and they have played for ages, but the final score will be 35-38?  ???



Ok, american "football" is not a real sport, but still...


Agreed  ;D nothing like a good game of Football.. Real Football that is  :P ;)


A TD or a Touch Down is worth 6 points, If they can kick the ball in, its worth an additional point (1+6=7)

A field Goal (Any kick that goes between the... field goal fork thingy at the end of the field) is worth an additional 3 points.

I think theres a few other ways to score, like they can potentially run it in after they get a TD for 2 points? (I think, don't quote me)


Team that starts with the ball, has to get it to the other side of the field. The field is split up, based on the yards, and they, the team, have only 4 downs, per those X number of yards, before there possesion gets turned over to the other team. (Meaning, if the field were to be split up based upon incriments of 20 yards, the team has 4 tries, to get past each 20yd mark, inorder to start back at 1 of 4 downs else risk turning over the ball to the other team. )


Of course, I'm going off a flawed memory here, as its getting to the point my team isn't even worth watching unless they are trying (which = winning ;) )

but thats the jist of the rules. I'm sure someone else could fully explain the rules of the game, far more accurately then I can. :P

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I picked up the basic idea last year, when i struggled to stay awake during the first period just because I wanted to see Rolling Stones play in halftime.

Hilarious to see people in a "sport" that claims to be so much about tactics can't figure out that when the opponents have the ball, you probably should mark that guy who runs very fast and is good at catching the ball...But I suppose all the steroids have killed most of their braincells.

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You can try a two-point conversion after scoring a touchdown, meaning you have to get the ball in the end zone. You only have one try per touchdown.


You can also score two points by getting a safety, which means that you tackle the guy with the ball on the offensive team in his own end zone.


And you have to get 10 yards in 4 downs, not 20. =)


When I started watching American Football all the commercials drove me batty, but now I'm getting used to it.

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  • Community Administrator

You can try a two-point conversion after scoring a touchdown, meaning you have to get the ball in the end zone. You only have one try per touchdown.


You can also score two points by getting a safety, which means that you tackle the guy with the ball on the offensive team in his own end zone.


And you have to get 10 yards in 4 downs, not 20. =)


When I started watching American Football all the commercials drove me batty, but now I'm getting used to it.


I wasn't sure if it was 10 yards or 20, Its such a minor aspect of the game! ;)

Specially with all those idiots who stop the clock by running out of the lines...

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