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Welcome Damon Devilkin!


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First off let me warn you about this mysterious bag that will come around do your welcome thread.  Some of the older members like to trick the newbies into the bag.  You don't want to know what happens to few newbies that got in....  suffice to say I have never seen them again.


Serious spiel:  Speil.... spiel.... speel.... Ever have a word trip you up and ruin the serious tone you are trying to set?  Anyway... the Seanchan org is based on the idea that everyone is equal and that we want to hear from each member.  Feel free to start threads and interact in any thread you want.  The idea behind the org is to exude a family feeling. 


Also things may seem a little silent atm but usually we have many discussions going on at any given time.  You could say that the writers strike is effecting us as well.  It also does not help that I am quite busy at work.


Anyway... enjoy yourself and welcome!

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