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Would Faile betray Rand to protect Perrin


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With AMoL being the last book, I doubt it will happen, but I've always wondered if Faile would agree to help Darkfriends/the DO to protect Perrin.  For example, if a darkfriend told Faile that Perrin would not be killed if he did not join Rand for TG, would Faile try to prevent Perrin from joining Rand?


Personally, I've always thought that Faile probably would.  Assuming Faile would, what do people think Perrin would do if he found out?


On the other hand, would Perrin betray Rand to protect Faile.  (The current storyline seems to suggest that he would at least consider it.)


Would Faile betray Rand to protect Perrin?


Hypothetically, in a heartbeat and without batting an eyelash. Her loyalties are exclusively with her husbands. That said, by 'betraying' the Dragon Reborn if it meant endangering his life would not benefit Perrin... or anyone for that matter, because if the DB dies the world dies.


Perrin would be furious at first, of course, and I'm sure he would upraid her for it and then try and fix what she did, but I doubt he'd do anything more to her. Would Perrin betray Rand to protect Faile? Hypothetically, yes I think he would. How often in Knife of Dreams and Crossroads to Twighlight did he say he'd make a deal with the Dark One to save Faile? But practically, I doubt he ever would for the same reasons I gave regarding Faile.


I think she would. She's a survivor, she does what she needs to do in order to come up trumps. When Rand was carted off by the AS, she got herself into Coleavere's little party, i think she'd betray Rand, but rather than seeing it as betraying Rand, she'd see it as protecting her own. There is a massive phychological difference between 'betraying' someone and 'protecting' someone. You can talk yourself into almost anything if you think about it in the right way.


I'm only on book 8, but having read 1-7 four times now i think i know Perrin reasonably well. If he knew, i think he'd go beserk. He'd explode with fury at her, and Faile being Saldean would love it - finally her husband stands up to her and proves her a worthy adversory and she would submit to his will, apologise and come back to the light (having never truly left it to begin with).


When all is said and done, no I dont think Perrin would betray Rand. Not truly. Faile is everything to him but he is not a stupid man, nor is he hasty and rash; he would understand the magnitude of Rand's importance to the world and find a way to protect Faile AND support Rand.


Just IMO  :)


There is a lot of difference between "BetraY Rand" and "Betray the Light"  There is no way either of them would allow the DO to win at TG, even at the cost of the other's life.  That is not to say they wouldn't consider it.



Faile is not stupid, however, as trakand_01 aptly put it, she would see it as protecting her man instead of betrayal, though I doubt Rand would make the distinction.

I seem to remember Perrin thinking something along the lines: 'To the Pit of Doom with the Last Battle if I don't have Faile with me', and he seemed pretty serious about it. That he even considers it when he knows he HAS to be by Rand's side when TG comes scares me.


Faile would think about it, I'm unsure as to whether she'd do it.  She, unlike Perrin, is not stupid.  Perrin would betray Rand without a second, all the good he did on road to rescuing faile were just obstacles to be overcome in his eyes.  They WEREN'T worthwhile goals in and of themselves.  I think Faile is somewhat blinded by love but she is very politically astute.  Perrin is a hypocrit, he would indeed be furious at Faile for betraying Rand.


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