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PS3 vs Xbox 360 vs Nintendo Wii


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Tis all I have to say about ps3 vs 360. :P

As for the Wii, its just a novelty item! Not something 'real gamers' play... for long. ;)


I have a Wii but I want to get a PS3.  Some of the Wii games are good for the "hardcore" but most of them are more "party games."


Thats why I added the qualafier at the end "for long ;)"

Cause, there are some pretty good games for the wii out there, but like most games today (thats for all consoles) are what, 6-12 hour long fps's?

that new Metroid one was about that long right?

The zelda one had to have been at least 20 hours long or I lost all repsect for the 20th zelda game ever made... :P


Now, UT3 for ps3 comin up in a few more days is gunna have me hooked for awhile, the fact that I can download/install/make my own mods/maps, adds a ton of replayability online/offline. :P

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zelda was more like 35 hours minimum


good, at least thats one game thats more then 20 hours long! :P

(Anyone notice, an abundance of games 'this' generation less then 20 hours long? No matter the console/computer?

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I'm of the oppinion a game needs to be at LEAST 20 hours long, and any rpg thats only 20 hours, sucks.

At least with console FPS's 'since I suck at the controls' it takes me 20 hours to beat. :P

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Okay, all 3 are wirless, (I'm guessing the 360 is, I know the wii/ps3 are)


Which is the best controller?


Personaly, I think its a close tie between the PS3's and Wii mote's.

360 is just another wireless controller with nothing really intuitive. :P



Okay, ps3 = Basic analog controler, (we are getting DS3 = Dual Shock 3 soon) It has motion Sensing, can turn the ps3 On/off, eject the disks from said controller. Motion sensing does not require that 'bar' the Wii does, but you can't 'point and click' like on the wii.

However, using it for motion sensing games can often be awkward. For instance, some games have the classic 'shake the wiimote' style of shaking... try doing that with a ps3 controller! That uses 2 hands! IT doesn't work very well... However, FLYING and DRIVING games it works pretty damned well imo.


Wii = a point/click/motion sensing remote. Have similar abilities as the ps3's motion sensing, except it using the 'bar' for point/click features. Personally, I feel that parts just a novelty and a pain in the wrist to use.. It has sound IN the remote, Turns the console on, can be turned Sideways and used like the classic NES controller, can be used as a 'gun', ect.


I think the Wiimote is slightly, ever so slightly better then the ps3, if only because it has built in speakers in the controller. I could careless about 'point and click' (kills my wrists), motion sensing is virtually Identicle. Ps3 is going to have Dual Shock in the near future.. (Its already out in japan so figure 1-3 months).


If I were to rate them on a Scale of 100, 100 being zomg awesome and 0 = 360, I mean the suck...


I'd rate

PS3 Six Axis Controller - 60

PS3 DS3 Six Axis Controller - 65

Wii Mote - 70.

360 - 40

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I've always been a fan of Playstation, and while the PS3 is probably a better console, I think the 360 controller is better. Sure, it doesn't have six axis, but who cares about six axis really? The 360 controller is much more comfortable to hold, and having the left analog stick higher on the controller makes it easier to play for example FPS-games, imo. The 360 controller can turn on/off the console too, btw. Of all the controllers I'd rank the Playstation one the lowest. I had been using the Playstation controllers for like 7 years and thought they were the best, but after two days of the 360 controller, it's the one I prefer the most.

The controller for the old Xbox is horrible, though. Just big and bleh. :P

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I've always been a fan of Playstation, and while the PS3 is probably a better console, I think the 360 controller is better. Sure, it doesn't have six axis, but who cares about six axis really? The 360 controller is much more comfortable to hold, and having the left analog stick higher on the controller makes it easier to play for example FPS-games, imo. The 360 controller can turn on/off the console too, btw. Of all the controllers I'd rank the Playstation one the lowest. I had been using the Playstation controllers for like 7 years and thought they were the best, but after two days of the 360 controller, it's the one I prefer the most.

The controller for the old Xbox is horrible, though. Just big and bleh. :P


I find hte xbox controller to be far to awkard... And what makes the ps3 controller so great, IS because its escentially the same controller we've been using since the ps1 was released! Why change something that doesn't need changing?

+ hey, at least I can plug in any controller I want into the ps3, as long as it has USB or blu-tooth. (Aka, 360-like pc controllers.) :P

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Your rating system on the controllers was pretty bad Sin, simply because its a very uniformed opinion to some extent. If you are going to do a rating like that, next time actually take the time to use all the controllers, figure out all the pro's and con's of all the controllers, and put your prejudice's aside for a moment.


Myself, I haven't used the PS3 controller, but I have used the PS2 controller, and frankly, its not as nice and comfortable to use as the 360 controller is. And the PS3 one is still very similar to its predecessor's.


That said, I'll be getting a chance to try the PS3 on the 23rd (family christmas party, my cousin owns one) and I'll give a more informed position on the consoles then.

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I agree that the 360 controller is a lot better than the PS2.  I haven't used the PS3 enough to make any judgements but if it is basically the same then no way is it anywhere near as good as the 360's.  BTW Sin when was the last time you used an X-box controller?  The original controller for the X-box (not the 360) was a bit bulky but it's gone on a diet since.

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I've used both the orginal xbox controller, the 'new xbox controller', and the 360 controller, I still don't like them. I like the placement of the analogs on the Ps3 controller, instead of having the analog where the Dpad is. (and really, thats basically the only difference).

I just don't care for it.




360 Controller = xbox controller, wireless, and its only 'special' function is to turn the 360 on, and be a controller. Thats it.


Wii = motion sensing 'mouse pointer', and 'motion "jerking off"' sensing'. Switch 90 degrees, turns into nintendo controller. Confort wise, its about as confortable as wearing a pair of wooden clogs...


Ps3 = Same as Ps2, Wireless, slightly larger/smaller? Definately lighter, (Though the DS3 is much heavier & wireless) Offers motion sensing similar to the wiis 'motion "jerking off" sensing', (Of course, it has the same functions as say, Wii Bowling or Wii Tennis, in that those don't use the' mouse pointer' but the motion you make with your controller.."


Nearly forgot, you can plug said wireless controller directly into ps3's USB port for,

A) no dropped wireless controllers which frequents ALL wireless controllers, and

B) Charge the remotes Lithium battery.



Really, where was I wrong?


Barm, when was the last time you used the PS3's motion sensing?

Does the 360 not, just your regular xbox controller, albit wirelss and has a sparkly power on button?



Btw, if you didn't realize, the orginal controller vs, were just my oppionions on said controllers, systems, You know, me nudging at the xbots. Giving other people there chances to say which they think is the better controller.


OF course, just trying to call me a fanboi to destroy any valid arguement I have, really does help convey which controller is better then the other...  ::)


Probably the only redeeming factor the 360 controller has, while not in the placement of the analogs, is in the general quality of them.

The one issue I have with the ps3 analogs, is with the quality of the analog 'receptors?"

If you know how a ball mouse works, the analog runs on a similar concept, the ps3 ones, for some odd reason, (AT LEAST Maybe its just mine) isn't very sensitive, in that say if I move the stick 10 degrees, it doesn't 'pick up' that i'm moving it, but if I move it past that, all of a sudden my 'fps' game decides I just moved half a screen...  Setting 'sensitivity' only goes so far. From the comments i've heard about DS3 (dual shock 3) since its not only heavier but better quality (cause simply the Six-Axis does seem cheap, not necissarilly quality wise, but since its so light...)

Notice how I gave the DS3 a better 'score' then the Six axis?) Though, if My problem with my fps games on the ps3 were 'common' there wouldn't be anywhere near as many pros out there. (Plus, I could easilly kill any halo pro with my mouse and keyboard set up!, I think its silly people buying 'guitar hero' or 'rock star' for $170, and I'm sitting here with a Logitech MX5000, $150 Keyboard/Mouse set up. (Cost me only $100, + $20 shipping cause I'm just that 1337)


So, hears to hoping UT3 ps3 and Pc servers are united so I can kick barms arse in ut3! Cause, I can use my logitech mouse/keyboard on my ps3, and any usb/mouse keyboard, or controller, or blue-tooth said device. :P

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The 360 also has a cable for their controllers, it's just an accessory, there are also interchangeable batter packs which have LiIon cells.


  Can the PS3 use any standard AA NiCad battery for continued play with no recharging?  I can play my Xbox indefinably without using ANY wired controller, (which is nice because I play from across the room at my computer desk) without ever having to tie myself to the console.

  The Xbox controller (like the wiimote) can be used as a bluetooth HID with the computer, and is actually pretty slick with it.  I assume the PS# controller has the same capability, but haven't actually seen anyone set it up.

  Also as far as I know the 360 is the only controller to have a qwerty keyboard that attaches directly to it, allowing for IM'ing during game play, emailing, or easier input of various codes, cards, and profile info.


The DS3 is obscenely heavy IMO, and although I haven't used it much, it made my hands tired after about 30 minutes.  I do have the same problem with the 360's messenger kit btw. 


I would like to point out that for those of us who have longer fingers and wider hands, the 360 is a great fit.  I have actual man-hands which I can wrap my hand around the PS1/2/3 controllers and touch my thumbs to my ring fingers whereas the 360's grooves next to the batter pack give me somewhere to put my pinky, ring and occasionally middle fingers.  I would like to say that I felt the PS3 motion sensing wasn't nearly as responsive and clean as the wiimote, it seemed almost tacked on to me(Lair made this exceedingly obvious), but ces't le vie.


I would like to praise the wiimote/nunchuck controllers though, as that is the entire draw of the system, and although extended use wasn't nice to the wrists, the grips that nintendo released made it much more comfortable. 


I rate the controllers as follows;

Wiimote/Nunchuck stystem; 9.5

360; 8.0

PS3 (pre DS3); 6.0

PS3 (post DS3);7.5

Original Xbox controller; 4.0

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The 360 also has a cable for their controllers, it's just an accessory, there are also interchangeable batter packs which have LiIon cells.


  Can the PS3 use any standard AA NiCad battery for continued play with no recharging?  I can play my Xbox indefinably without using ANY wired controller, (which is nice because I play from across the room at my computer desk) without ever having to tie myself to the console.

  The Xbox controller (like the wiimote) can be used as a bluetooth HID with the computer, and is actually pretty slick with it.  I assume the PS# controller has the same capability, but haven't actually seen anyone set it up.

   Also as far as I know the 360 is the only controller to have a qwerty keyboard that attaches directly to it, allowing for IM'ing during game play, emailing, or easier input of various codes, cards, and profile info.


I don't know about AA NiCad Batteries, but All you need to keep the ps3 controller playing 'forever' is a USB to keep the battery charged. So on that front, I can be 20 feet away, plug it into my pc, and still play. However, directly connecting to the ps3 DOES reduce that fun part with wireless dropping. (And I know for a fact it happens every now and again with all consoles)


As for the PS3 controller working on windows?

Well, look at it like this.

I can't access Hotmail on my ps3 browswer because..

dun dun dun

Microsoft blocked ps3's from accessing said email.

Sony hasn't released any 'official' drivers for the ps3 controller on the PC, but it 'is' possible. Just not 100%.

Now if they were smart and made 'official' drivers for mac/linux that would be awesome.. If they just had any real games for the mac/linux. :P



The DS3 is obscenely heavy IMO, and although I haven't used it much, it made my hands tired after about 30 minutes.  I do have the same problem with the 360's messenger kit btw.

If you've used the SixAxis, I'd perfer 'heavy', but thats just me. I like my 'mice' heavy, and not feel like I could accidently whip them across the room. ;)


I would like to point out that for those of us who have longer fingers and wider hands, the 360 is a great fit.  I have actual man-hands which I can wrap my hand around the PS1/2/3 controllers and touch my thumbs to my ring fingers whereas the 360's grooves next to the batter pack give me somewhere to put my pinky,ring and occasionally middle fingers.

Best Valid point I've seen in this thread all week. :P


I would like to say that I felt the PS3 motion sensing wasn't nearly as responsive and clean as the wiimote, it seemed almost tacked on to me(Lair made this exceedingly obvious), but ces't le vie.


The controls were definately not 'tacked on' and While many people didn't like lair because the 'controls' were to difficult for them, I personally found them pretty easy. Sure the first 20 minutes took a bit to get used to, but they definately worked, much better then Warhawks 'flying'. :P

If you read my Lair Review, I did mention the only real 'problem' with said game was the 'dash' and '180' moves. And there were a few improvements they could have added to the game via patch and didn't....

by chance, did you play Lair at a bestbuy or something? Or you own a ps3?



I would like to praise the wiimote/nunchuck controllers though, as that is the entire draw of the system, and although extended use wasn't nice to the wrists, the grips that nintendo released made it much more comfortable. 


I rate the controllers as follows;

Wiimote/Nunchuck stystem; 9.5

360; 8.0

PS3 (pre DS3); 6.0

PS3 (post DS3);7.5

Original Xbox controller; 4.0


My only real complaint about the wii controllers is that they are just so tiny! But other then that, the motion sensing is used in every single game, which really makes it more then just a 'novelty' like it currently is in the ps3.

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Tis all I have to say about ps3 vs 360. :P

As for the Wii, its just a novelty item! Not something 'real gamers' play... for long. ;)


With Mario Galaxy, Madden 08, and Guitar Hero III.... I really don't buy the whole idea that it is not for real gamers. People are just too afraid of a system that is for all levels of gamers. Either that or they are afraid of actually burning some calories for once. ;)


I have a Wii but I want to get a PS3.  Some of the Wii games are good for the "hardcore" but most of them are more "party games."

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I played lair at a gamestop tournament, while I was waiting my turn.  My most extended playing sessions were at a buddy of mine's, we were mostly playing Heavenly Sword and Resistance. 


Don't get me wrong I like solid accessories, like mice, but thats when I don't have to hold them suspended for extended periods of time. (I subscribe to the marathon gaming model)  This is something that comes down to a matter of personal preference, not so much actual performance.


I agree with the small wii controllers, which is why I had to point out that the new Nintendo brand glove helped to rectify that, its fairly beefy, and adds a 1/8-1/4 inch in each direction.  Added bonuses include protection from "wiitards" who feel the need to just slay that baseball. ;)  Most of the reason for high score of the wiimote is its clean execution and amazing performance.  The idea is  both novel and innovative(i expect all 3 systems to have similar implementations in their next iterations), and has been shown to work smoothly, and accurately.


On that note I liked the way that the motion sensing was used in Metroid, and there is potential for a puzzle game which works primarily through the motion sensing.  The wii's achillies heel is and will continue to be the library, and graphics. 


The drivers I had that let me use the wiimote as a HID were anything but official they were written by some hacker so someone else could make a wii-saber.  The 360 remote acted like a legacy device which is no surprise.  There's no reason someone can't write drivers for the PS3, I just haven't seen them.  I did see a bluetooth gamepad that had an identical format to the Sony model, and was designed to be dual compatible.

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There's no reason someone can't write drivers for the PS3, I just haven't seen them. 


Theres one out there, so you can use it on your PC, but it doesn't work 100%. About 50% of the people can get it to work.

I don't beleive it works with blu-tooth, and you have to use the USB cable... That is until someone makes a driver for it. :P


Though it should be noted, I only played lair maybe 2-6 hours a day when I had it...

One day I went over board, and my entire arm was dead! Damn 180/dash... You know what I'm talkin about! And thats not even including the 'jerking' movements you have to make for some objectives! Man... that one objective, where you had to fend off the army on the ground, the dragons in the sky, and the warships in the ocean! Bah!

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