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Name that Movie from the Picture....


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The TV screens, vacuum tube computer panels, and desk with swinging lamp and papers appears to mark the movie as set in the 80's.


The far side of the room makes it look like it's a rather open area, such as a warehouse, but it looks like there may be scaffolding or hanging pieces of something around as well, sort of like a backstage area.


It looks like it may be a scene taking place at a movie or television studio in the 80's.


The character, then, may be an actor, and he may not actually be playing the headless horseman, he may just be 'horsing' around on the set. That looks a bit like a reddish-blonde head of hair poking out of a costume collar that the person has pulled over their head.


It's quite likely I've not actually seen this movie, because it doesn't really sound all that familiar to me.

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So, since I haven't seen the movie before, what was that scene actually like? How far off was I in my little amateur analysis?


You had most of it right, except that the guy who's head exploded, was

A) some vegitarian black guy? (or maybe it was the white guy's head who exploded....)

B) Bill cosby tossed hamburger at him and cuased his head to explode.

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SD, wasn't "The Majestic" the movie with Jim Carrey where he got amnesia, and everyone convinced him he was a long lost son, and it turned out he wasn't?


I think you are actually thinking of The Prestige,which is the correct answer.


The Illusionist is the one with Edward Norton, and The Prestige has Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale.

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Presitge, Majestic, Same thing! :P

But yea, I meant hte prestige, I just couldn't lay my finger on the word! but I knew it was some random word that had nothing to do with magic but did..


Btw, the ending of the Prestige was teh awesome!

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