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*Bounces in


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Hey Aud, lovely to see you here. Welcome to the Kin.  ;D


*hugs and bounces*


Lor will get you added to the usergroup and stuff just as soon as she has time. She's a bit busy with Miss Peanut at the moment as I'm sure you know  ;)


Just jump in on any of the threads.

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OH MY GOSH!!  Another new KINSTER!!  Welcome!  Welcome!  Welcome Audorienne!!!!!


*ties a blue sash around Audo's hips, kisses both cheeks and twirls her about!*


Hi there!  I'm Twinnie!  Welcome to the Kin hon!  Here are a pair of your very own sparkly, new blue knitting needles!!!  *winks*  one of our popular past times is friendly poking..like this!


*pokes gently*  I will get you added to our private forums..where you will find the Blue Sash...check there for more hugs and fun and welcomes!!!  Our Elegant Eldest, Lor, is at the moment being a new mommy and on a really limited posting time..but I'm sure she'll be by as time allows to welcome you..and until then..have a few points..like ten!  *grins*  and you are on your way!!!


Welcome to our family!!!  Now tell us a bit about you!!  oh and try some hot spiced cider..it's yummy!

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A bit about me..well, I've been on a rather extended LoA and I still have limited internet access but I'm making more of an effort to get on here more often, even if I sometimes have to ignore the boy to do so. :D He'll get over it. Uhm..I'm 20 and I live in Pennsylvania and just got engaged a few weeks ago (they posted a thread for me in the novice quarters if you wanna pop in :D). I'm a writer, a history nerd, and I attempt art every once in a while.

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*hugs*  well congratulations!!  thats wonderful!!  glad you are finding time to be here..*smiles*  it's good to have you...and I will try to pop by the novice quarters!  I am an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah..although i havn't been really active there for awhile...


any specific time period for history?  I am not a quite knowledgeable enough to be a nerd..but i do enjoy history of religion..especially around the crusades and then the reformation...and old testament time frame. 


and let me tell you what...*grins and bounces*  it is awesome to have another bouncer here!!!!!

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Haha. Good to know my bouncing is appreciated. I'm pretty much fascinated by any history that's older than the 1700s. Newer history doesn't interest me that much. But I'm particularly fascinated by the English history, especially the Wars of the Roses and the Tudor dynasty and anything around that time frame.

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wow!  I have no idea about english history for the most part!!  and bouncing is my favorite form of movement!!  *grins*  hey can you see the Private forums yet?  the Farm, and the Blue Sash forum?  if you can't you may need to add the Kin to your Org memberships!



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*grins and hugs audo*


you'll notice i am styling your wonderful sig you made for me too!!  THanks!!  oh..and the avatar was great too!  but we have one for the kin for halloween theme week..since most everyone has a siggie for thier other orgs!!!  You can get the link for it in the Announcement thread or the halloween thread in the knitting circle!!!



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