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Dunbar - Told you that one was good.


Hax - Please refrain from sullying my rep by spreading lies about me watching or even acknowledging the existance of Gossip Girl.  Next up you will accuse me of watching the Hills.  Are you going to watch that one too?  When did you turn in your man card again? 


Watched Episode one of Season 2 of Friday Night Lights.  Love netflix on the Xbox (where you at PS3... yeah I thought so).  Coming up I will be watching Hellboy 2, Wanted and the last disk of the Wire (which makes me sad cause the show is like crack... which is funny cause drugs are all up in that show).

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just watched an intresting show on national geo channel.  42 way to kill hitler.  i had no idea that there where so manny people out to get him. there was one guy who missed him by 13 min with a bomb in 1932, another that tried to blow himself up and kill hitler at the same time, and an attemt to bomb the plane he was ridding in.  interesting show for a history geek like me

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I had very low expectations from the film.  I am pleased to say the movie was better than I thought.  Sure you have to suspend disbelief and the movie is filled with so many montages I thought I was watching a CSI episode, but it wasn't too bad for a mindless action movie. 


I am giving it 3 out of 5 stars (which is my average movie rating). 

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reviewed the assassination of jessie james by the coward robert ford, which I give 8,5/10 because I think it's a quite wonderful character driven movie, and dear lord what cinematography. The shots are thoroughly beautiful and the score is lovely. It does drag along a bit in the middle, but it's still amazingly good. In my opinion.

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By pure incident I picked up L'Auberge Espagnole last night, even though it came out in 2002 I had not heard of it before. And found it a quite enjoyable movie. Nothing sensational, but perfect for those afternoons when you just want to sit back with a movie and some wine.

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Fringe....it seems a little over the top conspiratorial....but, what the heck.  ;D


No, no - Fringe is wonderful! I've been watching from the beginning and I love it! I can't wait for January now since it's not airing again till then, but I think all the episodes are online on hulu, if you're interested.


As far as me, I've started watching Robin Hood, which is an awesome show, and I'm wondering why I never found out about it earlier.

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Lol I watch Grey's every Thursday, but just b/c one of my friend's loves it so I go over to her dorm and we watch it together...it's a but much at times, but it's not too bad, and it has the guys to make up for it :P


Speaking of which, the Robin Hood guy is actually adorable - I mean he may not look amazing at first, but he starts to grow on you, and then you notice how wonderful his smile is :D Not that Guy of Gisborne doesn't look awesome too; who cares if he's a bad guy? I actually started liking him when I saw him in "North & South" - ah there's one.


For anyone who likes those BBC/A&E miniseries, you the know, the Jane Austen or George Eliot type ones, I definitely recommend North & South. It's one of my favorites, 4 episodes, great characters, and wonderful ending. Netflix it!

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Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

It was pretty good, and by pretty good, I mean watchable, entertaining, and of course, some funniness, which is always pretty good.


Kung Foo Panda

OMFG, this movie was funny, at moments it tries to act serious, then it throws a monkeywrench into the gears, at just the right moment, causing a gut busting laughter. ;)


The Visitor

Unlike the above, this movie wasn't a comedy, probably closer to a dramatic movie? Though, there are funny moments... Perhaps unintentional ones?

The movie is basically about a man, who had to go to newyork and present a paper at a confrence. When he went to get into his apartment in new york (the one he's owned for 25 years) he finds a couple living there.

One thing leads to another, and the guy ends up getting detained (illegal Immigrant). It really is a damned good movie, And regardless of any political bias behind it, its still a damned good movie. (Cause unlike some people, I don't think about the 'stuff' people believe exists behind a movie/film/music/ect)

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Told you it was good Sinister.


Hellboy 2 - Watched it last weekend and basically agree with Sinister.  I didn't like it as much as he did though... thought it got a bit too cornball for me.  Nice average movie though.


Alien vs. Predator 2 - Admitedly, I just finished watching it while working.  So half my attention was on it... which seemed just about right.  Basically a predalien... that has some special ability to impregnate humans with alien babies.  I may have missed something key here... like why the predalien has the ability.  The rest was just humans dying and aliens looking scary.  I love Alien and Aliens.... and I admit, I liked Alien Ressurection... sort of.  I have not liked any of the other ones though. 

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Told you it was good Sinister.


I completely forgot who recommended that movie, or why it was even on my netflix list. ;)

But it was definately a damned good movie. Best of 2008? Possibly, but I wouldn't hold my breath...


Hellboy 2 - Watched it last weekend and basically agree with Sinister.  I didn't like it as much as he did though... thought it got a bit too cornball for me.  Nice average movie though.

Well, when I think of how good a movie is, I ask my self I was entertained, as well as other things, I can disregard bad acting (unless its Sci-FI made for tv movies - bad acting, I mean... UGGH, I think there are some porn stars that are better actors then some of those idiots...)


If you look at it like this, there are so many actors out there, who have got 'type cast' into certain roles, Bruce Wilis got type cast as an action hero, And most of those action movies have shitty dialogue/story, and how many action movies since the dawn of time have ever won an oscar? (Probably that one movie empy had a love afair with last year.) He may not be a 'great' actor, but you can't really say he's a 'horrible' actor either.

I say the same thing about Keanu Reeves, most of his movies, he's been type cast as the same guy, act the same as he's done in his other movies. But he does have some damned good movies out there, where he didn't play a robot. ;)


But this also means I classify movies that aren't 'omfg awesome, oscar worthy' as 5 star movies, I calssify 'good' movies as a 4, which empy might classify as a 3. And I'd probably rank 'entertaining movies, that don't have very much substance a 3.5, which empy would probably rank a 2. ;)

Its like your the metric system, and I'm the imperial system, your units make sense, mine don't.

I save 3+ for watchable to great movies, and reserve 0-2 for the horrible, bad, worst movies of all time. Where as empy leaves 0-1 for the bad, and 2 for the eh, 3 for the watchable, 4 for the ok movies, and 5 for the oscars. :P


Alien vs. Predator 2 - Admitedly, I just finished watching it while working.  So half my attention was on it... which seemed just about right.  Basically a predalien... that has some special ability to impregnate humans with alien babies.  I may have missed something key here... like why the predalien has the ability.  The rest was just humans dying and aliens looking scary.  I love Alien and Aliens.... and I admit, I liked Alien Ressurection... sort of.  I have not liked any of the other ones though. 


The predalien, some how goes with/against alien lore (against because theres no other case, with, because it adds some new possibilities...)

But basically an alien put its eggs in a predator, predator died, alien popped out, and took down that GIANT MOTHER SHIP at the end of AVP (HOW THE HELL does a super warrior race on a giant mofo ship, get taken down by 1 alien?!)

The predalien, simply did to the 'babies' what any other alien in the other movies would have done, but tlel me this, how many 'babies' were on an exploration ship in alien? Or on a rescue ship on Aliens? Or in a prison colony in 3? Or let alone on a military vessle in 4?!


So yea...

AVP2 wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either... I've seen worse movies on Sci-Fi... (Turn to it sometime empy and you'll see why I reserve the worst movies at a much 'higher' level then you. They are SOOO bad, they need there own number. ;)

AvP2 is basically one of those movies, you rent because your bored out of your ass, and want to watch something you haven't already seen,


You want to finish off your Alien/Predator Collection. ;)

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Rewatched Red Dragon last night, which I think is pretty damn good, better than Hannibal in any case, though nowhere near the silence of th lambs


Admittedly, I've always loved Ed Norton and tend to like most things he's in, but hey. I found it to bea good movie

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Heh... Hellboy 2 gets a 3 and AVP2 gets a 2.5.  Sinister seems to know my ranking better than I do.


For some reason, I just rewatched Spiderman 3.  Maybe it was to validate that this was a bad movie.  This one goes down as a 2.5 as well.  I would have given it a 3 but Parker singing and dancing as his evil self really make me cringe.

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