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I've been catching up on House before the Season 5 Premiere (btw, am I the only one who's been counting down the days? someone should make a House thread...) and I'm halfway through Season 2.


I've been a huge Hugh Laurie fan for pretty much ever, before most people in the US knew about him, and I love him as House. He really brings his dry Brit-ness to the character that is just perfect.


If you're a fan of Hugh Laurie or British humour, I *highly* recommend the Jeeves and Wooster series with him and Stephen Fry from the early '90s, I believe.

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Well, this entire week I've been watching episodes of Lost, and I just finished disk 4 of Season 1 of Lost. Its got me intrigued, because I want to know wtf that giant invisible animal/machine thing is in the forest, and I've got some ideas as to 'why' its invisible. ;)

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So The Namesake was on HBO On Demand.  This movie has been floating near the top of my netflix for awhile but I always find something I am more excited to get.  We finally watched it...


Overall... hmmm... a good movie.  I enjoyed learning a little more about the Indian culture and the acting was well done.  But the movie felt choppy and... well... all over the place.  It felt like I was reading a book kind of... and not watching a seemless movie. 

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I started watching the beginning of Down to You this weekend while I was sick, but it was so lame I stopped and changed to something else. The something else was so uninteresting that I can't remember what it was, and it was still preferrable to Down to You. Actually, I might have fallen asleep and that's why I can't remember. I took a lot of Benadryl on Saturday.  :-\


Either way, it was a lame movie.



On a better note, I went out to see Burn After Reading and have a beer with my sister last night. The movie was quite funny, and Pitt and Clooney were fun to watch as such kooky characters. Also, I totally called what the chair Clooney's character built really was. Anyone else catch that before it actually showed?  ;D

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Baby Mamma

For Your Consideration

National Treasure 2


So I watched Baby Mamma last night.  The only reason this was on my netflix queue is I tend to put EVERY movie that I miss in the theatres in my queue.  And since I like Tina Fey, I bumped it to the top of my queue.  Let me say, I had little to no expectations of this being a quality comedy.  This actually turned out to be a good movie for a comedy.  Tina Fey is excellent and I found myself laughing at many scenes to my surprise.  This was a well written and worthwhile movie to check out.


For Your Consideration - This is by the people that made Waiting for Guffman, Best In Show, etc.  I kinda of caught this movie on accident and ended up liking it alot.  I mean, it is no Best in Show but still if you have HBO, worth the watch. 


National Treasure 2 - Nick Cage wasn't terrible in this movie.  The plot held my attention throughout the movie.  Umm... I am trying to be positive here.  If you go into this movie and suspend all disbelief, ignoring plot holes and absurd feats of action, then this movie is worth renting.  It wasn't great... but it was no Wicker Man or Next.

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Well, I finished Season 1 of Lost last weekend (I think? Perhaps it was on thursday, my days are starting to blend together), But now I'm on Season 2 of Lost.

Its 'alright' it has its moments, but its not the greatest thing since sliced bread.


I will say this, The two characters in the show, that hold the most interest to me, are Locke, and Furby, I mean Hurrly (Hugo). And Hugo, Is by far my favorite character in the show! He's Losts Hiro! ;)


While I love backstories, I coudl care less about Kates, or some of the other random peoples. (Except for the korean pair, Micheal's, and a lil bit of jacks. Kates is just a bunch of emo self absorbed life suck tails. Though that may have just bene season 2's, Season 1's for kate weren't 'too' bad, but Its to the point that I want to know about the other characters more, and not about kate! )

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The Bank Job



Wow... Jason Statham is bad.  Ever since he moved away from doing Guy Richie filmes (Snatch and Lock Stock) he hasn't done a good movie since.


And who thought up this movie "based on a true story".  Is it true because they had a character called Michael X?  Anyway... this movie was all over the place.


It was like the script writer watched an action marathon and stole little crimpets from each film he saw.  It was bad... and I think I stopped watching near the end.  I would not suggest it for you guys.

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Okay, well I'm bored so I'll just post a list and minor review (aka watch it! or FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T WATCH IT!) of my latest netflix movies...



OMG, for a movie that has dragons, and 'some' great visuals, this movie fails horribly. That isn't to say you shouldn't watch it, cause you shouldn't. But its one of htose movies that are SO Horrible, you'd have to watch it with a group of friends, and you can probably make a drinking game out of it.

What type of game? Everytime someone says something ridiculous, take a shot! You'll be hammered in 20 minutes. ;)

Heres a quote for you

"Dispatch, I need backup! we have a code 37!"

(To show how horrible this quote is, The reason he said this, is because there was a DRAGON(more like a snake) winding its way all the way up a skyscraper. Apparently, the police have a code for a giant snake winding its way up a skyscraper...)

Another interesting fact, your in a military helicopter, with bullet proof windows, and sidewinder missles. Instead of shooting your sidewinders at the giant snake trying to kill you, No, you shoot your BULLET PROOF GLASS, at the snake with your 9mm... I mean... really? REALLY?


Sorry, this movie is just SO FUN to make FUN OF! ;)




Mr. Woodcock

Starring stiffler, and bad santa, its not great but not horrible. Its got some funnies but over-all its not the greatest 'comedy' out there, pretty predictable to. Watch it if you haven't seen it, but if you have your eye on something you've been wanting to watch, get it before you get Woodcock, its a type of 'last resort, nothing else to watch' type movie...





This movie was actually pretty interesting. Though not for the thriller my neibhors a serial killer, but because of the hawt flesh! :P Seriously though, this one is alright. Similar to woodcock, but I'd put it a few spots above it.





Now this movie, was fun to watch, its a horror/psychological/thriller? type movie, but all you really need to know, is Samuel L says, That room is fucking evil. And it is F***in evil! not poltergiest I'm an emo ghost who wants to take out my revenge after I died out on people, but a room that is just EVIL. ;)





Watched the entire season, it was alright, but I don't get why everyones all psycho-fanatics over the show. Maybe If I watched it when it first came out...





I've been watching Lost for the past few weeks, Infact, I finished Season 3 last night, and Am currently working my way past episode 2. Its an alright timefiller show, I still haven't seen what makes it 'zomfg awesome', But that might also have to do with the lack of time-paradoxes so far. ;)

Seriously though, Why can't people in tv shows like.. communicate? I know it would mean that episode would have no real point of lasting 45 minutes but sometimes its like... really?




I am Omega

This movie is just downright horrible. The main actor isn't bad, but a good actor can't revive a shitty film. Basically post-apocalpytic world, filled with zombies, female who's immune, ect ect. You already know some horny redneck is going to try to rape her, and the hero is going to save her... But the movie quite simply failed... I think it was a sci-fi channel movie.


I really need to find out the name of that movie, with 'omega' in it, that involves that one guy who played the blind swordsman trying to save the kid, as an gunslinging android in a post-apocapytic western. Twas an F***in awesome show!




Tripping the Rift: The Movie

IF you liked the series you'll like the movie, if you hate the series you'll hate the movie. I will say this though. It goes gay terminator clown up in this movie. ;)




Prom Night

Okay, Friday night, lookin for something to watch since nothings on tv... Check which netflix movies you've got...

Hmmm prom night... Prom? Horror? ehh, not going to be scary, haven't seen one of those for ages! Hey, at least its gotta have some skin in it right? its unrated edition to! WRONG DEAD WRONG! Now you might be saying 'hey, if you wanted to see graticious amounts of skin, why not get a skin flick? Sure, thats an option, but we are talking about a pseduo horror movie here. You kinda expect a lil skin in a movie that involves a psycho killer, and to top it off, PROM NIGHT, you konw, the night when about 90% of all highschool students get laid. ;) I mean, it can't 'hurt' the film any. What I'm trying to say here, is that graticious amounts of nudity in this movie, would have made it better. Because the plot, the dialogue (oh god, teh dialogue) sucked so bad in this movie! Even the way the psycho killed the people was just plain stupid! And by stupid I mean. "wait... what?"

Just to give you an idea, one girl was layin in 'bed' with her boyfriend (no, nothing was going on, they were fully clothed and actually sleeping), she went to the bathroom, came back, got into bed, 5 minutes later she wanted to figure out why her BF wasn't saying anything, she turned him over, and his jugular was slashed wide open...

Now tell me this, How do you lay in bed with someone, when there jugular is cut open, and not even go 'hmm whys the bed so wet and squishy?' Where did all that blood go!? He's not a vampire! He's just a perverted gym teacher who got a crush on some hotty when she was 15, and made her watch as he killed her parents! Bleh, this movie just sucked. Avoid it at All Costs, Its just as bad as dragonwars, but at least you can get alot of laughs out of Dragonwarts.





The best way to describe this movie, is a B for budget movie, that had an Great Premise, and failed so hard on delivery, you really have to ask... How did they get published?

This movie, jumps around more than Vantage Point, as shittier film quality than the blair witch project, and I'm Sure JD's seen porn with better actors this this movie. And to top all of this off, (and mind you they had a great premise) what little plot they had (riddled with holes), every 'plot thread' that may have held some interest, was left dangling at the end, with no conclusion, no ending, not even a hint as to why the F*** you just sat here for 85 minutes to watch a movie with no substance! Hell, half of the movie (Backstory) is on the back of the DVD! They don't even SHOW half of the movie that is said to be in it, on the back of the dvd, IN THE MOVIE!

I mean, at least with a dvd cover that looks like this


ITs gotta at least have some promise? But it wasn't anywhere that. Hell, the dvd cover picture had nothing to do with the movie! 

So yea, AVOID this like you'd avoid this like a... well, A joke by barms. ;)

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I have seen 1408 decent, not going to set the world on fire but decent which unfortunately seems to cover nearly every single film adaption of a Steven King book.


Disturbia same interesting idea if not original, but never got to see the end DVD screwed up


Firefly I loved especially the western in space idea and the humour has a nice swing between outrageously stupid and witty dry humour. It was in part a series that allowed well for it's action sequences

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Disturbia same interesting idea if not original, but never got to see the end DVD screwed up

Its not orginal, its based on a book/movie that was written/made quite awhile ago. They had so many scoobie-doo versions and some such of it. Guy in wheel chair, watching his neibhors through his window, sees a murder, tries to go into get proof, yada yada yada. ;)



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You mean Hitchcock's Rear Window... yeah it was based on that.


The wife and I are almost finished with The Wire Season 2.  Dude... this show is great.  I mean.... great.  It feels so real.  I avoided this cause I thought I had my fill with cop dramas... but the characters are so rich and the plot is so well planned out, it is truly a pleasure to watch.  I really recommend anyone that has netflix and a little free time to give this series a go. 

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Meet Bill - Oh yeah... I watched this on Friday when I was 'working from home'.  Aaron Eckhart is a good actor, there is no denying.  Jessica Alba is hot.  Basically this movie was about a insecure, unhappy man who learns what he wants in life after he is screwed over by his wife.  It is basically your stereotypical coming of age story that we have seen numerous times.  Because this story is so generic, it is hard for me to give this a postive recommendation to watch.  I will also say it wasn't bad either.  So if you are bored and have nothing else to watch, this one is a good time filler.

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Meet Bill - Oh yeah... I watched this on Friday when I was 'working from home'.  Aaron Eckhart is a good actor, there is no denying.  Jessica Alba is hot.  Basically this movie was about a insecure, unhappy man who learns what he wants in life after he is screwed over by his wife.  It is basically your stereotypical coming of age story that we have seen numerous times.  Because this story is so generic, it is hard for me to give this a postive recommendation to watch.  I will also say it wasn't bad either.  So if you are bored and have nothing else to watch, this one is a good time filler.


Meet Bill? The one with the dvd cover with that guy who did 'thank you for smoking', with a 'bill' label on his forhead? With Jesica Alba, getting hit on by some rich 16 year old boy?


I liked that movie, it is pretty damned generic, but hey, its got Alba in it, and that thank you for smoking guy smokin the reefer, whats not to love? :P


Oh, and theres a scene in the movie where someone tries on a bunch of womens clothing, I think Paityr would really like that scene. ;)

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Were those all rhetorical question?  Cause you seem to have answered your own questions.  And I tend to call the "Thank you for Smoking" guy Aaron Eckhart... cause... well.. that is his name.


He has no name dammit! :P

I saw Meet Bill on  the 'watch now' feature on Netflix. It wasn't bad at all.


Take a look at the movie, Harold and Maude.



Or a movie that is like the orignal forest gump, Being There.



You can watch, being there on the watch now feature. ;)



Anyways, the other day I watched,


Run Fat Boy, Run

The movie starts that Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead), and is escentially about Dennis(Simon), ran out on his wedding day from his pregnant wife. 6 some years later, his x-fiancee has a new boyfriend, and Dennis tries to get her back by running a marathon (what her new BF does for fun). "He doesn't know a marathon is 25 miles".


The movie is defiantly filled with laughs, chuckles, and some down right unexpected moments.

The plot is fairly predictable, but it throws a curve ball at you. Its like they wrote it, to be predictable, than just slams you in the face with something unpredictable...


Btw, Ladies, you may love this ass, I mean movie. :P

They pulled that joke so many times, its like 'omg, How did I not see that coming?!'



On a random side note, I had 3 movies in my queue. 3 were shipped.

2 Arrived.

I sent the 2 back...

they recieved 3.


I'm stil going 'wait... wut?'

This isn't even including the fact that the movie Prom Night, that I got awhile ago (and totally sucked), the disk came borked. (that or someone switched the BD version for the HD-DVD version, TOTALLY NOT WORTH THE WAIT)

This is the 2nd disk in a row that I've gotten borked... Anyone else notice Netflix's quality seeming to go down a bit? Or am I just getting a string of bad luck?

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