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Welcome to DM Naryb, Hope you have a lovely time here.


Pop by some of the Orgs and see what we have on offer, they are small communitites of fun loving people.

Some have themes, The seanchan is the place to discuss TV, Films and Games, The Band for Travel and Music (as well as battle brew and brawls, and general mayhem). And forgetting the cute wolfkin, who are very into Nature, as well as TQ and Chilli, we even have our own TQ lake...


Others just are Like the White Tower...needs no explaination for that, if you do go there pop by the reds and say hi


Have fun




I'll second Talya on the [glow=blue,2,300]Wolfkin[/glow]


Because the [glow=blue,2,300]Wolfkin[/glow] are quite fun and all. 


We have a load of laughs over at the [glow=blue,2,300]Wolfkin[/glow]....


But I would never use subliminal messeges or anything. ;)




Hey, welcome to DM!

Check out the orgs especially the White Tower and the Aiel. There is something for everyone in Dm so have a look around. ;)


Welcome to DM! :)


If you're at all interested in role-playing, there's a thriving RP community here.  For roleplaying, I'd suggest starting off by reading this post: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,354.0.html  That covers the basics and will give you an idea of where to begin.


Next you'll want to get an idea of the kind of character you'll want to play. Just about every group of people on Randland are represented in some way. When you have an idea of the kind of character you'll want to play, you'll need to come up with a character bio and have it approved for play. For more info on that, check out this post: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,717.0.html


After that, just find your way to the Div boards for your chosen Division and begin to join in on the fun as you await for your bio to be approved and to be assigned a mentor


But no matter what you decide to do with your time here at DM, I hope you enjoy yourself. And once again, welcome aboard. :)


I've never thought about RP'ing before but I think I'll give it a try, as a member of the Band.


I've only been seriously reading the books for about 5 weeks but I have finished the eleven books. They are indeed exceptional.






we're down here


[bribes with Bandweiser]




click the word here in estels post ...it will take you to the band board as its a link *s*


or just scroll down the page *s*


Why not join the Band on the ORG side as well? We have Battle Brew, which is much better than Bandweiser! We are DM's music and travel ORG, but we have loads of fun doing various different activities! So why not pop by our Campfires?


Whatever you do at DM, have fun!  :)


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