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[Game] Xbox 360 gamers


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It seems a lot of people that are kind of my friends are playing MW2 on the 360.  Is it good?  I've heard a lot of moaning from PC gamers but if I'm going to get a console FPS then a lot of that moaning isn't necessarily relevant.  I kinda wish I had gotten CoD 4 for the 360.

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I'm always up for Halo goodness, be it 3 or ODST.


Also Fifa 10.


Ashaman DeRouge is my gamertag if anyone wants to add me, though be warned, pings between US and Australian clients can be iffy.


DBZ Burst Limit is also a rollicking good time ;D


Baron Le Roux.  Add me and we'll hit up some Halo some time

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm on my 2nd 360  *nocks on wood*


red ring took my other one after owning it for 3 years without a problem and a week before the warrintie ran out XD  customer service was really nice and we got it back in about a week :)  i've had mine since 06 when they first came out.


i dont have too many games for it, but the ones i do have i replay alot.  me and bubba have started the "rent at blockbuster before buying" system with our games.  excluding titles like mario bros and madden and God of War that we know will be keepers :)  games are just so expensive now to just go run out and buy them ...


i found Fable 2 to be very enjoyable.  but i'm the type that also enjoys the dungeon crawler choose your own fate RPG syle that isn't like FF.  my problem is, i keep creating characters and not finishing the game.  i get the the Spire then re-create a character to start over.  right now i have a slutty mean girl whose been married and divorced numerous times, a deamon slum lord lady and i'm on my 3rd charrie.  a guy who i'm going to stick with ... maybe  :D


this ofcourse is the system i have all my music games on :)  i replay these constantly, but only a few select songs.  with these i've also listed my fav songs to play



- rock band (orange crush, learn to fly, enter the sandman)

- guitar hero 2 (omg yes!!!  FREE BIRD!!!!!  and Jessica :) )

- guitar hero 3 (bulls on parade, cult of personality, rock and roll all night long, black magic woman, paint it black)

- guitar hero: Aerosmith (dream on, pink, sweet emotion, love in an elivator)

- guitar hero: world tour (hotel californa, strangle hold, santeria, sweet home alabama, spiderwebs, what i've done)

- lost planet

- fable 2

- infinite undiscoveries

- gears of war  (whenever i see GoW i think f God of War lmao)

- halo 3

- assasins creed



i rented guitar hero metallica and didn't much care for it, though admittidle i'm not a big fan of metallica (only CD i like is Black Lable).  but i do want to try Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero Beetles and Guitar hero 5 and Guitar Hero Van H.


anyone wanting to buy "Eternal Sanata"  dont.  this game sucks!!!


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I liked Fable 2 but I got a little tired of it about 3/4 of the way in and took a hiatus.  It will be finished at a later date though.


I'm currently playing Dragon Age: Origins and loving it.  So much freaking fun!


I just bought Gears of War (I played GoW 2 and loved it), Red Faction: Guerilla, and Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay/Assault on Dark Athena.  I haven't played any yet because I'm still grinding away at DA:O, but I'm excited for all of them.


Dragon Age: 9.5/10

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I just got a bunch of games for online CoD MW2, Left 4 Dead 2. I also got AC2, awesome game. I play Gears or War, Halo 3 and ODST, MW2, Left 4 Dead, and Madden 10. My gamertag is ConciliarFox. I dont get on much now but I like to play with others when I can.

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you wouldn't need 3 seperate threads either.  in the OP you could list the 3 consoles like below



- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- ect ....



PS 3

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- ect ....



xBox 360

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- GT - DM Handle

- ect ....



and keep it open for people to post their handles.  when it is updated, the mod of the thread might beable to erase the older posts, to keep the thread very short.  with the only responses being handles that need to be added.



...  and because i have my thinking cap on and i'm a glutton for order right now  ;D  heres an idea of how the request posts can look, with peolpe listing only the consoles and GT's they want to have open to DM gammers




DM Handle


gamming console - GT



and if you want to change your GT, or ave an updated one you want to add or it is a multi GT (like you have more than one GT for a single console you want to add to the list; you should clarify that in your post request

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Hiya My Tag is - Mynci


I'll be back on my Xbox online in January as I'll be moving back into the living room when I'll get some more up to date games, mostly I love racing games and being cannon fodder in Halo 3, COD etc (I am RUBBISH at 1st person's lol but pretty good at driving)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

hihihi, GT = IASI Drizzt


I generally tend to stick to FPS's, Halo, and moreso CoD, playing Black Ops now, although I liked MW2 better, just nobody plays it anymore.


New thing i've been on is Two Worlds 2, It's actually not bad, the beginning of the single player looks pretty bad imo, but gets better, the online multiplayer is entertaining for a bit, and the single player game is massive, tons of space to roam and lots of quests.


On a sidenote, Dragon Age 2 looks really good, I hope that it is, thinkin bout getting that when it comes out, never played the first one, anyone have a review of it?

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  • 7 months later...

Gamertag: Xamol Na


I tend to play mainly single player games but I do spend a fair amount of time on Halo: Reach (not that I'm any good at it haha). I mainly stick to campaign or firefight because I haven't bought the map packs.


Games: Final Fantasy XIII, Lost Odyssey, Dragon Age (all of them), Mass Effect (all of them), Rockband, GH World Tour, Fable 2 and 3, Portal and Portal 2 and many, many more haha.


I used to play CoD a lot but went off it after Black Ops and traded them all in. Will probably play MW3 regardless.

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