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  • 2 weeks later...

You can always make with the social; we love to get to know our new players and do our best to assist with thinking up RPs and such :)

  • 5 weeks later...

Hey all!

If I shouldn't be posting here, then excuse my stupidity.  I just joined this forum, and all of the 'Divisions' and Roleplaying threads are confusing me.  I'm interested in joining the Warder Division, and yes, I know I have to make a bio/application and send it to the e-mail provided on the site.  I'm just wondering...  where exactly does everyone RP?  Do the divisions all RP separately or do we all meet-up?  And last but not least, when we're trained enough to be a Warder for an Aes Sedai do we get paired with someone else who is RPing as an Aes Sedai, or do we not even do that?

Getting answers from all of these questions would be really great!  Again, if I wasn't supposed to post anything like this here than I am really sorry!  I just don't know where else to put it to get the attention of the Warder members.  :-\


Well... The Orgs aren't for roleplaying, they're just groups of people hanging out.


Then there's the Divs, which you are currently in. It's also people hanging out, but this is where the RP planning is going on. Signups, activity checks and organising people for a thread happen in this part of the board.


Then, even further down there's the DR sections, which is where the actual RP threads take place in.


So, simply put:


Orgs = Not related to the RP


DR Div = OOC section


DR = IC section


That answer your question? And yes, you posted in the correct section ^_^



Hey Derrin, glad to see you found your way down!  Yeah, the Org/Div thing is confusing.. but I'm convinced it has to be LESS confusing for people who weren't here when the RP split off into its own section of the site :x


Hey Derrin,


- Our specific RP forum is The Warders Yard


- Yes we do occasionally RP with other divisions, some threads are generated in our forum and others in the other division's forum depending on how it begins.


- When you reach the appropriate level you may be bonded to an Aes Sedai.  There are no forced RP bondings so if you and an Aes Sedai come to an agreement then you can bond each other.


I hope that answered everything.  Welcome to The Warders Division!




sooo hello everyone i made my bio and it got cc'd so yay!!!! do i get to be a warder now! *runs around in circles* but i do have a question am i supposed to be in cjaracter the whole time? liek right now am i supposed to be my character? i dont know me be confused help? please! ???


I suppose I should introduce myself here as well for good measure.  Name's Visar, gonna be playing as a Tairen trainee.  Hope to rp with you all at some point.


Oh, and hi Jacen, Derrin, and Sieve. 

*puts names on his "list"*


In the forums like this one where it says " Warders (DR Div)" you get to be you, whoever it is typing at the keyboard.  In "The Warders Yard (DR)" it should all be in character.


So like here, I'm Quis.  In the roleplaying, I'm Jasine. 


I'll let one of the actual staff members go over the rest of the information with you, but there are also stickies that are a lot of help, and in the Info sticky, it links you to another website that has just about all the information you could want.  The section in there about training and advancement are probably the ones that are the most helpful right away, it lets you know what RPs you will need to get to raise your weapon score.


And no one gets to be a Warder until they find an Aes Sedai who wants to bond them. :)  The prospective ones sometimes come into the Yards to roleplay and get a feel for the characters available.


And Welcome! :)  So nice to see so many eager new faces.


Hey, I'm Talavan, but you can feel free to call me Lord and Master. Nice to meet you Visar, and Jacen, if anything confuses you you can post on these boards were're on now (Warder Dr Div) Or email any of the staff's personal emails or send one to warders.staff@gmail.com if you really need to. But you should probably try to stick to the first option of Warders (DR Div) and give it a little bit for someone to reply to your question.

  • 2 months later...

I'm brand shiny new! I think I need permission to peek at the privates. Does that come before or after an approved bio?


If I'm not going in the proper order, just pretend I am!

Guest nephitess

Hey all... Can i be added?


And where do I send my Bio?

Guest nephitess

THanks Q!! I sent it in! ;)


Maybe we can RP sometime. *ggls*


Umm... I guess I need access to the boards pretty soon too. I just sent in a Bio, but I"m still not getting where the heck those forums are, I clicked the link and all I'm seeing is tons of information...a little help again?

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