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My own special thread... Everyone let's hop on the short yellow Bus today.


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Well, already posted in the new members thread, and since it seems like all the new comers are asked to make their own thread, as I was too, I decided to do it.... hmmmm.... what can I say about myself as an introduction.. I tend to be a bit on the wacky side if you can't already tell then I apologize for not bringing it on heavy enough. I'm in the US Army currently stationed in Germany where I do lots of boring stuff. Really, trust me, it is so boring, if I told you, you'd probably die of absolute boredom. It's not even a joke man, I swear. But enough of that.


I originally started reading the WoT epic back in the 1900s..... an exact time, I can't give you, I just know it was that long ago alright? It was the 90's though, I do remember that much. Cause it was about the time I was getting ready gradumacate high school... and I graduated in 96... WOOHOO!!!!!! But anyhow, moving along.


I spend way too much time on my computer as evidenced by the fact that I am on forums posting, because it is so much more fun than real life most of the time. It really is which I find kind of sad at times, but then I look at whatever community I'm mingling with and smile happily cause they are always as good as real. :)


My main hobby of course is 3d modeling and animation. Right now, I honestly suck at it. Just got a copy of the 3D modeling/animation program I've been wanting, and going to start learning it as best as I can. One of my goals honestly is to try and make 3d animation shorts based on scenes in the books from WoT, using a sort of cartoonish style look, but still trying to make it look good and be serious, which I think can be done. Whether it happens or not is another story, I still gotta learn the program... But I'm sure all this is boring everyone, so I'll stop there..


On a final note, I'll just say one thing... Matrim Cauthon is the coolest of all the characters. WOOT!

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well , welcome to Dragonmount..again :D ..actually you sound as if you'll fit right in here..if you want to show of the wackyness definately check out fiddlesticks..though the orgs like oh say er..the wolfkin, as an example ( ;D ) are fun too..but hey have fun whatever you do here

oh also..there are probably people you could discuss the animation stuff with in the illuminators org..so yeah enjoy

this pet elm is yours right?


Hello and welcome!  Whilst you're looking around, why not check out the Ogier org and have a stein of ale with us?  I'll add my recommendation for the Wolfkin, too - there's a lot of fun to be had there, not to mention chilli and tq!


Have fun! :D


Welcome! The Illuminator's Org is precisely where you will want to go, as they are the creativity outlet. I would be careful about the shorts though... there are copyright laws that deal with those things. If you are ever concerned about copyright infringement, then speak to Kivam. He is our resident Lawyer.


Also, In the organized games forum I am starting a new mafia game, and the theme of it is Welcome to the Nuthouse. If you want to sign up, there's only 5 spots left. Be warned, the game won't start for about 2 weeks, as many of our regulars do need a break from the game. Also, this game isn't so new player friendly as others are, so you might do yourself well by reading through some previous or current games to get an idea of what its like should you choose to sign up.




Well, I'll be perusing all the orgs and what not before I commit to anything, or if I do commit to anything. The game does sound interesting, but I'll probably pass on it. I have a bad habit of disappearing for days at a time which doesn't help games of the nature for the most part, though I have attempted games of the nature before.


About the animations, I'll mainly be doing them as a way to teach myself and such, so all in all, it'll be a learning tool for me and it will mainly be a motivational step in getting me to want to learn everything. I'll definitely check out the Illuminator's though as well as all the other Orgs and see which one I think I may best fit into.


Kyros, I'll welcome you again to DM, and we all have our little 'quirks' and things ;D


I would like to say that the Illuminators sound right up your street.


But if you feel like anything lighter I'd recommend the Wolfies (already mentioned) and The band Of the Red Hand...for plenty of Battle brews, Brawls, and general fun and antics and it's the musci and travel Org.


And if you ever fancy the White Tower, please pop along to the red Ajah and say hi...we love new bloo people...and we are nothing like the books ;)



What ever you do enjoy yourself here and hope to see you round ;D


I'm sure I'll enjoy myself. I don't see how I cannot enjoy myself around here. I can only imagine how much fun I'll have. It'll be exhilarating to be a part of the community. The joys and bliss of collaborating silliness in the midsts of serious conversation is always a high point, and I see that taking place here all the time. So time to delve in and see what sort of mysteries lurk beyond the thinly placed veil over the forums and to dig deep into them and uncover everything that I can. Mwahahaha


Oh you'll find loads of silliness...errr...I think there will some seriousness somewhere...now can't remember where.


Enjoy the delving and finding the mysteries lurking, and if you do can you please set me know...can't seem to work them out ;), Though don't dig too deep, there's the TQ lake monster Larry, and Bob the warder moat monster...just remember to wear gloves ;D


Gloves huh? Should I inquire as to why I should wear gloves? Seems rather ominous to me...... And dang it... let me go find my rubber gloves now just in case... There's always something isn't there.


Slightly less likely to lose appendages.... ;D


Edit...darn keyboard...hehe


Well, I'm not afraid of losing appendages. Nope, not in the least. In fact I dare any phenom out there to attempt to take an appendage from me... I'll give them a what for, yes I will... well, I would try at least that is. Hehehehe. But nothing skeers me except my own reflection, but that doesn't count.


I'm quite fond of mine..so didn't want to lose them ;D, So I can't take any of your appendages ;)


I'm scared of your reflection too, but don't tell anyone...hehe


I'm quite fond of mine..so didn't want to lose them ;D, So I can't take any of your appendages ;)


I'm scared of your reflection too, but don't tell anyone...hehe


Yeah, my reflection scares everyone for some reason.... good thing it's only my reflection and nothing else.... I suppose if I stopped trying to do all sorts of things in front of the mirror like flexing and such, my reflection wouldn't be so scary.... and trust me, I have no muscles to be trying to flex so it is really scary.


Do you guys really flex in front of a mirror...oh I would love to see that ;D


Well no one can see you here, so you say you have big musles and the size of them scares you...I'd believe you ;)


Do you guys really flex in front of a mirror...oh I would love to see that ;D


Well no one can see you here, so you say you have big musles and the size of them scares you...I'd believe you ;)


Yeah, I could say that, but unfortunately even here I don't like to lie... Lying just doesn't suit me. It's the lack of muscles that scares me... and seriously, no I don't flex in front of a mirror. lol Just sounded good.

and seriously, no I don't flex in front of a mirror. lol Just sounded good


So I don't get to see this flexing *sighs*, and Loki has no mirror...no fun for a girl anymore. ;)


Well... if you want flexing... I suppose I could accommodate you.. it wouldn't be civil of me not to do such a thing, since after all you were kind enough to welcome me to the forums.





Well, anything for the ladies I always say. It's better for them to be happy than the guys anyhow if you ask me. An upset guy just mopes about, an upset lady gets violent... So whatever the ladies ask for, I shall attempt to give.


Most say they don't get violent often.... I only believe upon seeing... But it never hurts to tread on safe ground for a while to ensure such proclamations are made in a factual state and aren't just a jest. I like to be safe rather than sorry. Can't blame a humble guy like me... I can easily be broken in two like a twig.


Welcome Kyros! I heard from my lovely sis, Talya that you are in need of company and that you were flexing....so of course I just had to pop by and see..I mean pop by and drool..no...erm...welcome!! Yes thats it..pop by and welcome you! I am glad we sorted that out..now where were we?


Oh yes..if you like Matrim Cauthon (who I agree is the best character by far ;)) the the Band of the Red Hand Org is for you. You start as a Recruit and spend 3 weeks visiting each of the three regiments..the Cavalry, the Archers and the Infantry and then join whichever reg you fancy...which of course will be the best one *coughInfantrycough*  ;D


Pleased to meet you ;)..oh and I'm never violent...I'm merely...persuasive! yes..persuasive, thats the word!


Oh persuasive...I like that Kara...*makes a note of it*


Oh I wouldn't break you Kyros..no worries there ;D


I don't think yu've had the pleasure of a snugglebite, well you might have , can't remember..


*snugglebites the delicious Kyros*


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