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  On 3/3/2025 at 10:10 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I'm talking about Turin and Dice being so suspicious of Zander's memes in the first ten minutes of the game. I get we don't have a lot to go at that point, but shoildnt we be reserving judgement until we see a pattern? 


That said Zander did choose those memes and subjects deliberately so... 


Can you quote where Dice has been suspicious of Z? I didn't get that impression that he was, so I was wondering if this was a you-thing reading into it, or if I truly missed something here.


Sooh, I may have missed it, but why do you have Andy villagery-ish?


Heavy,  my suspicion of Z is not for the meme itself but what the purpose of it could be. It pings extra to me because it references someone I found shady in game. Now he could have picked a random person to be funny, but I don't like it and don't really believe in coincidence in mafia. 


With that I need a nap because I'm  really old. Hopefully see you in a couple hours. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 10:16 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Sooh, I may have missed it, but why do you have Andy villagery-ish?


Heavy,  my suspicion of Z is not for the meme itself but what the purpose of it could be. It pings extra to me because it references someone I found shady in game. Now he could have picked a random person to be funny, but I don't like it and don't really believe in coincidence in mafia. 


With that I need a nap because I'm  really old. Hopefully see you in a couple hours. 


I'll get to it after meeting time if I can before EOD.

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:33 AM, dicetosser1 said:


Zander being Zander isnt a red flag. At least for me. Im a tone reader. One of the things I look for is is Xs tone consistent? is it consistent with what i have seen from them when theyve been town/scum in other games. That sort of stuff plus consistency in what they said 10 mins ago and what their saying now.


I cannot see the original post that made me think Dice was overreacting (allegedly) to Zander. Here though we can see him not denying his suspicion but rationalising it 


So tricky. You are all sus. 


I think Mills is flying a bit under the radar. He seemed a bit too keen to latch onto "towniest of townies", a bit too keen to back up a Turin vote, a little bit too quiet (though real life obviously way more important, even for a wolf). And Donchadh also backed up Turin vote without adding to the vote themselves. 


Not sure about Cairos. Some red flags, but some based on other people's behaviour other than  his own. 


And everyone wants to believe Sooh. That reasonable voice, gentle humour, the way she intelligently sees there is nothing sus about the way I'm playing - or she knows for certain I'm town therefore can easily back me up for town brownie points. 


Until people start to reacting to who dies, who gets lynched, etc, this is all a big nothing burger imo. 




TURIN - 1  (Andy)

CAIROS - 3 (Dice, Turin, Sooh)

HEAVY - 2 (Millon, Zander)

ZANDER - 1 (Heavy)

ANDY - 1 (Cairos)


NOT VOTING - Donchadh, Gudrean


6 to Lynch - Hammer Game


End of Day 1 Timer




Votes in Bold Red. You must Unvote before changing your vote.


Cheese and Rice!  If I wasn't confused before I am now. Not complaining because I find it all amusing and fun. Trying to think of how I would behave if I was a wolf trying to through the townies off, but in RL i'm pretty much an open book and usually pretty honest unless it would hurt someone's feelings. So here goes:


@Donchadh is mostly MIA - not sure if that is RL stuffs or purposely being quiet cause he's a wolf.

@Andy MacLeod has some of the best logic and clear explanation I have read. But does that mean she's a wolf or has a mentor?

@Sooh gives me nice auntie vibes but I don't know her well enough to see through that if it's wolfy play.

@HeavyHalfMoonBlade does seem to be quite astute of a player for a newbie but he could just be that awesome!

@Cairos My brother and leader, I was sus of him at first but not sure now since he's throwing I'm as lost as you vibes lately. Everyone else seems to think he's experienced at this though which makes me sus of it, plus he's busy saving lives. 

@Zander? Gives me gigantic red flags just for the sheer number of posts but everyone agrees he is always a massive poster. So we will return to him later. 

@dicetosser1 Super experienced and could work a newbie like me easily into thinking he's town. But gives me helpful big brother vibes.

@Turin Turambar Has made me think townie most of the game but I could be just enjoying his knowledge and friendly nature. Also he's very experienced at this game and again i'm a noob.

@Millon Seems like a townie but also not at the same time so I am completely thrown off by him. Is he usually good at this game? I'm not sure so I can't get the best read.


I'm just not sure I can vote with a sound heart given the info I currently have. No one person has made me feel like they are absolutely wolf. I will abstain for day 1.



I have to take 3 of my kids to a dentist appt today so I will not be around during the end of day timer phase so I will just see what happens and hope that I don't get offed in the night due to my lack of vote.


Actually I might be back in time for EoD phase but I still believe in my choice of not voting!





@Gudrean, I humbly request that you reconsider voting. For if you are town and you abstain then we need EVERY SINGLE TOWNIE to vote the same person or to get some mafia to vote their own in order to lynch a wolf today.


If we don't get a lynch we get no info.

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:25 AM, Sooh said:

😉  ❤️


I kinda love the tone of this post. 


I agree. It warms my snarky Gen X heart to hear that kinda sass.

  Reveal hidden contents

I also like the GF catch you made. I still wanna hear about Andy.

  On 3/3/2025 at 7:24 AM, dicetosser1 said:


Sounds like an admission.


Also noting Cairos quoted and is talking about Heavy but votes Andy.


THEN goes on to finally quote Andy in his next post.


Also has me as GF in particular and not just mafia?


We need to lynch a Sarm. Its a sad day. This is the lynch that needs to happen.




Beating Cavs is an Infantryman's 4th favorite thing to do in order behind..


1.  Winning

2. Women 

3. Wine

4. Whooping Calvary's butts 



  On 3/3/2025 at 8:28 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Have to say you are all tots sus. Like really. All this cloak and dagger stuff is driving me insane. Andy actually makes the most sense, but that just goes to show how any group of players could wolves. But yes, why is Zander being Zander such a red flag to players that have so often played with him. Are they in cahoots or is Zander an incredibly suspicious dupe in all this? 


Just to clear a point about me seeing old posts, this was posts not threads. Finding the most recent posts involved simply looking at the users activity where I could only see their posts, not the conversation. I also had to look for the last roll call they made so that involved scrolling a bit through their activity. So lots of talk about mafia, not a lot of coherent sense. 


It is so frustrating as wolves don't need to do anything different from town. They can throw suspicion on each other, especially on day 1, as who takes that seriously? The only time we really see their intent is who dies, but again is that the most accurate townie or a bluff or a double bluff? 


Is Dice pushing for Cairos sus? Turin backing him up, based on posts Zander made? 


Andy hasn't explained why she voted for Turin early, not directly even though she has substantiated a very good reason to be suspicious of him. But anyone pointing out suspicious things is suspicious. What do they want us to think?


Personally I think you all did it and I'm the only town, lol. 


Sticking with Zander for now. 




This is the burden I bare for all Townies worldwide....

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:29 AM, dicetosser1 said:

There is a bit of repeating answers to non solve things like what is WIFOM that you can probably skip Sooh



And about 50% of theat dumbass Zanders posts...that guys an idiot!!!!!


I guess I will go with my original choice then.


Vote: Cairos


Can't give you quotes but just to say he seemed sus to me in the beginning and seems to be playing it safe a lot.


Could just be that he's busy but that could also be helping him in this situation. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:33 AM, dicetosser1 said:


Zander being Zander isnt a red flag. At least for me. Im a tone reader. One of the things I look for is is Xs tone consistent? is it consistent with what i have seen from them when theyve been town/scum in other games. That sort of stuff plus consistency in what they said 10 mins ago and what their saying now.





You know I've never ever ever randed Wolf in over 100 games of Mafia only Villa and Minority Villa.....lolololol

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:35 AM, dicetosser1 said:

@Sooh both Zander and I asked about it and zander pushed a bit but Turin isnt talking. My read is that its probably personal beliefs about how you play the game.  I honestly dont think its an issue actually.



I think it's kinda important/shrug.   Turin skirting and not answering is pinging to me.  Not gonna beat it to death ATP but I hope if Im not here tomorrow people will look back and see what I was thinking.

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:36 AM, Sooh said:

It just feels like something that shouldn't die with him if we lose him at EOD or overnight. 


Sooh you planning on Nk'ing me?!?!?!!!



  On 3/3/2025 at 8:38 AM, Sooh said:

Has Ithi confirmed that if we don't get 6 votes on a player it will go to a no lynch? Like if it's not tied, will the person with the most votes die?



  On 3/3/2025 at 8:41 AM, dicetosser1 said:

yes she has @Sooh



Please because you both know in dumb just quickly explain EOD setup and in how many hours DL is please because I struggle with the new site formats and playing from my phone....I love you guys! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:42 AM, Sooh said:

Unless it's Hallia. 

I'm not sure what connections you're referring to? To me it sounds like a summary of early game tbh.


Also I'll be back in a bit. Got to do some actual work-that-I-get-paid-for work



New players claiming to have pegged all the Wolf team halfway thru D1 .  That's the connections and issues I'm struggling with it them.




TURIN - 1  (Andy)

CAIROS - 4 (Dice, Turin, Sooh, Gudrean)

HEAVY - 2 (Millon, Zander)

ZANDER - 1 (Heavy)

ANDY - 1 (Cairos)


NOT VOTING - Donchadh


6 to Lynch - Hammer Game


End of Day 1 Timer




Votes in Bold Red. You must Unvote before changing your vote.

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:52 AM, Sooh said:

Wolves will vote both townies and wolves alike. People attempt to read vote counts and trains to find wolves, but it's only semi-successful in my experience.

3 pages? Try 8. Also who is scum in your opinion? Give me a bottom 1 or 2 that you think.

I saw. You think they are buddy-buddy?




Remember my promise to not put a hard read on you till Day2 will forever be in effect Soohray !!!!!!


I'm not like locked in on them being W/W ATP I'm just saying if I'm gone and one of then flips Wolf and the other is Lock Clear then look hard at the other.

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:05 AM, Turin Turambar said:

I think that I have explained that I see the entire town leader thing to be potentially a strong mafia player being the loudest voice to poo-poo any discussion on a weaker teammate to protect them just by repeating how that player is town to them. Especially when the other player has come across in thread as shady(sorry Cairos, but in game you are shady to me). That you only softly sussed him later while still pushing at me and now Heavy (who could be mafia) strikes me as trying to walk the line of not defending Cairos but not really being willing to lynch him. You know that is a place mafia like to stay in regards teammates. 


You can be sus of me all you want. Ask yourself this, am I working to solve? Or am I pushing a narrative? I like that you seem to be working now. I am not really interested in trying to lynch you today. I think Cairos is the way to go. Can you at least acknowledge that what you do is a technique that mafia have used to cover teammates? 



Well since I know I'm town it seems like you're pushing a narrative against me for some lol reasons and a few reasons that make since if it's a legit Town!Turin PoV.  Every single one of you is a Wolf to me until it's mechanical proven your not lol.



                -Cory Curren




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